Home from Atlanta!
Hello Everyone!
I’ve just come back from presenting at the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Conference (NUCCA.org) in Atlanta. It was great fun and I had a lot of fun sharing my dream with many very lovely, passionate chiropractors and other medical professionals. I especially appreciated Dr. Lee Yardley (who is the President of the NUCCA Board) and Dr. Marshall Dickholtz, Jr (who is a Board Member), both of whom reached out and invited me to share my knowledge and experience with their organization ~ I am most grateful!
My first presentation was How To Apply The 4 Doctor Philosophy In A NUCCA Practice. In this presentation, I showed how to apply my 1-2-3-4 living philosophy to patients in a professional chiropractic office or environment. As I so often do, I shared how important I feel it is that chiropractors remember that the word “doctor” actually means “teacher”; we can’t give what we don’t have. I spent time expressing the importance of understanding that most of what people do (behavior) stems from conditioned beliefs (cognition), which stem largely from childhood programming. Using the concept of balance, I asked the delegates, “can you possibly balance any of your patients bodies and the minds that control them if you don’t know what it they want to achieve – their dream?” NUCCA chiropractors are a very intelligent group of people in general and needless to say, I didn’t have to work too hard to get the obviousness of the concept across.
My second presentation, Movement As Medicine: Exercise Physiology as it Relates to Wellness, was on the physiology and psychology of exercise and how exercise can be used scientifically to improve a patient’s well-being, without causing undue pain or discomfort. The NUCCA docs were very receptive. In fact, two times they gave a round of applause in the middle of my presentation because they could see the immediacy of the need, and truth of this information. I answered lots and lots of questions.
I was fortunate to have three loving and skilled CHEK Practitioners attending the NUCCA conference with me (Andrew Johnston CP3, HLC3: [email protected]; Allison Pelot HLC3, ExC; and Maja Gottlieb HLC3, ExC: [email protected]) to help answer the many questions from the doctors in attendance. Thank you Andrew, Allison and Maya for your love and support!
When I got home it was raining beautiful yin and the first thing I did was go for a hike in the hills and stack some rocks in my rock garden. This is one of my favorite ways to alleviate travel stress ~ by connecting with nature. Next time you feel stressed, try getting your feet on the grass or dirt and play a little. It’s free, highly effective medicine.
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
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