October 29, 2010

From Corn to Bread to Dead?


Chances are, you may be reading this while I’m teaching either of my new seminars: The Science of Breathing and Movement, or my newly updated Scientific Balance Training workshop that I am teaching here at the institute today and tomorrow. I’d like to thank all of you who signed up. It is inspiring to know that there are so many people willing to learn how to care for themselves and others. As we heal, it is natural to want to share our wisdom with others suffering similar maladies. I know that my knowledge-base has been widened significantly through my own challenges in my life. Often, what looks and feels like hell is arriving, is but a gift in disguise. I often congratulate people for their diseases, informing them that their Master has arrived! There is no greater teacher than the pain we carry; after all, you don’t have to travel to learn!

Just remember, most diseases can be remedied by simply applying the principle of reverse engineering: apply the opposite behaviors that got you in trouble and in just the same way you can go backwards to untie a knot, you can go backwards and untie a disease. If you eat too much sugar, eat less. If you don’t sleep enough, sleep more. If you move too little, move more!After all, there’s not a pill or a shot in the world that has been found to change the very behavior that starts and maintains a disease process!

I give you this preface to the excellent 2007 video production, King Corn by Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis, because this documentary shows you just how deeply infused with corn our diet, and products have become. It’s quite shocking! In this program, two intelligent young men return to their college professor for help; they want to grow an acre of corn and track it to see where the corn goes to eventually reach the grocery shelves. (Notice, first off, that the professor shows signs of a fungal infection in his own body, and, starts by warming his sandwich in a microwave!) Well, the naive young men grow an acre of genetically modified corn. They learn about the process of commercial farming, with all its chemical and waste (it is stunningly shocking!) Wait till you see the MOUNTAINS of surplus corn being produced in Iowa every year! One of my favorite parts was when they first tasted their own corn; both of them agreed it “tastes like shit!”

You may also find it astonishing to see that due to government subsidies, commercial growers are able to push small farmers right off their land! Additionally, you will learn that small farmers literally can’t survive on the money they make from small plots of land because it costs more to grow produce (in general) than they can sell it for. Why? Because through government subsidies and rapid grow (chemical and genetic technology), commercial growers keep the public addicted to the idea of cheap food!

We are a growing society of fat, sick, tired people and one of the main culprits is corn! Not only that, the amount of corn syrup that is produced and used in just about all commercially processed food is just plain shocking! That is why I can’t say it enough: KNOW what you are eating, know where your food comes from, connect with your local organic growers and stay away from commercially processed food of all types.

You will learn much more too, as did the young men, but I won’t spoil the fun. This is a must see program for anyone who wants to live a vibrant healthy life (diabetic free), those that work in the health care industry, or anyone concerned about the fate of commercial farming practices on our beautiful home, Mother Earth.

Interestingly, you might think that pigs are on the receiving end of the food chain for corn, but have you ever thought about what happens to those parts that are not turned into chops, bacon or ham? I don’t know if any of you have seen Christien Meindertsma: How pig parts make the world turn | Video on TED.com yet, but it’s very enlightening as to just how far pig parts make it into the most surprising aspects of society — and technology! Those of you with pork intolerance will probably be shocked to find out that pork is very likely to still be in your diet –and in lots of other things you never would have imagined! Just goes to show that every part of every animal (pigs in this case) makes the world turn – at least you might think twice 😉


Love and chi,
Paul Chek