March 28, 2016

Tips For Erectile Dysfunction Pt. 2 (2)

Happy Monday!

I hope you are all doing well.

I’m doing great and look forward to sharing Part 2 of my series today.

In my blog today, I will share:

1. Tips For Erectile Dysfunction Pt. 2 (2)

2. CHEK Course Completions

3. Show-N-Tell with Paul Chek

4. Mike Salemi Upcoming Kettlebell Workshop April 9 – San Diego

Tips For Erectile Dysfunction Pt. 2 (2)


Today we continue our short journey into the many issues that relate to erectile dysfunction.

In the first part of this series, I highlighted the hormonal pathways related to the production of sex (androgen) hormones. I showed how one’s self-management strategy with regard to nutrition, hydration, breathing, thinking and movement correlate to hormonal performance and erectile dysfunction.


Today, we move to the 4-quadrant model (your see on the right half of my black board drawing above), where I highlight the many commonly overlooked aspects of erectile dysfunction, and in fact, most every dysfunction people seek help from medical and allied-medical professionals.

The challenge we face today is that modern medicine, science, and our education systems in general focus almost entirely on the upper right quadrant, which deals with anything physical, or that can be weighed and measured.

This approach also expresses a fixation with gadgets (Lower Right quadrant), and the use of “external supports” to try and fix what is largely created in the Upper Left and Lower Left quadrants where we express our personal inner-world (UL) and interact with family, friends, tribe, society and culture (LL).

I suspect many of you will have some “Ah Ha!” moments, regardless if you are a male or female; the females may well come to better understand why their man/men have erectile dysfunction; and maybe even understand how they can be contributing to it.

The bottom line, Erectile Dysfunction is a symptom of larger imbalances due to lifestyle, how relationally attached you are, your level of conscious development, and how clean your environment is.

By applying my 1234 approach to having more awareness of what you can manage and take more responsibility for yourself with, you’ll eliminate those factors the cause erectile dysfunction.


Eat Move and Be Healthy – Book
The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need – multimedia ebook
You Are What You Eat – Audio CDs
Identifying Your Primal Pattern ® Diet Type – MP3 Audio
Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1 Course

For those of you interested in radically enhancing your ability to understand and heal yourself, or those wanting to master coaching people through life’s many challenges of healing and transitions (regardless of the specific field you work in), my new CHEK 4 Quadrant Coaching Mastery (the foundation for all CHEK HLC and Exercise Coach – NOT to replace Holistic Lifestyle Coaching Level 1-3) will be a very powerful, enlightening experience for you.

I will be offering my first live workshop in the UK, May 15-22, and the second will be here in San Diego, Sept 15-18 (at present, it looks like we will be on beautiful Coronado Island in San Diego).

CHEK Course Completions

HLC1 in Melbourne, AU, with Jo Rushton

Please help me give a big shout-out to our newest HLC1 Coaches.

HLC1 Melbourne photo_031816

Faculty Jo Rushton has certainly been busy. Thank you Jo for your dedication and helping your students become great coaches!

Show-N-Tell with Paul Chek

Filming the 4Q Coaching Program


I spent three days focused on filming my 4Q Coaching program last week. I feel that this program really exemplifies how I work as a Coach, therapist and mentor. I am really excited to empower all other coaches and therapists with the essential aspects of working with clients when coaching any person.

It was really rewarding that our videographer Sean, who doesn’t know anything about our CHEK Coaching system, was really amazed at what he was learning from behind the camera.

Mana Bumi – My Son and his Mommies!

Fire monkey Mana and Maggie
Mana is born in the year of the fire monkey in Chinese astrology, so Angie got him dressed up in his little monkey costume and gave Maggie a matching costume of her own.

Angie loves to dress Mana and Maggie, and since Maggie LOVES the camera, it is fun to take photos of them together.

Maggie and Mana Easter 2016
For Easter, Maggie and Mana got to put on their Easter costumes. Cute ah!

Mana crawling on bed

Mana is 5 weeks old now, and he’s growing like a weed!

Angie took him for his regular check up with the pediatrician, and he was very impressed with how much weight Mana had gained, and how much he’s grown. He was 18 and a half inches long at birth, and he’s now over 22 inches long and well over 10 pounds now (he was 7 pounds at birth).

He’s amazingly strong and is already starting to scooch around. The doctor noticed how advanced his motor skills, eye tracking, and attentiveness are too, and he was really impressed – Don’t you know it’s Angie’s amazing milk Doctor!

Penny and Mana
Penny is a great mommy too. She loves Mana and really helps Angie a lot.

It is such a blessing that Mana has two mommies, because it is a lot of work to care for a baby and still try to get the normal daily tasks and work done in general.

I’m absolutely amazed at how much stress single mothers must endure to try and do so much themselves; a great formula for adrenal burn out for sure!

We are all a great team together, and we Love, Love, Love our precious little Mana Bumi.

He loves going for walks strapped to daddy’s chest, doing tai-chi in the garden, and walking around in the garden. He seems to really love looking at lights of any kind and it’s fun to see him look at them in amazement. He even likes the streetlights when we walk at night.

He’s getting so strong that sometimes when he’s in my lap and he’s holding onto my hands, he’ll stand up straight on his own and hold himself up for a while. It’s so cute to see and fun to be a witness to his daily milestones.

He’s already outgrown his first set of baby clothes, and believe it or not, we had to go to the clothes for 3-6 month old babies because nothing was fitting any more.

His feet have gotten so big, his socks were squashing his toes and digging into his ankles, but the 3-6 month old size fits him just right.

His cheeks are getting nice and chubby, and he’s getting some lovely fat rolls on his legs too. I’m happy to let him get as fat as he can so he has lots of protection when he starts crawling all over the house and yard.

Lobster dinner Angie Easter 2016

Angie made us all an amazing lobster dinner for Easter, which we all enjoyed.

We finished watching season two of “Bosh”, a great detective series on Amazon movies. The first season was good enough to hold my interest, but season two was excellent entertainment; you can start on season two without losing much because of the way it is designed.

Mike Salemi Upcoming Kettlebell Workshop, April 9, San Diego


I’m really excited that Mike Salemi is beginning to run his own Kettlebell training workshops now.

I’ve worked as a coach and adviser to Mike for about three years now, and I can assure you, he is one of the most dedicated, educated, skilled and capable athletes and coaches I’ve worked with in my career.

He was not only an excellent student of my teachings, he completely lives my 4 Doctor model and is an excellent CHEK Practitioner as well (HLC2, Exercise Coach & CP1).

Mike has achieved multiple Russian Masters titles, and recently became the guy to beat in The United States in the 78kg weight class and in the 32 Kg Long Cycle event; and he did it on the same day he’d already competed in the 40 KG class, falling only 2 reps short of being one of only few people in the world to achieve Masters in this class!

I hope you enjoy learning from Mike as much as I’ve enjoyed working with him as a coach.

Here are the details of his upcoming workshop:

Healthy Shoulders and Spine for Kettlebell Sport
Saturday, April 9th from 8:00 – 10:00am
KOR Strength and Conditioning
4223 30th St, San Diego, CA 92104

Master of Sport and CHEK Practitioner Mike Salemi shares concepts aimed at maintaining a healthy spine and shoulders for Kettlebell lifters of all types.

The focus will primarily be on addressing aspects of the upper quarter – head, neck, shoulder, rib cage, and arm complex.

Additionally, Mike will offer coaching on one of the Girevoy Sport (GS) kettlebell lifts.

What you can expect from attending this workshop:
1) A look into the role that static & dynamic posture plays in KB sport athletes.
2) How to maintain healthy shoulders & spine for the long-term.
3) A step by step system for individualizing preparation for GS training.
4) How to identify which areas to mobilize, release & stretch based on YOUR body.
5) Body-awareness drills to help correct common GS compensations.
6) A discussion of key recovery modalities that every kettlebell athlete should be doing, but probably aren’t.

Limited spots available. Register here:

Well, that’s what I have to share with you today.

I hope you enjoyed part two of “Tips For Erectile Dysfunction” and I’ll look forward to sharing something new with you next week.

Love and chi,
Paul Chek