Posts from tag Consciousness
Plant Consciousness with Dr. Monica Gagliano
Learn how plants communicate with us if we’re paying close attention with Dr. Monica Gagliano this week on my blog/vlog.
Distance Healing
I want to share a very simple approach for distance healing on my blog/vlog you can use to help your friends, your family, your pets or anyone you want to work with on healing, even yourself!
What Does It Mean to Thrive as an Athlete?
This week on my blog, learn what it takes to thrive as an athlete!
The Spirituality of Being at Paleo f(x)
Happy Monday everyone! Our family experienced a lot more chaos — opportunities for learning — than we ever expected during and after Paleo f(x) in Austin, Texas, which is why last week’s blog/vlog was so tardy, so I hope this […]
The Seven A’s of Healing Part 1: Acceptance
Happy Monday to you all! I hope that life is wonderful wherever you live in the world. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing a new series of blogs/vlogs based on the final chapter of Dr. Gabor Mate’s excellent […]
My New Power Animal and Spirit Guide Workshop
I am very excited to announce my newest workshop, Discover Your Power Animals and Spirit Guides, which I will be presenting in Carlsbad, Calif., Saturday Feb. 3, 2018. The following day, Sunday Feb. 4, Angie will be presenting her workshop, […]
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