November 27, 2013

How To Work-In With Breathing Squats

Happy Wednesday to You!

I hope your week has been productive so far.

I’ve been busy catching up on backlogged work since many of my coaching clients are traveling or getting ready for family events around Thanksgiving.

Today I’m doing a Q&A with Barney Kuntz about how I use Young Living Essential Oils with myself and my clients. To join us at 12pm PT today click on this link:

I’m excited to teach our upcoming HLC2 course next week in Carlsbad, CA. We have a big class and there are lots of really cool and interesting people attending this class as well as some movers and shakers.

Angie Lustrick and Jator Gonzalez will be reviewing the class to begin their instructor training so they can eventually teach HLC2, so I’ll have lots of help. We are in a new location close to the beach this time, so it should be fun for students to be able to enjoy the beach life and nightlife in Carlsbad.

I’m taking Thursday through Sunday off this week, so I’m really excited to come up to my Heaven House and do some painting tomorrow. I’ve been trying to find time to finish a painting I started a few weeks ago, and I want to do some paintings as Christmas gifts this year as well.

I’m also looking forward to a nice slow session in the gym, or lifting stones depending on how I’m feeling at the time.

Speaking of getting outside to lift stones and playing in nature, Ben Madden is a Chek HLC2 Practitioner and famous strong man. Ben lives in South Australia, is 41 yrs of age and 5 times South Australia’s Strongest Man, life time natural. He is 6’5”  Now 107kg.  Competition weight 130-135kg.

ben tree chins

Here you can see what some good down-under Aussie strong man training looks like!

ben winter rock

Ben is a big, strong man, and he’s a lot of fun to lift stones with. He’s been running his business ATLAS PT AND WELLNESS since 2008. He is passionate about integrating a primal lifestyle into today’s world. To contact him: [email protected]

Thanks for being such a great inspiration Ben!

How To Work-In: Breathing Squats
Today in my vlog, I demonstrate how to perform a breathing squats; see p. 105 my book, How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy!, Chapter 6. Energizing Exercises for many more simple effective energizing exercises that anyone can use to gain vitality.

Breathing Squat

The energizing (or zone) exercises I share in my book, HTEM&BH!, as well as my multimedia ebook, The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need are very simple and effective.

I’ve had letters from around the world describing the amazing benefits people have experienced with as little as ten minutes of practice a day.

Exercise works very well for many body-mind conditions, provided you know which exercises to use, and how to use them. I go over such issues quite extensively in my book HTEM&BH!, as well as in the CHEK Practitioner Advanced Training Programs.

In my vlog today, I share the importance of breathing properly during energizing exercises and soft arts such as tai-chi and qi-gong. Then I give you an explanation of the breathing squat. I also show how it can be modified to suit pretty much anyone from people stuck in a hospital bed to the fully functional persons that just went to enhance their life-force energy.

I hope you have a lovely day and that you remember to celebrate the “Blessings” of life with your loved ones!

I’ll be sharing another simple energizing technique on Friday.

Love and chi,
Paul Chek