January ~ February 2008
It’s lovely to be back with you and have the opportunity to share my life with you again. I sincerely hope your life has been as full and rewarding as mine since we last connected.
In this edition of my blog, I’d love to share the following:
- Join the upcoming How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy! teleseminar
- The new 4 Doctors Audio Series is out!
- Upcoming PPS Lesson 1 and 2 Live Workshops in Vista, Ca.
- Meet Behavioral Optometrist Dana Dean in San Diego
- In this 2nd edition of the P.U.R.L.S., I share an offering for you to join me in personal, professional and spiritual development.
- Vidya and I share our art and show you a right-brain method for setting your yearly goals.
Our first How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy! teleseminar series will begin March on 10th and run for six weeks through April 17th. There will be two weekly calls on Monday and Thursdays: 6-7pm Pacific Standard Time. The investment for this valuable in-home training program is only $197.00 for 12 hours of training. Each call will be 1 hour long and for the first 40 minutes of the session I will discuss key highlights from a select chapter of How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy!, after which I’ll open the phone lines for 20 minutes of questions. The calls will be recorded and available as downloads for participants so that anyone that can’t make the call can still benefit from the training. We will also accept email questions so that those who do have to miss a call get their answers when they download the recording.
I encourage all C.H.E.K Practitioners and anyone with web sites that are willing to promote this important program to become affiliates of the C.H.E.K Institute so you can create passive income. To become an affiliate, you simply go to the following link and follow the instructions: https://www.chekinstitute.com/affiliates/home.htm
If you need help, you may contact the C.H.E.K Institute and ask for help. They can be reached at 760-477-2620 or 1-800-552-8789.
A comprehensive outline of the teleseminar program is available at the following link:
For those of you who already sell my book and have a database of people that have purchased it, you’ve got plenty of people that are very likely to be interested in some specific coaching and I’m really looking forward to helping everyone become proficient at living the Eat, Move and Be Healthy! principles through this teleseminar series. The more people we can enlighten as to health, vitality, whole-food eating and caring for self and planet, THE BETTER!
I’m very excited to announce that we’ve just released a new series of audio recordings that expand on the teachings I offer in my recent multimedia ebook The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need – How To Get Healthy Now! These audio recordings are comprehensive and include methods of practical application. I explain the metaphysics of each of the 4 Doctors. Some of you, particularly those of you that are HLC Practitioners and health and exercise educators with an interest in the spiritual aspects of digestion, will find a wealth of novel information in my recording on Dr. Diet. In the Dr. Quiet recording, I share several methods of active meditation and methods that are more fun and comfortable for people that typically don’t find meditation rewarding, but whom could benefit from finding an enjoyable method for stopping the mental chatter that goes hand-in-hand with what is sometimes referred to as monkey~mind! You can read more about these downloadable recordings and order them here. If you are inclined to share your feedback with me after listening, I’d love to hear it. You are welcome to forward it to [email protected].
We will be conducting P~P~S Success Mastery Lesson 1, How To Find and Live Your Legacy here at the C.H.E.K Institute March 14-16, 2008, followed by P~P~S Success Mastery Lesson 2 More Life ~ Less Effort.
In P~P~S Success Mastery Lesson 1, I teach participants how to map out their life and learn to see the many gifts that often hide within the package of painful experiences. This empowering process really helps people because they quickly learn that one typically can’t judge the value of any experience when they are in it. Once I teach you how to understand the flow of energy in the Universe, you become able to see both the natural transitions that we either flow or struggle through and from that experience, you come to know the value of self-definition.
I teach participants how to define themselves by carefully selecting core values. Core values are taught in three key phases, which are:
- ‘I’ Values
- ‘We’ Values, and
- ‘All’ Values.
I teach you how to channel your spiritual energy – your creative forces – into what you want so that you are far less likely to have to endure what you don’t want. This comprehensive training guides you step by step to identifying your own over-arching dream – your legacy. Once identified, your legacy and your core values give tremendous comfort and meaning because your life now becomes one of purposeful use of your life~force. My teachings show you how special each one of us are, and yet, how necessary each of us is to the fabric of existence. You will leave my program with a very refined sense of inner-resolve and direction – inner-peace.
P~P~S Success Mastery Lesson 2 is typically a very technical lesson, as any P~P~S Practitioner who’s completed it can confirm. In the workshop, I’ve simplified this lesson to clarify the theoretical foundations and emphasize the practical applications. The goal of this workshop is to learn all that you need to learn so that you can effectively manage your “self”. I’ve restructured this workshop to fit the concepts I teach under the headings of the 4 Doctors:
- Dr. Quiet
- Dr. Diet
- Dr. Happiness, and
- Dr. Movement.
If you’ve read my multimedia ebook on this topic, you will be better prepared for the more advanced workshop teachings. This workshop is ideally taken after Lesson 1, yet I’ve redesigned it so that it can effectively stand alone. Anyone you know that has plenty of ideas or whom seems to keep getting stuck in life is likely to really benefit from both of these workshops. I feel that those of you who have a religious or spiritual life, but have not yet mastered self-love or self-care, essential aspects of self-management, will also benefit greatly from these lessons.
So far, the majority of workshop participants have been professionals, although we have had several people under age 20 take the course and find it very understandable, helpful and applicable in their life. Personally, I love seeing young people in the workshops because this training really lays the foundation for successfully learning to create what you want in life, not what you think you should because of pressures from others or because you simply haven’t learned how to use your creative energies yet. It’s far better, in my opinion, to learn how to manage life because you want to create effectively than to learn because you are in so much pain from being beaten up by life that you need a workshop like this because the thought of more life looks bleak! That doesn’t mean I don’t want those that are beat up by life. I really enjoy working with them because when they see the beauty in their past, they often laugh and cry aloud for a while and we all share in that celebration together!
Learn more about my How to Find & Live Your Legacy Workshop here.
Learn more about my More Life ~ Less Effort Workshop here.
I’m REALLY EXCITED to share a great find: I recently met Dana Dean, a behavioral optometrist here in San Diego. Dana not only uses whole-brain learning techniques and behavioral optometry to correct vision, she’s a big fan of what I teach here at the C.H.E.K institute . She has also embraced Weston A. Price’s approach and metabolic typing as necessary aspects of correcting and maintaining optimal vision. Cool ah!
I will be at Dana’s office for a “Meet and Greet” with you and Dana on Tuesday, April 8th, 7pm-8:30pm.
If you would like to attend and learn more about how behavioral optometry can help you, your patients, family or friends, please RSVP at: 619-688-3937 (Danielle, Office Manager).
3990 Old Town Avenue
Building C, Suite 207
San Diego, CA 92110
Phone: 619 688 3937
Dana Dean Optometry is a full service Center for Vision Development. Dana provides state of the art, quality vision care to adults and children of all ages, allowing patients to reach their maximum potential. With Dana’s highly trained staff, all your eye care needs will be met.
Vision Therapy for both children and adults can enhance one’s potential. 20/20 vision is not always enough. Dana can help with specialized services, such as treatment for learning related visual disabilities, sports vision training, Neuro Optometric rehabilitation. Feel free to visit Dana’s web site to learn more and hopefully, I’ll see you there! I’m really excited to share this approach with you because I’ve seen amazing results with this approach. If you are interested in more about natural vision correction, you may enjoy articles by Jeanette Goodman, C.H.E.K 4, which are available at: https://www.chekinstitute.com/articles.cfm
Khijra: (your) Guiding Spirit Welcome to our second edition of the P.U.R.L.S. Remember, that stands for:
P = Purpose
U = Unity
R = Release & Realize Your Dreams
L = iLifestyle
S = Spirituality
Life is a process of building up and tearing down. Whenever we decide we want to do something for our personal, professional or spiritual development, it often involves some form of preparation. That preparation may be as simple as getting your gym gear together to go workout or it may be as complex as designing plans for a new home and building it. It is our sense of purpose that creates what we often refer to as our intention.
When we are unclear as to our purpose, we are very likely to be equally unclear in our intention. Since our intention ultimately determines outcome, it is important to learn to become clear as to what purpose we are utilizing our life~force for. Your intention may well be to have no intention, which is fine. We usually call that resting. If you are clear, for example, that your purpose or intention is simply to rest, then indeed, you should rest!but do you? Most of my clients have not become clear about their purpose, and therefore, get stuck half way between resting and doing. That is a terrible place to be because after a day, week, month or year of that, you are very likely to have the unpleasant experience of both feeling like you’ve gotten nothing worth while accomplished, and, you may well feel as exhausted as you would if you’d been putting all your energy into a worthy, well orchestrated project. Never a fun place to be!
This month, I invite you to join me in being on-purpose: Before beginning each day and/or any new project, write down in clearly stated language what your purpose, and therefore “intention” is. Then, stick to it! When your intention is to be productive, really do it. When your intention is to be with your kids – really do that too! When your intention is to rest or enjoy yourself, do it with the same zest you would if you your intention was to cook a meal for your lover or to build your very own new home. I’m confident that by putting your awareness on purpose and intention that you will see where you’ve been suffering from what I call energy parasites. There is no more dangerous a parasite than the one that doesn’t choose to manage intention!
Enjoy Living – On Purpose!
U = Unity
We so easily get caught up in ego-consciousness, sometimes referred to as “I, Me, My” consciousness. This is also called being “self-centered”. Surely, there is a time to be self-centered, such as when recovering from an illness or disease. After all, if you don’t care for yourself, how can you really expect anyone else to?
This month, I invite you to become more aware of the Unity we all share with each other through relationships. Are you willing to ask yourself, “who am I in relationship with as I complete this action?” For example, when you use the toilet, ask yourself, “how would my life be different if no one manufactured toilet paper?” When you go shopping, ask yourself, who am I in relationship with by purchasing this food? Can you see the long chain of contributors necessary just to allow you to have the choice of foods you do? Start from the store-owners and staff and work backward all the way to the farm. Don’t stop there. Can you see the relationship we have with earth, water, sun, atmosphere, even the Universe with every meal? Amazing ah?
I know when I travel, I often see the janitors cleaning the messes in airports and hotel toilets and I thank them for giving us a clean place to stop for a moment. They are often so surprised when I thank them. It’s as though it’s never happened before. So sad. Yet, at the same time, imagine how nasty bathrooms would be without our relationship to these most needed sanitation engineers! For the next month, let’s explore our relationships, seen and unseen, obvious and not-so-obvious so we can all become one big happy family – in Unity once again.
R = Release and Realize
What are you hanging onto this month? Who’s under your collar?
I tell my private coaching clients that to the degree anyone gets under your skin, they are your Guru! Sounds strange to some of you maybe, but consider that anyone that can shift you emotionally has essentially hijacked your emotional body! Seriously!
This month, take careful note of who’s getting under your skin and when you feel your energy body, your emotional body being tugged on, just pause, breath, and see if you can truly hear their unmet needs. Remember, when it comes to emotions, fighting fire with fire is dangerous business! I’m by no means saying to be a push-over or give up on relationships. I’m simply asking you if you are willing, for the next month, to become “aware” of who you are letting hijack your emotional body? Once you see it or feel it occurring, try simply feeling the emotion and converting it to affection – emotion without a specific upward or downward charge. This is not unhealthy elation and not unhealthy anger, just emotional energy that you can feel, observe, experience and use. By being aware of your emotions, you can, with practice, cultivate the energy once lost in anger or frustration and elevate that energy upward into your brain to help you think better. Or you can choose to take it down to the pelvis and use it to pleasure your lover. Either way, you win!
L = Lifestyle
One of the most common challenges we all face is resistance to change. I’ve been a therapist and coach for 24 years now and I can assure you, even when people pay me thousands of dollars to teach them how to get healthy, they often don’t make the changes they both paid for, and stated that they wanted to make.
One technique I use with people is to start with little changes, changes that are easy to make and don’t challenge your addictions or belief systems. This month, would you be willing to practice the art of change by cleaning a room that has stale energy (dirty chi), sitting at a different place at the dining table, swapping sides of the bed with your lover, carpooling or using public transport, or switching to using cloth napkins and washing them so we don’t kill so many trees unnecessarily? Are you willing to make these small changes with me? Cool! Let’s all change for the better. After all,! we are ALL in a relationship with each other as you will soon see with your Unity exercise .
S = Spirituality
Spirituality is nothing other than taking responsibility for what you create moment to moment. This month, are you willing to look at something you don’t really like or appreciate, like George Bush, your government, you boss, or maybe your relationship with your in-laws and contemplate how you are a co-creator of that relationship, and as such, have the power to improve it? Whew, I know this isn’t a fun one but hey, I’ll do it with you! After all, WE ARE ONE!
My son came to visit me just after I posted the last blog. He was at my house when my buddy Rory Mullin was here so we hung out and enjoyed each other’s company. Here you can see us by the fireplace.
Funny enough, my son just arrived to do some film work with me, and Rory arrives tomorrow too. Isn’t it interesting how the Universe brings certain people together at certain times?
Since my last blog, Vidya and I have been enjoying artistic expression when we have downtime. One neat little way to express my goals I learned from Vidya was to artistically express my yearly goals as a mandala or a piece of art. I’m used to mind mapping my goals, but as most of you know, a mind map is different than art or a mandala so-to-speak.
Below, you can see my 2008 goals expressed as art. Since this artistic expression is for my yearly goals, I thought, why not put the image on my sundial and take a photo of them there where time is also expressed, so that’s what you see them sitting on. While I could tell you all sorts of things about this art piece, it may be fun to see if you can look at it and tell me what you see. There is no “up or down” to this piece of art by the way. I just put it that way because it felt cool at the time and green of my big tree seemed to be attracted to the green in the rock above, which is part of my little homemade sun dial.
Vidya’s standing here with me to share her feelings about her art~goals and this is what she had to say:
“My art emerged as a result of my yearly goal setting. In this image, Wu-Chi is represented at my core; and, it also is contained by elements that support safety and security, growth, and the dynamic personal and professional interrelationships between myself, and the world as a whole. These elements are integrally interwoven into subjective and objective dimensions of my life. This image reflects my core values and the passion for life that calls my spirit into action. Financial prosperity and abundance flow to me personally to influence a quality of life that is a joy to live and share! The fulfillment of my dream this year is represented by my being authentically “myself” in all my healing capacity as a woman – as a spiritual guide – and as one awakened to the generous sharing of her gifts for the upliftment of all!
In the action of creating, art is a beautiful opportunity to “not think”, but “to feel” energy or what is going on within. This image is an expression of an energy form or pattern that was alive in me; can you feel it? Does it come alive in you too? That’s the beauty of sharing art; its value and meaning are uniquely individual. I release the image from my psyche and it is the creative action that becomes satisfying-not necessarily the outcome in itself.”
To get ready for C.H.E.K Level 4, I spent a lot of time synthesizing my life’s work and how to best teach what occurs in me as intuition and inspiration. It’s hard to teach what I really do for a living because while I’ve written literally thousands of pages of material to try and explain how I practice objectively, I’ve really only been able to write about those aspects which can be put into a left brain simile. People already think I’m nuts half the time and by the time my students make it to Level 4, they are pretty well used to me working them day and night in intensive training courses and come expecting to go through some sort of mental boot-camp.
As my students have grown with me and become more accepting of who I really am, I’ve been able to be more open about my work and how I really do work with people to help them heal. This year, I really felt it was important to continue what I initiated with the last group of Level 4 students, which was to show them how less is more. It took me some time to learn this in my career, and paradoxically, the more simple and profound any approach, the more wisdom one must command to both use and teach that simple system.
To get ready, I did a lot of meditating and reviewing of my notes over the past several years and through this process, I was able to bring my entire teachings to four simple steps, which I spent almost two weeks teaching. Below, you see the first of a series of posters I created for my students so they could fully understand and embrace the process of human life unfolding.
This poster is a poster that contains the 12 virtues that I feel are dominant in the process of spiritual Self-Realization. It also show the 12 most common vices I see human beings having to deal with, including myself!
Often, I spend time in my garden performing a variety of forms of active meditations that I’ve created. That’s what I’m doing here. This really helps me synthesize. Personally, I think with my entire body. I’m not really a “brain guy”. My brain is just along for the ride. I am intimately connected with each form of information that exists within my body-being and by using various movements, sounds, tones, vibrations and contractions, I can bring about spontaneous “knowing”. From there, I write it down and if it is knowing from past, or even past lives, I must go test the knowing to see if it works out as knowledge. It is only my knowledge that I share with my students with the exceptions of when I let them know that a thought or idea is “what I believe”.
Emptying The Bone
I took my students through three healing ceremonies while in Level 4. We performed a Native American Indian practice called emptying the bone. This means to dump your stuff!your shadow!your ego so you can be fully present with the needs of that part of yourself that has come for your help. There are a number of ways this can be done. Here we are doing what I call rattling in. We use Native American Indian rattles to restructure the water in our bodies and create a very stable, supportive rhythm within. This rhythm creates safety for the patient, which is needed because many of these healings get right down deep into a person’s shadow-self. They often resist the very healing they need most. It’s kind of a strange and interesting paradox to witness, but I’ve seen it more times than I can count! I just wait and eventually we heal the shadow-self and the patient regains or takes responsibility for becoming a self-realized individual, which is essentially what health is.
I personally believe that there is only One Humanity, One Being and that we are all different aspects of the same being. You are the You part of me and I’m the Paul Chek part of you. After a busy day working with people, I came home to rest, and as I often do, I use art to wind down. This little drawing exemplifies the feelings I’ve just shared here.
My mother helps me teach Level 4 by giving us training in Non-Violent Communication each day of the course. Since I didn’t get much time to visit with her while she was here, I thought I’d give her a massage before she left. She left an inch taller and ready for what turned out to be a VERY long trip home to Ashland, Oregon. Due to weather challenges, she ended up traveling from about mid-day through till 2:00 AM. Boy do I know that deal. Sorry your massage was used to sit in airports Mom, but I hope your body felt better on the journey.
When I have a little time to spare and the sun is gracing us with its presence, I like to take my Roadking for a ride. I call her Silvercloud. I purchased a big fat hog not because I’m a big Harley fan, but because I’ve got such a love of speed and power that if I owned what I really want, I’d be writing this blog from either jail or another plane of existence. I’m very at home on the edge of existence and spent my entire life there, be it racing motto cross, boxing, kick boxing, racing stock cars, drag cars or being a paratrooper. No, now that I’m committed to my legacy and have absolute clarity as to my mission here on earth this time, I figured I better get a fat hog that handles like shit, is a toad, but looks nice . I’m not in such a hurry any more and these days, I use my inner drive to create things that will help other people for I’m very aware of the transitory nature of my stay here. Where I’m going next, they don’t ride Harleys – they fly
This one, you can write down (or print off) and take out in your own garden and see what happens!
Healing Oracle
This is a healing oracle I designed for one of Vidya’s family members that has a pretty severe case of cancer. The cancer is in his kidneys and lymphatic system. See if you can see and/or feel what I designed the oracle to do.
Something From Nothing
How the Divine creates something from nothing is a question I’ve been asking myself most all my life. I’ve read literally hundreds of books on this topic. This piece of art expresses that miracle, and so do you!
Other Dimensions
I did some deep spiritual work with a couple close friends since we last spoke. This piece of art I drew to express our looking into other dimensions of reality together. Sometimes, we have to look into ourselves to find out who we really are. Unfortunately, most people are very willing to look at, judge and talk about everyone else, but are very unwilling to clean up their own dirty laundry. I’m always rewarded by my clients, patients, friends and family members that are brave enough to look under their own rugs so they can become authentic – can come to know who they really are so they can release that part of themselves that no longer accurately reflects their highest ideal of themselves. This piece of art occurred in me after one such experience where we went (spiritual) deep sea diving! What do you see?
This being appeared to me in a vision. It is a space~time guardian that keeps being from entering other space~time realities. You can test this for yourself. See if you can send your consciousness through any of the white holes, which are space~time portals; kind of like the doors on a ship, but essentially in wormholes. Good luck!
Sun Meets Earth Diva
The image below is one of my drawings of a fertility Diva. This being is created out of the courtship of Father Sun and Mother Earth.
Duality As One
This being is actually three beings. Can you see them? This art piece is one in which I was expressing that what we perceive of ourselves to be “one person” is never truly the case. In a human life, there is most always a duality consciousness until we become enlightened. If you want to meet an enlightened being, just find a child that hasn’t had the God squeezed out of it by parental programming and you can see what the enlightened state of “no-mind” looks like in a human body.
The art pieces and descriptions below come from PPS Practitioner Louise Peach. I offered to share them with you in my blog because I feel they are beautiful and also show her great inner-workings. Louise is a lovely woman, mother and wife to Stuart Peach, who is a C.H.E.K and PPS Practitioner in England. Thanks for sharing Louise!
I drew this picture when Stuart was having a challenging time and I felt he couldn’t hear me tell him I love him. It is another expression of my love, not just for Stuart, but for Amber, family, friends, life….
All there is, is love
All love is energy in motion
All emotions are expressions of love.
Love exudes out and flows everywhere and when you feel it and are aware of it, it grows and all you can feel is more, hence the flowers. Its everywhere.
Embracing The Ego
I had this image come to me when I was telling Stuart about the need for me to accept my ego as without it my soul couldn’t experience anything. I have always drawn eyes and now I know that this is because my soul is here, the key and lock represent the tools I am learning to unlock my ability. The rose is the beauty within, beginning to grow and is entwined with the needy side of my ego (the snake). I have used this picture a lot in meditation.
Well, that brings me to the close of this issue of a blog in the life of Paul Chek.
I’ve enjoyed sharing my life with you all. Thank you for all the lovely letters of gratitude for the positive changes that have occurred in your life by applying the teachings in my books, audios and educational programs. It really enhances my life and sense of well-being when I hear how much my efforts to share my knowing, knowledge and wisdom have helped.
I send you all my Love and chi,
Paul Chek
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