Happy Friday to You!
I finally slept a little better!I got about five hours sleep. Fortunately, Madeline was able to book me another massage at Spa Harmoni with Katarina Wickstrom.
Katarina is a lovely woman and she does a great deep massage. Her touch is what I’d describe as strong yin – a God send. She can go deep and release my tension, but I can still fall into a dream-sleep. Today she played some great didgeridoo music and I felt like I was alive in a deep, vivid dream-time experience. Thanks Katarina! I’m looking forward to coming back to see you again. Take care of those hands Love!
I spent the rest of my day showing Eric Blomberg a variety of Chek assessment and corrective exercise methods. I also taught Madeline (daughter), Gunnila (mother) and Eric (son) a form of tai-chi my soul taught me and they enjoyed it.
Lennart took this shot of me doing tai-chi in their beautiful back yard. I love doing my tai-chi in their back yard because there is a little creek there and it speaks the songs of the earth while the wind sings songs with the trees and the birds.
The sun was quite bright and warm today. I had to take my shirt off and cover my head while doing tai-chi because I was getting a scalp burn. To be able to say that in Sweden is pretty special!
Gunnila Blomberg and her husband Lennart are the owners of Eleiko Barbell Co., makers of the world’s very best free-weight lifting equipment and sponsors of the upcoming London Olympic Games.
Those of you who had trained in my gym at the institute will be familiar with their equipment. Eleiko is our Swedish distributor and they hold our advanced training programs in the Eleiko Sports Center here in Halmstad, Sweden.
Gunnila has done a lot of training with me over the last nine years and is an HLC 3 Practitioner. Not only did Gunnila translate my book, How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy! into Swedish, she’s just recently released her new book, What We Shall Eat and Why.
What We Shall Eat and Why is a very beautifully written book with amazingly clean photos describing how to eat according to the principles and teachings of Weston A. Price.
When I come to Sweden to teach, I stay with the Blomberg’s at their beautiful home and have the pleasure of eating Gunnila’s great (Weston A. Price inspired) food.
I asked Gunnila to write a little something about her book and this is what she offered me for the blog today, and this is what she is sharing:
“I have written this book because I want to present Weston A. Price for the Swedish people. When I met Paul for 9 years ago he started to teach me how to live a healthy life and how to eat correctly. It was amazing to see how my body responded to the new diet, and I wanted to learn more.
I started my study of Dr. Price research and the last 4 years I have participated in the Wise Tradition Conferences arranged by Weston A Price Foundation.
In the first part of the book I present Dr. Price research, the second part containing dietary advices, and in the third part you can find recipes for good food.”
I’m encouraging Gunnila to translate her new book into English so the English-speaking people of the world can also enjoy her beautiful synthesis of Weston A. Price’s work.
As some of you may know, writing and translating books is a LOT of work and can be very expensive. I told Gunnila I’d offer you all a chance to let her know if you’d be interested in reading an English translation of her book.
If you want to take advantage of the amazing teachings of Weston A. Price and Gunnila’s many excellent recopies (I’ve tested many myself and they are great!) in a very readable format designed to educate the public and professional alike, please send Gunnila an email at: [email protected]
I will be busy seeing clients tomorrow, and hopefully, getting a nice peaceful workout in at the Eleiko Sports Center along the way too.
Sunday morning, I’ll begin my journey to London where I’ll have a day of rest before presenting on Tuesday, June 19, my one day program titled, AN OVERVIEW OF THE TMJ AND ITS IMPORTANCE TO LIFE for the British Society For The Study Of Craniomandibular Disorders in association with the CHEK Institute and presenters: Dr. Andre Hedger and C.H.E.K Institute Trained Professional, Duncan Reeve.
This program is open to all CHEK Practitioners and HLC’s as well as allied and professional medical people as well.
Here is the registration information (sign up now if you want to attend!) an overview of what I’ll cover in this workshop:
Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is common in any orthopedic, rehabilitation, dental or holistic health practice. Unfortunately, there are a wide variety of etiological factors that are commonly overlooked by most doctors and therapists who treat TMD. On June 19th, Paul Chek, Holistic Health Practitioner and Founder of the C.H.E.K Institute will share a comprehensive holistic overview of TMD. He will address many of the often ignored, but critically important aspects of TMD as seen through the eyes of an experienced Holistic Health Practitioner.
Join Paul on June 19th in London to learn:
- The 10 essential steps in the C.H.E.K approach to holistic healing and coaching.
- A survival control systems approach to assessing any TMD patient. This will allow you to identify which essential regulatory/control systems may be the etiology of a TMD disorder. This information is essential to help specialized dentists and medical professionals know when, and to whom to refer their patients to optimize patient healing for long-term success.
- All about the stomatognathic system and how it functions and interacts with other essential systems in the body, as well as the survival control centers depicted in the C.H.E.K Totem Pole assessment system.
- How to determine when the basic needs of cellular life are not being met as a possible etiology of TMD. You will also learn to identify when not meeting these essential needs are likely to retard healing from any TMD disorder.
- How the limbic system of the human brain interacts with the somatic tissues of the body. You will learn to identify essential factors that indicate when your patient needs emotional-mental integration and gain valuable insights into how to begin the process.
- Many practical assessment tools that can be used immediately upon returning to your practice!
This program is applicable, and open to all healthcare professionals, allied health care professionals, C.H.E.K Practitioners and exercise professionals with an interest in understanding TMD holistically.
Attendees should come with comfortable, natural fiber loose fitting close that allow free movement for practical group and individual learning exercises.
Cost: £150.
Price includes lunch and refreshments.
Location: The Royal Automobile Club, London
Contact The British Society for the Study of Craniomandibular Disorders for more information and to register
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +44 01372 457959
While talking with Vidya today by SKYPE, she shared that she and her granddaughter April having been doing art together. When I saw her art today, I asked her to post photos or April’s work. She is an amazing child and her art shows her lovely consciousness.
I hope you all have a great weekend and I’ll look forward to sharing more with you as soon as I can!
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
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