November 5, 2012


Happy Day to You!

Well, I’m getting ready to teach my last workshop in the series for this trip to Australia. The trip has been phenomenal each day. The students have been second to none!

You Australian’s should be proud of your educational ethics.


Scientific Stretching is one of my most popular workshops in the past few years since I developed it, and it is one of my most metaphysical workshops as well.

Many people come to the course thinking it is going to be a bunch of stretching techniques, but are often pleasantly surprised to learn about how the body and mind work.

In this course, I show how the mind influences our physiology and how we create and carry tension/energy in our bodies.

In this course, I put Daniel Siegel, MD’s definition of mind to work in its full capacity:

MIND: An embodied process that regulates the flow of energy and information.

In the photo above, I’m overviewing the life process from a holistic perspective. I explain how Pure Potential (Unconditional Love or the Zero Point Field) creates Mind.

I then explain how vibration (OM) is the source of Mind, which produces the elements and all octaves of vibration that create what we know of as reality.

I explain that stretching can influence our disposition (body-mind construct) from the physical end (Bottom Up), or the mental-emotional end (Top Down).

The secret to good long-term results is being clear on what you desire to create in your self and your life.

Here you can see some of my students performing the stretch tests (length-tension tests) in my book, How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy!

Though it may seem as simple as reading the book, there are many specific variables that are important to understand if the stretch tests are to be used effectively when coaching others.

I taught my students how to read the body from a psycho-energetic perspective so they are capable of knowing what key questions to ask their clients about their life.

Here you can see me teaching my students how to effectively stretch the hip flexor chain in three dimensions. Some stretches are quite complex due to the complexity of our anatomy.

This is why taking a course from someone with legitimate practical knowledge and skills is so important compared to just reading a book.

The teacher can always take you deeper than you can typically go alone without the depth of knowledge required to understand the nuances of the body-mind construct.

I taught my students how to use muscle testing as a means of making choices in their lives when they haven’t developed the subtle sense needed to feel the communications of their own soul.

I showed them by using muscle testing that any time they tell themselves, or others a lie, it weakens their body. This class drill has been a shocker for pretty much everyone that takes my workshops!

Here you can see me putting my students through an exercise where I have them test their rotational flexibility. Then, I put them through a mental stretching exercise where they don’t move their body.

I have them go through a visualization process with me, then we retest our flexibility.

Everyone that’s ever done this exercise with me is quite surprised that they can gain as much flexibility through effectively using their mind as they typically would stretching physically, but much faster!

I explained that mental stretching techniques are particularly good for golfers and athletes that may be in a rush or don’t want to lay on the ground.

Here you can see all my amazing, beautiful students that attended Scientific Stretching. Thank You to all of you for a great time teaching and sharing my knowledge.

Here you can see me signing Dan O’Malley’s How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy! book.

Dan works at Place Of Chi with Donal and Cathy and he’s a lovely young man who’s motivated to work his way through the CHEK Advanced Training system.

I signed lots of books for people after every class I’ve had on tour so far and many of them were gifts that students had purchased to share with people they love. That makes me feel good.

Staying Fit On The Road

I’ve been committed to my workouts while here. Donal and I deadlifted after class was over. It’s pretty hard for me to do any heavy lifting in the evening after teaching all day.

My natural peak for my androgens is around 10:30 AM, and as the day goes by, I feel more and more plat physically (at least in relation to heavy lifting).

When I’m on the road, I go into the gym with the attitude that I will play myself into shape each evening instead of trying to accomplish any specific training objective.

This way, I always feel good about giving myself what I “need” instead of what my ego-mind thinks it wants.

Here you can see Donal and I doing a set of reptilian crawling in the parking lot. This gives us enough room to get to a point of fatigue, which is hard to do in a gym with people and/or equipment in it.

I’m sure it also makes for great conversation with Donal’s neighbors too!

Every now and then I get a little spicy with the boys just so they know the older guy isn’t dead yet ☺.


Troy Casey (The Certified Health Nut) just returned from another healing trip to the Amazon where he took some of my HLC 3 students and friends to experience the culture and some real shamanic healing.

Here you can see Elaine (HLC 3 Practitioner) with Troy’s little girl, Athena in the Amazon. I was excited to see that Elaine and Barbero from our last HLC 3 course in Vista, Ca. went with Troy.

I’m sure it was an enlightening experience for both of them!

Troy shared several pieces of art he did while in the Amazon. I wanted to share this one with you because it is an important healing message fro all of us!

Thanks for being the amazing man and health advocate that you are Troy! You truly are!THE CERTIFIED HEALTH NUT! Thank God for that too!

Well, that brings you all up to date on my life and my trip Down Under.

I’m having a day of rest at the beach today and will build something out of stones with Donal, Cathy and Vidya.

I’m doing a juice fast for the day today and will enjoy a nice dinner to celebrate a little light inner-cleaning on Vidya’s excellent juices today.

I hope you all enjoyed the blog today and feel inspired to love and live fully!

Love and chi,
Paul Chek