Show and Tell . . .
An Abundant Wednesday to You!
I’m back in the office for the rest of the week to catch up on tasks so that I can leave on my retreat!
Well, it was a great trip to Toronto to teach my one day special event of two presentations for Can Fit Pro, and to NYC for the Annual ECA event.
Penny and I had a great time together. We are grateful that we got to stay with my buddy Rory Mullin at his lovely home in Toronto and enjoy his mother’s great food!
While at Rory’s house, I gut the urge to draw what I was feeling in Toronto at the time and this is what came out:
The image represents the four doctors of my 4 Doctors living philosophy.
They are each expressions of each other and all of them, Dr. Quiet, Dr. Happiness, Dr. Movement and Dr. Diet live within each and all of us.
The black and red squares around the inner circle represents the force of yin, which is strong in Toronto during the winter and spring season.
The center circle represents Unconditional Love expressing itself as the social mind of the citizens of Toronto.
I really enjoy being in Toronto. The city reminds me of San Francisco in mind-set. Though it can be very cold there, the people don’t let that stop them from being creative and productive.
Here you can see the large turnout for my presentations in Toronto. The students were lovely and motivated to learn. The program was well presented and managed by the staff at Can Fit Pro.
I feel blessed that so many people are interested in my message of how to achieve health and well-being in Toronto. It was also great to catch up with many friends and students there.
I was able to connect with my buddy Phil Delaire for a day of consultation and inner-exploration with some members of his team.
Barney Kuntze helped Penny at the booth, which she was grateful for as well. Josette Curry came to visit me after my lectures ended in Toronto and it was good to see her in person.
Here you can see me lecturing at ECA in NYC. My lectures were well attended and the delegates were motivated learners.
My New York trip began with a one-day pre-conference workshop on Functional Core Conditioning. We had 50 or a little more in attendance.
Due to the high number of CHEK Practitioners in the group, I was able to guide the students into some of the deeper aspects of core conditioning and help create some clarity for them.
It was quite unusual to have three CHEK Level 4 Practitioners in one class. Tomi Toles, who is a TEAM CHEK presenter for the CHEK Institute was there to assist me with the class.
I also had Josh Lebow and Kris Timpert with us in class, which was lovely for the students. It was really great to see Tomi, Josh and his wife Kerry, and Kris Timpert. Thanks for all your love and support!
As usual in my classes I get a lot of questions like, “but Paul, Stuart McGill says!”, or “but, so and so says!” I did my best to use my clinical knowledge and experience to help people find their way through the complex weave of expert opinions.
For those of you that would like to significantly increase the effectiveness of your offering and expand your skill-set so that you can better help people with back pain and orthopedic disorders in general, my correspondence courses titled Scientific Core Conditioning and Scientific Back Training (II) will offer you many practical tools and detailed explanations of functional anatomy that bring clarity and confidence to your work.
My recently released Scientific Shoulder Training is also loaded with practical assessments, exercises, and functional anatomy explanations.
While traveling on the road, it is often very hard to find food worthy of human consumption.
I’m very grateful that Gigi Barlow (CHEK Level 3) and her husband John Marsh (HLC 1) opened their amazing organic restaurant (Green Market Square Tavern) in Manhattan.
It was only a few minutes away from Time Square by cab so we celebrated the end of the tour with an amazing meal there.
Here you can see Chef and HLC Practitioner John Marsh out collecting the best food in NYC area.
He has searched out the best farmers and suppliers in NYC and goes to great length to provide people with the best, most live-giving foods he can offer, which we all really appreciate!
John is also an amazing chocolatier. He and his team created the most amazing Real Food chocolate bar I’ve ever had!
My body doesn’t typically do well with chocolate or nuts, but whatever John did in the creation of his Real Bar allows me to enjoy a chocolate treat that is actually “food and nutrition”.
If you want the chocolate bar of a lifetime, contact them and order a box. You won’t be disappointed!
If you’d like to visit Green Market Square Tavern, or order some “Real Bars”, you can reach them here:
5 West 21 Street, New York, NY 10010
between 5th and 6th Avenues
phone: 212 929 2468
fax: 212 929 2488
Mon-Fri 8:00 am-11:00 am BREAKFAST
11:30 am-4:30 pm LUNCH
5:00 pm-11:00 pm DINNER
Sat. 11:00 am-11:00 pm BRUNCH and DINNER
Sun. 11:00-4:00 pm for BRUNCH
Here you can see Penny, Gigi, and Tommy sitting at our table after just being served our starters at Green Market Square Tavern.
The food was so beautiful and tasty that I had to take a photo to share with you all. We had a feast!
One of their chefs made some gluten free corn bread. I LOVE corn bread but often can’t eat it due to all the fillers and additives people use making it. Not here! I was in hog heaven with this corn bread, butter and organic jam. Amazing!
While we were having dinner, we got to visit with several other CHEK Practitioners that were also there. That was really fun too.
Brian Kermizian and his wife Shawn shared how their children really enjoyed eating and living the CHEK way, which was exciting for me to hear.
I love knowing that my teachings are reaching the children. They are our future!
I was also amazed on this trip how many people told me they read my blog regularly! Thanks for your trust in my teachings and guidance. Love to share with you all.
Here you can see us after the last day of teaching. This is a worked out and talked out Paul with the ever vital Tomi Toles.
Tomi was very helpful as were several other CHEK Practitioners, aiding Penny with the booth, packaging and shipping, and all the details that must be addressed at conferences.
Thanks to all of you! We couldn’t have done such a great job for people without your help!
Once I got home from NYC, I had a chance to sit in my rock garden and reflect on the trip to Toronto and ECA NY.
While revisiting all the amazing people, places and experiences, this vision came to me. This drawing represents The Spirit of our trip.
Contained within this symbolic image is all the people, places and relationships I experience along the way.
Thanks again to everyone that participated in the Toronto and NYC ECA events.
Gary and Carol Scott, founders of ECA did another beautiful job of their conference and I’m glad to be associated with them.
Well, that’s what’s going on in my life and I’ll look forward to sharing more with you tomorrow.
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
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