Your Dream E.C.H.O.
Happy Tuesday!
I hope you have enjoyed my last blog “Time Can’t Be Managed.”
I’m having a lovely time here working away “in Heaven” with Vidya each day.
I took this photo this morning at about 7:00 AM as the sun was exciting the clouds. It is such a lovely experience to see and feel the interaction of the elements of earth, water, fire and air up here.
Today, I’ll share “Your Dream E.C.H.O.”, covering some practical concepts for understanding the relationship between our “inner world” and our “outer world” and how they relate to, and influence each other.
Then I’ll share some highlights from recently completed C.H.E.K Institute Advanced Training Programs and events. I’ll finish with some highlights from week, and invite you to my upcoming HLC 1 course in Toronto.
Your Dream E.C.H.O.
We are all use to hearing our own voice bounce back to us from the walls in a long tunnel, or when speaking next to a canyon, but few of us have considered that we create an echo in nature, and She in us.
In my video blog today, I explain that the acronym “E.C.H.O.” (which I will write simply as “echo” below) as I have created it stands for:
E: Energy
C: Chemistry
H: Hydration
O: Organisms/Organics
Energy, chemistry, hydration and organisms (as organic food sources) are the elements that are essential to all biological life in general.
Looking at my diagram above, you see “Outer E.C.H.O.” on the left side of my diagram (from the viewers perspective), and “Inner E.C.H.O.” on the right side.
The outer echo relates to the energy, chemicals, water, and organisms outside us that we breathe, drink, and ingest or absorb through contact.
The cross symbol with ‘H’ to the west, ‘D’ to the east, ‘M’ at the north and ‘Q’ at the south represents the 4 Doctors (Dr.’s Happiness, Diet, Movement and Quiet) in my teaching system of living philosophy.
The 4 Doctor influences from the outside today are very challenging to our overall health and well-being in general.
We are bombarded by massive amounts of electromagnetic pollution, dirty energy from burning fossil fuels, and are all influenced by the alarmingly high levels of negative psychic energy resulting from fearful thinking and living in society in general (Dr. Happiness is not being listened to).
Our outer-world is full of dangerous chemicals, be they the chemicals being out-gassed by buildings, vehicles, work place activities, factories, or the toxic sewage runoff from commercial farms, not to mention the extreme abuse of pesticides and related farming chemicals.
Dr. Diet represents the food and water we eat and drink, which all comes from “the outside” of us, and as most of you know, is very toxic at large.
Our inner-echo is represented as the energy, chemistry, hydration and organics we do (or don’t) consume, and the balance of our individual echo expresses our authentic state of body-mind harmony; what we “echo into the outer world from within.
In my 47:00 minute vblog lesson today, I take you on a journey through the outer and inner echo, sharing how the choices we make ultimately determine the quality of the echo produced around us by nature, and how bringing nature into us either serves to harmonize us, or destabilize us at all levels of our body-mind construct.
As my lesson progresses, I take you to the column in the middle between the inner and outer echo, which I have labeled “MIRROR.”
This is because our conscious or unconscious choices are “mirrored” within us, and they are mirrored all around us in nature.
The edges of the mirror are drawn with dotted lines to indicate permeability. We are permeable to outside influences, while nature is permeable to the influence of human choices and actions.
In this section of my discussion, I show what homeostasis or “functional balance” is, and how that relates to allostasis, or the bodies attempt to restore functional balance when under the influence of stressors that knock us out of homeostasis.
I explain that our bodies are living mirrors, mirroring the truth of our choices back to us constantly as what we seen in the mirror when looking at ourselves, and what we feel inside as the mirroring of our feeling states generated from the energy, chemistry, hydration, and eating tactics and choices we use.
My aim here is to show that at large, we don’t need fancy medical interventions, we don’t usually need more pills, but we do need to participate in cultivating a healthy body-mind if we desire to have body-mind freedom.
When we have body-mind freedom, we are unencumbered in the creation, and experience of our dreams, and that is what life is all about.
As the old saying goes, “If you are not working to achieve your own goals, rest assured, you are working to achieve your bosses goals!”
Even if you are happy with that, what my lesson on our inner and outer echo shares today is essentially a clear warning that due to the situation we’ve created in nature, we need to be sure that our bosses goals (company goals) are producing an echo that is safe for both nature, and ourselves.
If not, well, you don’t need to be a psychic to see the handwriting on the wall…
And, if you haven’t yet, I highly recommend my multimedia ebook, The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need!
I hope you enjoy learning about your inner and outer E.C.H.O. today.
Advance Training Course Completions
Congratulations to fantastic students who recently completed Exercise Coach with skilled CHEK Faculty Tomi Toles and Leigh Brandon and HLC1 in Melbourne with Joanna Rushton. You rock!
Tomi Toles: Ex Coach: Sept 29-Oct 3: Toronto
Leigh Brandon: Ex Coach: October 8-12: UK
Jo Rushton: HLC1: October 10-12: Melbourne
PGA UK Presentation By Dan Hellman
Dan Hellman recently presented the C.H.E.K approach to golf conditioning to a good-sized group of players and teaching pros in the UK.
Dan is not only one of my senior instructors who is a very skilled presenter, he is a golfer that understands the game from every perspective.
I feel grateful to have Dan teaching my approach to golf biomechanics and conditioning around the world.
I asked Dan to share some words about his experience teaching the UK golf professionals, and this is what he shared:
“On October 7th, I had the honor of presenting a 75 minute lecture to 60 of the top European PGA Professionals at the 2014 PGA Show in Harrogate, UK. From my understanding, this is the first time a fitness lecture has been allowed at this particular show.
The lecture was based on the C.H.E.K approach to golf performance and an overview of the popular 3-day C.H.E.K Golf Performance certification class. The attendees were extremely attentive and appreciative of the information. Following the lecture I had a line up of golf pros asking questions.
I love working with golfers. Golfers are very dedicated to their sport, and the game of golf for me is like the game of life.
In order to be a good golfer, one must have proper posture, good flexibility, core strength, balance, rotation ability, strength and power. Who in life does not need these same strengths?
Also, the game of golf has taught me a lot about life and I have had some profound spiritual experiences on the golf course.
After all, golf courses are on some of the most fantastic real-estate on the planet and golfers play against the most ferocious of all opponents — themselves.
I have worked with golfers, from winners of the Master’s Golf Tournament to the top 9-year old golfer in the world.
If you are interested in golf performance or getting back to the game you love, contact my office at 954.566.0585 or simply send an e-mail to [email protected]. My staff and I will help you reach your golfing goals and dreams.”
Dan Hellman, MSPT, C.H.E.K Faculty
Angie Lustrick Achieves A Personal Best In the Deadlift
Angie Lustrick and I love to train together, lift stones, do art, and we both love practicing shamanism together.
I write her conditioning programs for her and when we train together, I encourage her to reach her potential as an athlete, which she LOVES to do!
There is no such thing as half-in for Angie.
Today, I pushed her up in her deadlift training to 154 pounds, which is 34 more pounds than she weighs (Angie is 120 pounds at 5’3”).
She first looked at the bar with wonderment, but I encouraged her and worked carefully with her to warm-up well and get her technique right.
Well, needless to say, not only did she lift a lot more than she’s ever lifted, she did it easily. Angie managed to pull five sets of 2-4 reps coupled immediately with kettlebell clean and jerks for 6 reps.
Here you can see Angie celebrating her accomplishment. I love training with Angie – she always brings great music and we have fun dancing on our rest periods; she’s certainly a great little dancer and keeps my hormonal system functioning youthfully trying to keep up with her!
HLC 1 Toronto With Angie Lustrick and Paul Chek
I will share the stage with Angie Lustrick in the upcoming Toronto Holistic Lifestyle Coach training in Toronto, November 7-9, 2014.
We both love teaching HLC 1, and are very excited to share the best we each have to offer you in Toronto.
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to learn from two healthy shaman, now is your chance. We both love native healing systems and methods, and practice them daily in our lives.
My HLC 1 program teaches people how to effectively utilize the methods I share in my book, “How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy!”, and we spend plenty of time mastering the “work-in” (zone) exercises in class so people know several practical, simple methods for cultivating life-force energy each day of their lives.
I will offer a morning training in tai-chi each day in addition to the zone exercise training offered during the day. On day three, I will co-teach the entire day with Angie and will there to support in answering any questions people may have.
I’m very excited to share the stage with Angie! She’s an incredible presenter and is certainly one of the most authentic of nutritionists, healers, and practicing shaman I’ve ever met and worked with.
Angie was voted “The Ultimate Chek Professional” at our first C.H.E.K Conference a few years ago, and anyone that was in the audience can assure you, “she can rock the house” with her dynamic, motivating presentation style.
I hope I get to see ALL OF YOU there! This is a rare event you don’t want to miss.
The Toronto students are some of the very best I engage with in my travels around the world, so the group energy alone will make the investment well worth it!
If you would like to register for this or any of the CHEK Institute’s exciting learning and growth opportunity, go to the education page here:
I hope you’ve enjoyed my blog today.
Have a great time creating and living your dreams each day!
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
Find me on the web