Spicy Popcorn
Happy Monday to You!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
I had a great one myself.
In my blog today, I share:
1. A recap of my weekend, rock stacking, painting with Ryan Hughes, and my joys.
2. Announce our new workshop for fitness business owners in partnership with Sean Greeley and NPE titled FAST FORWARD™.
3. I celebrate the completion of HLC 1 Toronto, and CHEK Exercise Coach in Encinitas, CA.
4. My vlog on how to make spicy popcorn ala Chek!
1. Weekend Recap
Thursday I spent the morning with Sean Croxton in his office downtown San Diego shooting some clips to promote my Fungus & Parasite program. We’ll share that along the way once the clips are all edited. Then I visited with the students at the Ex Coach course and answered some great questions.
Friday, I started my day with a nice read in my HealthMate IR sauna. Than I got a great massage from JR Bachman, a Level 3 Chek Practitioner that does very good massage work here in San Diego (858.414.5236).
After that, I went out to my rock garden and had lots of fun just making it more beautiful and being with the wind, the animals, and my trees and cactus. When Penny got home, I made her some of my spicy hot organic popcorn and we watched a movie together.
Saturday, my buddy Ryan Hughes, professional motocross coach came to spend a day relaxing and doing art with me.
Ryan “updated” his mandala he made several months ago just after getting out of the hospital from a thoracic spine fracture. It was quite a transitional period for Ryan.
Now that he’s healthy again, and has found new love racing mountain bikes, his new mandala has more sex energy to create with, as you can see .
Ryan was quite tired from all his training and coaching racers, so he laid in the sun while I went around doing some beautifying. Here are some of the stacks I created:
After I spent several hours stacking rocks, and Ryan spent time embracing the earth, we got out the acrylic paints and a fresh canvas. We love to do art together, so it was a great way to finish the day.
2. The new CHEK – NPE fitness business owner’s workshop FAST FORWARD™, November 15-16-2013 in Oceanside.
Sunday, I came back to my Heaven office and did some work on the slides and manual for my upcoming joint workshop event with Sean Greeley and his NPE team. This event is called FAST FORWARD™ and is specifically designed for fitness business owners.
Fitness business owners commonly go from being people that loved exercise so much they wanted to share it with others for a living, to being people who can barely find time to exercise for their own needs.
This can really be emotionally challenging because as trainers/coaches/therapists help others make their bodies beautiful, their bodies are often deteriorating.
Having spent most of my life building, running, and growing a holistic health business and institute, I’m very hip to the challenges health and exercise professionals face as business owners.
I have put together a one-day workshop titled How To Be A Healthy Business Owner that will kick off the FAST FORWARD™ event on Saturday.
My How To Be A Healthy Business Owner workshop will be a beautiful synthesis of many of my programs.
The workshop is designed to help every business owner fine-tune their sense of direction, regain inspiration, identify where they are imbalanced relative to the demands of their dream/goals, and provide a simple, clear plan of action.
I will teach many practical methods of calming the mind and cultivating life-force energy that have been useful to me in my life. Participants will establish a clearly defined set of core values to support their new diet and lifestyle so they have what they need to both be successful, and enjoy it!
Sean Greeley offers us the second day of the FAST FORWARD™ event. Sean will use his mastery as a business man to show you many useful ways you can streamline your business practices, improve systems, and much more.
I’ve had great feedback from the CHEK Practitioners that work with NPE, and it really makes me happy to know they are running more fruitful, less stressful businesses.
One of the amazing parallels between the approach Sean and I take is that we are both very oriented around “principles” and “values”. It will be great for the attendants of this FORWARD™ event because Sean and I use a parallel system; what I apply to diet and lifestyle, he applies to business.
I know that it will be quite an awesome experience for people to leave the weekend with a fully unified, integrated plan to both care for the business owner, and the business!
I hope I get to see you at the FAST FORWARD™ event November 15-16, 2013 in Oceanside, CA.
After I finished working on my presentation, I headed out to my stone circle where I do my heavy rock lifting.
I rake the circle from time to time to keep it free of sharp rocks and sticks so I don’t hurt my bare feet. I’ve had arrowhead rocks go right through the bottom of my foot while carrying heavy stones and it’s certainly not an ideal way to be surprised.
I took my time and played away with this one. I had a couple failed attempts while trying to put heavy stones up high, and all came tumbling down… I got it up nice on the third try and tightened up the circle to maximize chi flow. It feels amazing to be in the circle!
Congratulations to Angie Lustirck, Chek HLC Instructor for completing a full Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1 training in Toronto this weekend. She informed me that her students were AWESOME! She loves the Canadian’s and their eager learning style and looks forward to getting back for another event. Congratulations to all Angie’s students!
Ashely Mazurek, CHEK Instructor taught CHEK Exercise Coach for the past five days ending Sunday in Encinitas, CA. Ashley really enjoyed her students and had a great time teaching them as well. Penny and I got to visit with Ashley Sunday night after class and we had a great time catching up. Penny and Ashley make each other laugh, so it’s fun to see them enjoy PAUL’S SPICY HOMEMADE POPCORN!
In my vlog today, I share how to make popcorn “The CHEK Way”.
I have always loved popcorn since I was a kid, and having had lots popcorn that irritated my body for one reason or another, I began experimenting to see if I could make it work better for me, and taste better.
I found that if you don’t use high quality organic popcorn, you just get a dull, lifeless product, and may be putting good salt and butter on a weak corn product.
Using organic butter of the highest quality, as well as a top quality sea salt makes all the difference in the world.
In my video blog today, I share how I make my special recipe, and how I like to make it spicy! I hope you enjoy making your own!
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
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