Good Wednesday to You!
I had a lovely day with clients yesterday.
I spent some time working with Paul Leendertse in the morning and we covered a lot of good ground together. Paul’s the HLC and CHEK Practitioner writing the excellent book on how to better understand and heal from cancer; you can sign up to be notified of the book release at: www.whatsinatear.com
After I met with Paul for a couple hours, Ashley Bourne came to visit me. We put together a plan for her to get in shape.
Ashley is the youngest of the people that have attended PPS Lesson 1 live at a tender, but wise 18 years of age. She’s exploring the possibility of becoming a CHEK Practitioner and HLC Practitioner so I was excited to support her with coaching so she can live her dream of exploring the CHEK program fully.
I taught Ashley a simple, but powerful form of tai-chi I call the stork walk. She was very good at it in no time. We had a lovely session together and it felt like we were two birds flying in formation. It was as though we knew exactly where the other was and could follow each other effortlessly. Great Job Ashley!
After I finished my coaching sessions, I was feeling great having already done two good tai-chi sessions. I headed to the gym here in Rory’s building and did some deep walking lunges (70 x 24) followed by cable front squats (100 x 20) followed by SB reverse crunches (12-20 reps) and I did three circuits.
My next stop was the steam bath where I did some great toning and breathing exercises until I had a deep sweat.
After dinner, we went to see the new Bourne movie. We enjoyed it overall but thought it wasn’t as good as the other previous editions. It moves pretty slow for about the first two thirds of the movie. When the action picks up, it was fun, yet we all agreed that it was too much of a copy of the old Bourne movies and lacked its own unique flavor. I would rate it at a 7/10 for an action movie; I’d rate “Taken” with Liam Neeson as a 9.5-10 on my scale if that gives you a working comparison.
We took our own organic popcorn with organic butter and fresh ground sea salt. It was AWESOME. Vidya makes amazing pop corn and we won’t eat the empty gmo commercial pop corn. A movie is a lot of fun when you know that even your treats are good and nutritious.
Today I’ll be meeting pro hockey player Jay Harrison for a tai-chi session. Then I’ll sneak in a bit of exercise between my PPS coaching call and my webinar this afternoon on Understanding the Chek Totem Pole; you can sign up for that presentation (today at 12:00 PDT) at www.chekinstitute.com if you are interested.
It will be similar to my blog series in overall presentation.
Tomorrow I teach my preconference How To Work in at CanFit Pro. I hope to see you there!
Penny arrives here today so I’m excited to see her.
Vidya heads home and I know that she’s had a great visit to Toronto. I also know she loves being home in California near the ocean. Thank you Vidya for your support personally and professionally!
Stay focused on living your dreams. Have a great day!
When you are one with the Universe, you sense your purpose effortlessly.
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
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