Posts from tag health
The Fastest Way to Health Part 1
I know my last few vlogs have been running a bit behind, but I believe this new six-part series about the fastest way to health will more than make up for the delays. If you really want to learn […]
What the Health Documentary: My Commentary Part 1 of 2
Happy Tuesday! In this week’s vlog, I’ll share part 1 of my two-part commentary about the recently released documentary, What The Health (learn more at Let’s start with some positive comments about What The Health, as it did do […]
Happy Meals = Healthy Meals
Happy Monday! As you read this, my family and are probably in Oregon visiting my son, Paul Jr., and my mother and her husband. Later in the week, we’ll be cruising down to San Francisco (as much as possible we’ll […]
Fungal Infection as Teacher
Happy Monday! As you read this, my family and I are somewhere in the western region of the US enjoying our motor home vacation. As the old saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”! So […]
Zen In The Garden May 19, 2017 with Paul Chek
Happy Monday, I hope your day is springing nicely for you! In my blog today, I will share: 1. Zen In The Garden: A live one-day workshop with Paul Chek in Heaven! 2. How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy! […]
Swiss Ball Multidimensional Core Training
Happy Monday To You! I hope you are inspired to love, live fully and grow more today. Today, I have a few fun items to share with you, including: 1. Swiss Ball Multidimensional Core Training vlog 2. Loving Yourself 3. […]
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