July 18, 2012


Happy Tuesday to You!

Things are moving along beautifully at Chek Level 4.

My days are very busy and fly by in a flash.

Yesterday at lunch, I snuck in a quick deadlift and reptilian crawling workout. I worked up to 315 off the box for four sets of six and crawled immediately after. In just 25 minutes I got a beautiful, stimulating workout. I felt so good with my deadlifts I think today is a good day to go heavy and get the androgens flowing.

My new DVD program for overcoming fungal and parasite infections is coming along very well. I’m in the final editing phase and the program looks fantastic!

If you want to be notified of the program release and take advantage of the early bird special, feel free to go to www.chekinstitute.com and look for the rotating banner right on the home page leading you to your free report on overcoming fungal and parasite infections.

In the free report, I share many important aspects of fungal and parasite infections that will give you a better understanding of how to heal from them so you can get started with the changes you can make now.

Once the program is released, you can go much deeper and gain a comprehensive understanding of these issues.

The number of people with these problems is significant and helping people heal from fungal and parasite infections can greatly enhance their life and understanding of how to live the six foundation principles of the CHEK HLC program.


Here you can see the beautiful and highly intelligent Hanna assessing Andrew’s energy field and chakras. I’ve taught my students a simple, effective method for assessing subtle energies and they are doing great with their practices.

Here you can see me teaching my students how to assess the respiratory rhythms throughout the body. I’m teaching them the difference between breathing as a global activity and local cellular respiration.

Though most are unaware that the entire body participates in the breathing process, I’m showing them how to assess inhalation/supination and exhalation/pronation in all areas of the body to identify restrictions to the flow of blood, nutrients, and related biological restrictions.

This process helps the therapist identify where patients are withholding. Withholding is a term I use to describe how we tend to bury thoughts (judgments) and emotions we are unable to effectively process.

When we do that, the tissues respond by creating a physical reproduction of the thoughts and emotions we withhold.

This leads to potentially long-term shortages of oxygen and nutrients in the tissues involved, often leading to orthopedic and visceral disorders that the conventional medical system can’t effectively diagnose or treat.

Here you can see Phil practicing my tap assessment and tuning technique with Scott. I developed this technique on myself first, then found it very helpful with patients with spinal cord injuries. The method works on the same principles as the use of a reflex hammer.

I invoke a monosynaptic reflex in the target muscles with a drumstick. By monitoring the tone of the muscle, and the speed and quality of the reflex contraction, I can compare muscle groups on the left of the body with the right, or the involved tissues with the uninvolved tissues.

Then, using a variety of methods ranging from manual therapy to emotional and mental clearing, we restore neuromuscular and visceral function.

When a correction is made effectively, neuromuscular reflexes balance from left to right and the motor system functions much more efficiently.

The technique does require a lot of sensitivity and skill, but once mastered it allows a much more rapid restoration of function than most methods.

Here you can see me reviewing atlas correction methods on Christian. Atlas correction is a very technical process. Even after 20 or more years of practice, I’m still improving my technique.

I had just shown the students a technique for restoring ventral glide at C1-2 and we are reassessing balance in the cervical musculature with breathing.

The students are great. We are all learning a lot and having a lot of fun exploring the amazing complexity of the human body-mind construct.

We have also been doing some mandala work and working with Arnold Patent’s Universal Principles.

I feel it is important for my students to create their own living philosophy so they can feel grounded in their ability to connect to their Higher-Self.

Life is full of twists and turns and often our ego-minds aren’t sufficient to gain guidance when the challenges we face are novel. In such instances, knowing that you can access your intuition and the natural guidance inherent in the Universal design is comforting.

With such skills, one never feels alone and life isn’t such a challenging experience compared to thinking you can figure it all out with ideas cultivated in the past, which is gone!

I hope you are all having a great day and I’ll look forward to sharing more with you tomorrow.

Love and chi,
Paul Chek