August ~ September 2008
Hello Everyone!
How nice to connect with you again.
In the past two months, I’ve enjoyed the least amount of travel I can remember since 1995, literally! I did go to Toronto, Canada to give a question and answer session at Canada’s largest health and fitness conference, Can Fit Pro. My session was well attended and we had a lot of interesting questions on health, life and metaphysics (metaphysical questions are my favorite!).
While in Toronto, my buddy Rory Mullin organized a hotel room and took many bookings for people that wanted my help with life challenges, health challenges, and I offered Native American healing sessions as well. I was grateful to be able to participate in the lives of many beautiful people there. Thanks for all your love and support Rory! You made it all possible Bud.
My son, Paul Jr., was here last week. He and I got together and played drums, created some art and just enjoyed hanging out together. We are both busy so there seems to be time warps between our getting together, but we do stay in contact. Paul manages my YouTube and Facebook accounts for me so we are interfacing on those projects often. In fact, so many people on those sites have asked me to share what one of my workouts look like that I got Drew Danforth, my shipping manager here at the institute, to film one circuit of a four circuit workout for you. Have a look:
[flv:PICT0053.flv PICT0053.JPG 580 450]
My professional life has been very full and rewarding since I’ve been home as well. I’ve agreed to revise the entire C.H.E.K Practitioner certification program. The newly updated and revised edition will be ready for release January 1, 2009. I’m really excited to be able to use my current skills and knowledge base to improve on the programs. I wrote the majority of the C.H.E.K Programs in 1995, and while the information is still current, I can, and will do better.The PPS team and I have been working full time to release our new audio workbook program, which we call a virtual workshop. The new program is called The 1-2-3-4 For Overcoming Addiction, Obesity and Disease. I just finished all the recordings with Vidya today. Vidya is a psychologist and a family and marriage counselor with a lot of experience working with life challenges so I asked if she would contribute. For those of you who are interested in this program, you can click on the link below and listen to about 2 hours of free audio from a teleconference we did recently on the 1-2-3-4 system.
Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment by Deepak Chopra (Paperback – Feb 26, 2008)
I really enjoyed this book. I listened to the audio version while driving to and from work. While Deepak Chopra informs us from the beginning that while he did follow flow of events in Buddha’s life, he created a “story” to fill in parts that essentially can’t really be known. Deepak Chopra does a lovely job of giving us an educational story, which shares the trials and tribulations of Buddha’s life. I really enjoyed the story and thought the wrap-up he gave at the end was very useful. He explains the tenants of Buddhism, or the eight-fold path Buddha laid down for his followers.
The Tao of Jung: The Way of Integrity (Arkana) by David H. Rosen (Paperback – Sep 1, 1997)
Carl Jung is one of my all time favorite people to study. He was a key person in the growth and development of the profession of psychological analysis, as well as in psychiatry. I own the entire collection of his writings and refer to it frequently. This guy wrote even more than Ken Wilber has! That said, Ken has probably got a good 30 years to catch up with Carl Jung, who died in his eighties.
The book does a beautiful job of sharing Jung’s life of personal growth and development, including his professional milestones and points of personal crisis. Jung’s life was one that unfolded as a true Taoist’s would, though he didn’t outright claim to be a Taoist by religion. I’ve got an affinity to Carl Jung because while visiting an elite astrologer for a reading, he informed me that my chart almost perfectly matches Carl Jung’s. I was tickled by that, but not as much as when he told me that my chart parallels Madonna’s too! My bank account looks nothing like hers, and I’m not nearly as agile on the dance floor, but I’m certainly adventurous like she is J. I’d really recommend this book to anyone who is interested in seeing how a true intellectual grows and develops into a balanced wise man – one that left a beautiful legacy for humanity.
At my home, we have a large front yard. We don’t water the area without fruit trees to save water and money so it gets brown. Just for fun, I thought I’d create an antenna for earth energy and see if I could attract more yin to my yard. I did this with Vidya by creating a rock symbol and Chinese rock sculpture, which you can see here. It was really fun to do and I’ll have to wait and see if there are any signs of new life. Unfortunately, I think the ground squirrels think that the two small circles with the white rocks in the center are openings to tunnels and they keep moving the rocks and leaving little dig marks. I get the sense they are confused as to why there is what appears to be an opening to them, but they can’t get in! Additionally, I kept wondering why my rock tower (antenna) kept getting knocked down until I just happened to see a good sized bird do a power landing on one of my other rock sculptures and knock it over. Now I just enjoy sharing it with them and have tried to improve how well stacked and balanced it is to accommodate bird landings.
Josette’s Art
PPS Success Mastery student Josette Curry was so kind as to give me these two beautiful little paintings when I was lecturing in Toronto in August. She had given me one previously that some of you may remember me showing in a previous blog. I put these two little gems in my healing room at home where I do my energy healing and Native American healing sessions with people. They add a beautiful Taoist energy to the space. Thank You Again Josette! If any of you would like to see some of Josette’s many beautiful art pieces, feel free to visit her web site at:
Vidya’s Altar
This is a beautiful watercolor painting that Vidya did while resting with Penny and I at the house a few weekends ago. I’m always blown away at the beautiful femininity Vidya expresses in her art. Thank You Vidya!
Healing Oracle
I drew this healing oracle for one of my family members who was having some complications with his bladder and prostate. As I’ve mentioned before in my blogs, whatever we do to heal one of us, offers healing to all of us with the same or similar challenges. Feel free to look at it with a relaxed gaze and no need to “create meaning out of it” and simply feel how it changes the energy in your body. See if you can feel how it acts on the kidney, bladder, and sex organs of your body. If you know someone having problems in this area of their body, feel free to print it on a good color printer and offer it to them as support. Put a healing oracle where sunlight can make contact with it and it will broadcast the healing image and healing energy throughout space, helping to restructure the person’s aura, creating balance by altering energy flow from the subtle to the gross of them. If you’ve got a moment to share an email about what you or others feel when being present with this oracle, I’d love to hear from you. You can send your comments to [email protected] and she will forward them to me.
Rory’s Map
My buddy Rory Mullin and I were spending time working together to improve our ability to tap into our soul natures. When I work with people at the level of metaphysics (subtle realities), I commonly create a healing mandala or map for their sessions with me. This serves as an intention tuned antenna. What do you pick up looking at Rory’s map?
My Self-Healing Art
The three pieces of art are just a few of my recent forms of self-expression. When we use mandalas and other forms of art to express our inner-reality, we bring issues that need to be resolved from the unconscious of ourselves to the conscious. Once conscious, we can begin to interpret the symbols, shapes, colors and forms within the context of our own life. This allows us to reestablish body~mind~soul harmony. I use this for my own healing because I’m someone that trusts himself to be able to embrace self and heal self, which is why I prefer the introspective path to my own healing. It is my dream that in some way, viewing these images may access parts of you that need healing and help you see, feel and comprehend aspects of your ego’s shadow that may no longer serve you.
Welcome to this blog’s edition of the P.U.R.L.S., which stands for:
P = Purpose
U = Unity
R = Release and Realize
L = Lifestyle
S = Spirituality
For the period between now and the next blog, I invite you to join me in sharing the following P.U.R.L.S.:
One’s purpose (legacy) may also be called “the essential” in their life. The western mind is very addicted to “doing” as a means of establishing its identity. The problem is that too many of us have come to know ourselves by what we do, not who we are! My definition of stress is:
not enough don’t do with your do do.
This month, would you be willing to look at your life with regard to energy balance? Let’s all honestly assess whether or not we’ve become overly identified with what we do and explore the possibility of balancing ourselves by implementing adequate don’t do time to optimize the flow of expressive and regenerative energy.
Would you be willing to meditate on the concept of God this month? In the recent PPS Fulcrum newsletter, I discuss the virtue known as “Go(o)d” and ask, are you doing it today? Please consider, carefully, that the word “God” means “ALL”, “ABSOLUTE”. These words also mean UNITY. As you meditate on God, instead of trying to conceive of what God is, try conceiving of what God is not. If you truly follow your soul’s guidance in this endeavor, you may come to realize that to harm, hate, or abuse any living form is only to display one’s ignorance as to what and who they are.
This month, would you be willing to join me in learning what we can by analyzing our bowel movements? When you have too much do do with your don’t do, you often end up (paradoxically) with not enough do do where you should do!
In my book, How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy! I offer you a comprehensive explanation as to what a good poop is and explain what each of the other poops mean with regard to your health. Just so you can recognize any of these vitality criminals should they find their way to your toilet, I’ll introduce them to you beginning from the left and moving right:
Mr. Sinker & Stinker, The Olympic Swimmer, The Bodybuilder, Pellet Poop Man, Diarrhella, The Streaker, and, The Poopie Policeman; he’s the Gold Standard and exemplifies a good health cop!
Would you be willing to adjust your lifestyle this month such that it allows you enough time with don’t do (nonessential) activities to restore your energy and enthusiasm for you essential or must do activities?
My definition of spirituality is “accepting responsibility for what you create moment to moment”. This month, would you be willing to look at all the challenging experiences you are having right now and be authentic with regard to what your part of the challenge really is? It’s only when we accept the fact that we are at least 50% of every relationship that we must come to realize that we can’t ever really blame someone else for what we think happened to us. There are a number of environmental concerns facing the planet and all who live here. Until we all accept our 50% of our relationship to earth, water, fire (energy flow) and air, we will always be hanging around waiting for the government to fix our problems.
Upcoming Events
This month, October 17-19, my staff at PPS and I will offer you an open house. I’ve chosen to do this because I routinely get people contacting me telling me that they can’t afford my PPS trainings, but really need them! Some of these comments and requests are authentic, but sadly, for many it’s just a strategy for bargaining that they learned when they were children. For others, it is their shadow convincing them that they shouldn’t do anything to heal themselves. After all, if they do, what will the shadow do? Where will it live? Who will you be without your dark side!no more poor me syndrome! In honor of those of you who really want to heal and become a unified being, PPS has cut the price of the programs and lessons just about in half! I’ve also worked to create a number of cost effective audios, books and programs so that just about anyone can get started on their own journey to Self. For the first time EVER, I’ve decided to open ALL the PPS lessons to the public for 72 hours and offer one free 72 minute PPS coaching call in that time frame. Feel free to visit the site for more information and by all means, tell anyone who’s ready to learn and grow that now’s their chance to see what it really means to be a PPS practitioner!
Below, you will find a list of all the upcoming events in my PPS life that I’m excited to share with you and all whom you love and wish to share self-healing with.
It’s been lovely to share my life with you in this blog edition and I really hope to be able to meet you or speak to you during one of the upcoming events.
Love and Chi,
Paul Chek
Teleseminar – The 1-2-3-4 of Overcoming Addiction, Obesity and Disease
Date: Tuesday, October 16th
Time: 6:00 pm PDT
(free and open to the general public)
Lecture – Freedom from Addiction, Obesity and Disease is as Simple as 1-2-3-4!
Part of the Wise Traditions 2008 Conference
Date: Sunday, November 9th
Time: 10:30 am PDT
Place: San Francisco, CA
Lecture – The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need!
Part of the Inside Edge lecture series
Date: Wednesday, November 26th
Time: 6:30 am PDT
Place: Irvine, CA
Downloadable Interview – An Interview with EFI/Total Gym President Tom Campanaro
Soon to be Released
New Product – The 1-2-3-4 of Overcoming Addiction, Obesity and Disease virtual workshop
(Coming October 10th)
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