Join Me in Los Angeles November
Hi Everyone!
I am very excited to be an invited speaker at the 7th Interdisciplinary World Low Back & Pelvic Pain Conference in LA in November. My invited lecture title is “INTEGRATED CORE CONDITIONING“: POST Conference Half Day Workshop,” Saturday, November 13th!
I will be discussing how core control can be modulated by internal systems, such as the digestive, eliminative, hormonal and limbic. Participants will need an intermediate level knowledge of anatomy and physiology for optimal comprehension of the principles and methods shared me.
Though there are numerous research papers substantiating viscero-somatic, somatic-somatic, viscero-viscero and somato-somato reflex relationships, current approaches to restoring and optimizing core control typically overlook relevant reflex pathways. Additionally, normal infant development is a requisite for optimal gravitational loading and attenuation of forces. Static and dynamic posture reflect intrinsic balance of the musculoskeletal system and it’s supportive bio-systems. In this lecture/workshop, I’ll share my clinical experience and approach to optimizing core control through the use of exercise, diet, and stress management methods which are relevant lifestyle factors that may influence core control. Participants will gain relevant theoretical and practical knowledge that can be used immediately to improve any patient’s core control.
Upon completion of this workshop, you will:
* Understand reflex relationships relevant to core control
* Appreciate the relationship between the enteric nervous system and core modulation.
* Experience infant development exercises and their influence on both core control and posture.
* Explore exercises for progressing patients from isolation exercises into integrative exercises for improved static and dynamic motor function.
The theme of the 2010 World Congress is Balanced Solutions: Effective Implementation of Evidence Based Research.
Please come and join me in Los Angeles in November of this year at what I believe will be an exciting and very informative conference on this very complex area of the body. I look forward to seeing you there.
Love and Chi,
We would like to invite you to join us for the 7th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, to be held in November 2010 in Los Angeles, U.S.A. This program is held every three years. All the disciplines involved in the treatment and research of musculoskeletal disorders around the globe come together in a stimulating meeting related to musculoskeletal disorders. Those of you who attended the last meeting in Barcelona will need no further encouragement to attend what promises to be another great congress. This is a great opportunity to meet and talk with members of diverse disciplines from all around the world.
Scientific sessions are already being planned and the quality of the speakers will be excellent. In addition we will offer you a relaxed atmosphere to meet, chat and have fun.
We hope you will all be able to join us.
Yours sincerely
Dr. Andry Vleeming
Dr Colleen Fitzgerald
Balanced Solutions: Effective Implementation of Evidence Based Research
November 9 – 12, 2010
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Join an exciting list of international speakers and professionals at the 7th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain from November 9-12 in LA, California. This Congress will feature diverse and very exciting research delivered by highly recognised professionals from around the world.
Take a look at the fantastic preliminary program (now available on the Congress website at Please visit the website for more information on registration, accommodation, workshops and more.
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