How Life Works: Physical (A-where-ness) Reality ~*~
Happy Monday Everyone!
I concluded a fantastic HLC2 course and I’d like to applaud all the new coaches – They will now be able to help a lot of people through coaching their clients with a process that will anchor each of them to their dream and the 6 foundation principles of health and wellbeing!
Well, I’m getting closer to coming home. I fly out of Sydney today and will be home on Wednesday afternoon. As much as I love my students I really LOVE my home, my garden and time to just BE with the incredible nature that surrounds me there! Yay BABY!!
I hope you’ve been enjoying the How Life Works series thus far.
Today, look at your How Life Works diagram and notice that the bottom circle labeled PHYSICAL (A-where-ness) REALITY. This represents your actual experience that can only occur because of all the other influences above it – your water, biochemistry, food, emotion, mind, relationships, desire, and Unconditional Love that is your true consciousness!
Your physical experience of reality, your awareness of self and others is utterly dependent upon relationships, MIND, your mind or ego-mind (your choices), and your biochemistry.
Now you see there are two white dragons inside the uprising triangle. They represent making choices that are in alignment with your core values, which is essential if you are to live and experience your dream or dreams day to day.
Outside the triangle, are two black dragons. The black dragons represent making choices out of your shadow tendencies or programmed ideas and behaviors; choices that result in either not choosing to have core values or not living in accordance with them.
Next, you see in the downward pointing triangle that there are two yellow circles. The left on has the words “Wisdom, Knowledge, Joy” written in it.
When we live with core values that are aligned with our dreams, we welcome any and all experiences that ultimately give us the wisdom and knowledge to experience the joy of living our dreams.
We embody the right yellow circle which contains the words “Experience, Choice, Attention”. The white dragon is the dragon of light.
Living in tune with the white dragon leads, day by day, to enlightenment. Living in tune with the black dragon leads day by day to more and more pain, confusion, anger, resentment and can ultimately lead to apathy and finally to the desire to take your own life.
The Pain~Teacher!
The black dragon is The Pain-Teacher. It first serves us to give joy and love meaning by creating a relative experience. If we didn’t know what pain or sadness were, we couldn’t know what happiness, joy or love mean either.
We are generally supposed to get a grasp on these concepts in our childhood, adolescence and early adulthood.
These experiences are intimate with the formation of a healthy ego. Once our ego is formed, we have gained a clear sense of the direction we want to take in life, which means we have a dream.
When we are living out of alignment with our dream path or soul-path in life, we consciously or unconsciously attract pain and painful experiences to ourselves.
The Pain-Teacher is like the bumper-markers on the road that illuminate the road at night and let us know if we are about to cross the midline of the road and get ourselves or someone else hurt. Just like the bumper-markers, if we don’t listen to the Pain-Teacher, we will eventually CRASH! We may also hurt others our of our own negligence.
Too often, we hurt the people we love the most because naturally they are the closest to us during most of the activities that require us to make choices.
Practical Exercise
1. Write down a short term or long term dream/or goal that’s more attractive to you than the painful, challenging relationships you may be experiencing with given people, places and things in your life right now.
2. Write down a heading “White Dragon”. Under that heading, write all the things that you are doing that fall in accord with the core values you need to live in accordance with Your 4 Doctors. Then, congratulate yourself for those accomplishments.
3. Write down a “Black Dragon” heading. Under that heading, write down all the shadow behaviors you can honestly see yourself investing time and energy into that challenge your core values.
4. Next, write down ways you are willing to better manage your Black Dragon so that it can play with and more effectively support your White Dragon.
Remember, UCL, THE DRAGON tells the little dragon of Yin and Yang that they can rest when they can get along!
What can you do in your life? What decisions can you make that will allow your dragons to rest and relax so you are willing to be more aware of your physical reality because you want to be there?
Be sure to only write down action items that you are willing to live. Be authentic with yourself, or life can never be authentic with you.
Then, enjoy living your changes and take a few moments each day to thank THE DRAGON for giving you the opportunity to live your dreams.
Once you live the way I’ve shared in this series, you’ll find that your personal comfort level of being in your body is much higher. In fact, most of the time you will forget that you even have a body!
Next, you will notice that your level of awareness of your inner-workings and presence in relationship to your outer environment are much more refined and authentic.
You will soon gain a sense of joy and wonderment as to how magnificent life really is!
Soon, you will be hungry to spend more time with THE DRAGON and get to know much more about this amazing mystery we call “LIFE!”
Well, that brings us to the end of this blog series. I hope you’ve all enjoyed learning more about How Life Works!
I’ll be back to share more with you very soon.
Love and Chi,
Paul Chek
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