Posts from tag PPS Success Mastery
Tips For A Better Butt + More!
Happy Day! It’s a beautiful, sparkling day after a much needed hard rain yesterday. I hope your week and weekend have gone well. If you’ve bumped into some challenges along the way, that is good too! Our ego’s love to […]
I Open My Heart To The One
Happy Monday! I hope you are all creating love in yourself each day as a gift to the world. I’m taking the day off from working today to rest after a week of meetings with the CHEK Institute Faculty and […]
New Year 2016 Planning Tips
Happy Monday! I hope you are enjoying the New Year! We are getting lots of rain here in San Diego, which is lovely, and much needed! I chose to leave “Exploring Pornography Pt. 3” up for an additional week to […]
Exploring Pornography Pt 2 (3)
Happy Monday! I suspect most of you were out Holiday shopping this weekend, but I hope you had some time to play and rest too. My vacation started last Friday, so I’ve been enjoying some down time and fun with […]
Harnessing Your Pleasure Cycle
Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a lovely Labor Day weekend, and didn’t engage in too much labor. In my blog today, I will share: 1. My 38:00 vblog presentation on how to harness your pleasure cycle. 2. My […]
Your Living Philosophy Is?
Happy Tuesday! I hope you are all living, loving, learning and growing each day. In my blog today, I will share: 1. Your Philosophy Is? My video blog today looks into the importance of identifying what your living philosophy is […]
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