Tips for s-Self Integration
Happy Tuesday!
I hope your week has been going well, and that you enjoyed my last blog on how to prepare yourself for a great New Year of effective Dream Weaving.
I really enjoyed my time off last week and although I’m also very busy, I’m enjoying my work with clients and end of the year projects too.
Amidst it all, I am creating time each day for my tai-chi practice, exercise, and I’ve been drawing loads of Christmas/New Years cards for my Team, Faculty and my family, which is always fun.
Tips for s-Self Integration
Today I share tips for self integration with awareness of the New Year’s opportunity for personal, professional and spiritual growth and fulfillment.
In this video lesson (about 46:00), I begin by giving an overview of the human being from an elemental perspective. I show how to perceive the human being and human life from the perspective of earth, water, fire and air.
I also break the complexity of human life (and the psyche/soul) down into three key categories:
1. Thoughts
2. Feelings, and
3. Energy.
Using these three categories of looking into life, I first exemplify the characteristics of the self-responsive individual.
With this overview as a backdrop upon which any of us can make a relative comparison within ourselves, I move to the left column of my diagram (above), highlighting common obstructions to creative flow and self-management in one’s life, giving suggestions along the way.
I finish my vlog lesson by providing the following five tips:1. Clearly define your Dream/Nightmare. Always remember that the foundation (ABC’s) of creating any dream can be expressed as:
C: Clarity
B: Belief, and
A: Action.
2. Start from the begging of your story; look for diamonds in your painful experiences. To aid you in this essential self-healing and self-growth practice, I offer you the following comprehensive resources:
A. PPS Lesson 1 online
B. PPS Lesson 2 online
C. 1-2-3-4 Overcoming Addiction Obesity & Disease – audio + workbook program
I also recommended my book, How To Eat Move & Be Healthy! and my multimedia ebook, The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need!
I highlighted the fact that my 4 Doctor ebook has a specific section to help you develop your own core values for the New Year.
Anyone that acts affirmatively now, is likely to become much more awake and aware. This training, when applied, is likely to help you avoid what can, and often is a long string of potentially challenging personal, professional and spiritual relationships with self and others.
I hope you enjoy this important vlog.
CHEK Course Completions!
Join me in congratulating our newest Exercise Coaches and CP1 Students fro Australia. Both courses taught by Faculty Donal Carr! Welcome to our Tribe!
Playing With Stones
Sometimes, my body and mind need a break from being inside, and from gym training. This past weekend, Angie and I went out to my rock circle and pretty much put all the rocks I had in my stone circle into stacks. This is what our project looked like in the evening when we finished as the sun was going down.
I LOVE stone work because it allows me to get my bare feet on the ground, and experience a wide variety of athletic challenges.
Because the movement patterns used when doing this kind of stone work vary significantly, I don’t get the deep fatigue I would doing a gym workout, such as deadlifting.
In fact, I can usually go into the gym the next day, and often feel stronger and better balanced in my body.
I had fun watching Angie lift stones too. Though she’s only 5’2”, she’s a mighty little woman. In fact, this morning, she was doing sets in the deadlift with 180 pounds and she only weighs 125. Very fun to see how powerful she is in that little body.
Penny doesn’t go out and lift stones with us very often, but she does a lot of gardening that includes adding stones to the landscape around our house.
I encourage her to garden barefoot whenever she can, and she’s been great at getting her feet on the ground after all the administrative and computer work she does to manage the Institute. I’m proud of her.
Penny has been very consistent with her tai-chi for about the last year now, and it’s amazing to feel how much chi she generates when we do tai-chi together in the evenings.
Angie is very sensitive to subtle energy, and she’s also notices a big difference in Penny’s chi-field during our practice. Doing tai-chi with family, loved ones, and friends is always a great bonding experience, and best of all…no one needs to talk .
I hope you have a lovely rest of your week.
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
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