Posts from tag Meditation
The Thought Process With Matthew Zoltan
Is your thought process is getting in the way of living your life to the fullest? If so, check out this excerpt from my recent Living 4D conversation with Matthew Zoltan to discover a different way of looking at the world.
How Remote Viewing Works
Watch how I experienced remote viewing for the very first time when I was a young teenager this week on my blog/vlog.
Meditation Tips For Beginners
Need some tips on how to improve your meditation practice? Penny and I talk about some of the strategies I use how you can make them work too in this blog/vlog.
Creating Core Harmony
Learn more about the benefits of the Core Harmonizer, a unit designed to create a coherent, harmonious field via sacred nested geometries, coherent frequency-based music and light.
How to Stay Balanced
This week’s blog/vlog is all about how to cut out the noise in life and remain grounded and balanced, yet able to handle what life throws at you.
Connecting To YourSELF
This week, I want to help you shed those superficial perspectives, and develop a more holistic approach to the world around you.
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