Looking for a Beginning Or an End . . .
Happy Wednesday!
I’m almost home!
I can’t express enough how elated I am, although my time with many friends, students and our Distributors has been awesome! I’ve really been enjoying my friendship and time with Gavin Jennings.
His courteous staff at his Centre For Whole Health are friendly and knowledgeable.
I’ve gotten some good workouts using heavy enough weights, which I love!
Today I enjoyed a lovely massage and aromatherapy treatment. Thank you Gavin for arranging this for me.
I had a great PPS Call and it is important for me to share with my students my perspective to help them grow and understand themselves and the world at large. It isn’t always easy to put into practice something new and simultaneously not energize what we don’t want.
I’m confident that by following my 1234 formula and applying the 4 Doctors to your own life, you and anyone can successfully experience a high level of vitality and happiness, personally, professionally and spiritually.
Tomorrow I fly back down to London for my next few days with Matt Wallden, the media and a photo shoot before the Barefoot conference: Here’s the lineup:
Looking for a Beginning Or an End Creates One (Tao-te-zen sutra)
Like life, language is an interconnected system of meanings. Meaning can only be understood as such if there is a perception of edge, aspect, or definition.
The car is a vehicle, though it is not a horse, which may also be a vehicle. Because the idea of a vehicle is much less circumscribed than that of a car-vehicle or horse-vehicle, creating an end to one idea fosters the beginning of another idea.
The zen approach to mind is to use it as a tool, and not allow mind to use you as its tool.
Being conscious of the illusion of beginnings and ends allows one to be more openminded, which increases our potential to access other possibilities in any given situation.
While most people in a hurry to get to an appointment a few miles away would simply give up if their car would not start, the ttz practitioner would see this as an opportunity to take the horse out of the barn or ride the bike, or walk, or hitch hike and meet new people.
The zen mind is not limited by illusory ends. Therefore, it can see infinite beginnings without end.
How far can you look up?
How far can you look down?
Vision perceives an end.
When traveling in a circle, is there an end?
Is there an end to seasons!or do they create each other?
When looking at a map, we plot the beginning and the end of a journey. Yet, does the end of one journey not mark the beginning of another?
If the Universe reaches the end of its journey, where will you go?
TTz Practice is an exploration. A leaf falls off the tree to be eaten by insects and microorganisms – they leave the products of their journey to be used – to be eaten by others – their ends become our means!
Zen is the practice of appreciating that both ends and means create life out of each other; one’s refuse is but another’s food or tools.
Zen is the practice of weaving beginnings and ends into the tapestry of life.
No beginning – No end.
That is zen.
Make it a great day!
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
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