October 4, 2011


Happy Tuesday!

I got an early start yesterday in hopes of getting business issues handled before I began my day of Zero Force Coaching with my lovely client, Julia.

Julia flew in to visit me from Auckland, New Zealand. I’ve been coaching Julia for a year or more, which began when she was referred to me by Leigh Brandon, one of our top CHEK Practitioners and Faculty in London where Julia lived previously.

Julia wanted to have some time to work with me in person instead of phone or Skype coaching, so I was happy to offer that to here when she let me know that she would be in California this month.

We began our day by fasting, which we continued until about 4:00 PM. We started our training with learning how to express a prayer with positive affirmation. This means that you give thanks for what you’ve already received instead of wishing or hoping the request will arrive.

I then took Julia out to teach her how to do a zen walking meditation in the hills behind my home. We put on some 5 fingers shoes to give us maximum contact with the earth.

This is important for improving the function of the lower extremity and core since the foot is a key source of information gathering that informs the core. She really enjoyed the hike, as did I!

After the hike, we went out into the rock garden. I like using rock work to teach people about life and relationships because it’s quite easy to make a physical, emotional and mental correlation when you have a “real experience” to relate to.

Let’s have a look at Julia’s learning experience with the stones:


I began by teaching Julia how to access her own soul so she doesn’t need to depend on the ego-mind to find and position the stones. This is a big transition for the western mind which is very left-brain oriented.

When we use our left-brain to make decisions, we often don’t realize that the ego-construct is constructed purely out of past information and experiences.

If we use the past to make decisions in the moment, we must at once assume that the past = the present, which is not the case.

Once she learned to access her soul and let it guide her, she was quite relieved to know that she always has internal guidance and support in her life.


Here you can see Julia’s base stones. The bottom stone is the most important stone in any stack. Any imbalances there are magnified throughout the project, increasing the likelihood of a collapse.

In a relationship with anyone else, you are the base stone and the relationship can only be as stable as you are.


As you add stones, balancing becomes much more challenging. Any movement of the top stone can cause movement at any stone underlying it.

Beginners tend to drag stones too heavily, which often topples the stack very quickly.

I taught Julia how to best position her body close to the stack so she has minimal leverage against her back and postural muscles. This makes it easier to make fine adjustments.


As you can see here, Julia’s stack is becoming more and more complex. How is that different than being in a family, or having to work with a group of people with different opinions and needs?…


Once you get to a certain height, great care must be taken not to use stones that are too heavy relative to the stability of the stones below. Here you can see how gentle Julia has to be to position her top stones without destabilizing her entire rock formation.


Well, there it is! We spent a couple hours working carefully to use soul guidance, relationship awareness, good body mechanics and safe lifting methods. She put together a very unique, beautiful stack. Really impressive.


Here you see us celebrating the completion of Julia’s stack.

While we were working in the rock garden together, I had another unique experience that I first had with Jade Johnson very recently. It rained while the sun was out!

This is the second time I’ve ever had that happen at my home in Vista. The first time ever was while I was working with Jade building her stack, and the second time was today with Julia!

There must be something beautiful hidden in that sign from nature because working with Jade and Julia was very fun and beautiful.

They are both very special ladies and Mother Nature poured her light and love on both of them while with me. Very special indeed!

Thanks for a great day and a great job Julia!

My Dream is that you too are inspired to heal through rock stacking!

Love and chi,
Paul Chek