March 2, 2011


Hello and good day!

Today I thought I’d share some thoughts on the development of intuition. I’m frequently asked how I developed my ability to read energy fields and my intuition so I thought sharing some tips may be helpful for those interested.

To begin, I will outline the developmental stages that lead to intuitive knowing:

1. Instinct: Instinct is the inherent ability to feel what to do in a given situation. Your instinct is the product of the wisdom of your cells or your biological-mind. Instinct may be thought of as the accumulative wisdom in your genes. Your genes are devoted to survival and hold a record of all the survival wisdom accumulated in your entire biological past.

In order to use your instinct effectively, you must have healthy organs and glands and a functional musculoskeletal system. This is because each part of your body carries unique intelligence, which includes a unique capacity to feel. Your instinct is disabled to the very degree that your body~mind construct is imbalanced.

Instinct is also disabled to the degree that one has become reliant on their programmed or conditioned mind. For example, to the degree that your autonomic functions are disabled (digestion, elimination, perspiration, respiration!), yet you continue to eat, think and live in the way that created the imbalance, your instincts will be distorted.

As one’s instincts become disabled, they generally loose trust for their feelings and become more invested in their ego-mind, which is largely the source of disease in the first place!

2. Intellect: The intellect is expressed as your capacity to work effectively with ideas. The intellect is the home of the ego-mind. To the degree that one over-invests in their intellect, it can be seen that they come to value words more than experiences. This leads to situations such as people worshiping words in books like religious texts and trusting in their interpretations of the words as gospel. It also leads to healthcare professionals that are far more likely to trust protocol and lab tests than they are your actual symptoms, functional assessments and your own description of your pains and challenges. They want you to fit their paradigm instead of being present with what is actually happening in you and/or your life.

One who is overly reliant on their ego-mind becomes the sort of person that could be sitting next to Jesus Christ in church, all the while muttering under their breath, “Who is this bum with long hair, a robe and dark skin?!”

3. Imagination: Imagination is the ability to combine or synthesize ideas into new and useful combinations.

Imagination can be abstract, as in the case of an artist creating new combinations of materials, shapes or concepts without functional relevance, or it can be functional. Functional imagination is used by tradesmen and craftsmen or business men to create novel solutions to problems in the everyday world.

Developing our imagination is a critical step to intuitive development. This is because the intuition often accesses concepts that are so far removed from those typically used by the ego-mind that when intuitive gifts arrive, it is as thought a package has come from outer-space and one generally thinks they are having weird dreams. It is through developing imagination that one learns how to juggle concepts and find novel ways to apply them.

The act of developing your imagination develops your ability to see the limitations imposed by over-investing in social or academic rigidity with regard to ideas. Your imagination develops as you become able, through experimentation, to see how self-imposed dis-belief limits your creativity.

A simple exercise for your imagination would be to do a mind-map of all the novel ways you could use a coffee cup. As you go through this exercise, “imagine” what kind of reactions you’d get from those trapped in their ego-mind as you shared your imaginative ideas with them. What would they say if they showed up and saw that you were now using your favorite coffee mug as a flowerpot? What would your father say?

4. Intuition: Intuition is the product of your super-conscious mind. To access our intuition in a functional manner, we must be open to any and all possibilities. This means that you must let go of any judgment as to “what should happen” in any given situation.

Your imagination is the product of your higher-mind, and has the ability to explore every possible idea or solution at once. Your imagination functions in the same basic way a quantum processor would in a super-high tech computer that doesn’t work in a linear idea-to-idea fashion.

As our capacity to perceive reaches higher and higher levels of mind, greater and greater levels of trust in ourselves is required. This is because, as I mentioned earlier, the ideas presented are often not ideas we’ve ever tried before. If one is worried about what others will think, they will resist intuitive offerings. To do so inhibits their intuition.

Intuition is like a muscle that must be exercised, with trust.

Some safe and effective ways to develop your intuition are:

a. Art: By getting into a meditative state and allowing your intuition to access color, shape and combinations, you can safely practice taking guidance from your intuition without fear of judgment. The key here is not becoming attached to the outcome.

b. Stacking Rocks: When stacking rocks or creating shapes with them on the ground, you soon learn that trying to make them fit with your intellect often fails to create something stable, functional, or lasting, even as an art-form. After a little exercise and meditation to relax yourself, simply begin feeling where you are drawn and choose the stones that “call to you”. Once you find the stone that calls you, listen to the stone or stones you are working with and they will “show you how they best fit.”

c. Prediction: By entering into a meditative state and asking your soul to share what events are likely to take place in your life over the next 24 hours, or week and writing them down, you can wait and see. An easy exercise you can do on the fly is to intuit where a parking spot will be open at a place where you normally can’t find a spot. I use my intuition when I’m traveling to find good food and espresso shops with organic coffee! Another simple exercise is to intuit where friends or guests will choose to sit at the dinner table. Easy, fun, and innocuous.

d. Eating: By calming yourself before choosing foods, drinks and proportions, your intuitive mind can direct you to exactly what foods and what proportions will optimize your body~mind functions. Again, you are likely to find yourself eating very differently than you’ve been told to by such an such book or expert. Once your intuition speaks, if you don’t engage in the act of experimentation and feeling, you will never come to know the power of your own intuition, nor will you ever gain trust that it works better than your ego-mind or linear processor. This would be like insisting that your outdated computer is actually better than a modern Mac!

My drawing today is my representation of the super-conscious mind. It represents being open-minded. It represents becoming air-like; having the ability to adapt to any circumstance.

Thanks for joining me today!

I hope you enjoy developing your intuition. As it grows and develops, you will come to feel much safer in the world because you will know that you have the entire Universe thinking for you!

Love and chi,
Paul Chek