Posts from tag Fungus and Parasites
Hypothyroidism, Food Choices, and Zen in the Garden!
Hello! Happy Monday to You! I had a fantastic weekend and I hope you did too! I took the day off Friday and got a great massage, took a steam bath, and relaxed into some art with a friend. Saturday, […]
Do You Have a Fungal or Parasite Infection? (Pt. 4 of 4)
Happy Thursday to You! I had a great day yesterday. I was busy developing new exercise and lifestyle programs for clients, but found time get into the gym with Vidya for a nice lunge workout. My buddies, Gary Crozier and […]
Healing Fungal and Parasite Infections (Pt.3)
Happy Wednesday to You! It’s a beautiful day here in the mountains of Escondido! I had a great day yesterday. I get to work with a lot of amazing people with incredible accomplishments to their name on a regular basis. […]
Do You Have a Fungal or Parasite Infection? (Pt.2)
Happy Tuesday to You! I had a fantastic day yesterday with my first client visit to my new location; by the way, I have moved my personal office to a remote location for my personal needs and we are moving […]
Healing Fungal and Parasite Infections ~ The Absolute Essentials!
Happy Friday, Today is a great day to be alive! Its been a busy week for me so I decided to take the day off, get a massage and visit with friends. Last night I answered common questions regarding parasites […]
Celebrating Holistic Intergration & Fungus and Parasite Launch Today!
Happy Thursday to You! I hope your day is as beautiful as mine; the rain is falling and as I sit here writing, it is as though I’m sitting inside a cloud with mountains peeking through at me. Yesterday, my […]
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