August 2006
Hello my fellow friends and Truth-seekers!
Much has happened since my last blog posting, so I’m excited to share with you this month. After a short rest at home, I was off to teach a series of lectures in Chicago, Denver, New York, and Tampa.
Each time I lecture in New York, I’m so elated that I don’t live there! It is very easy to see how all the noise, pollution, electromagnetic pollution, and lack of nature(!) can lead to all sorts of anxiety, accumulated stress disorders, learning disorders and last, nor least, a nature deficit! Below, you can see me having lunch in a little park area near our hotel on 32nd St. in Manhattan. Fortunately, there was a very good little café called “Speedy’s” across the street where I was able to get quite good food and!espresso! It was amazing to stand in line there and feel people so anxious to get going!they were pushing you in line, breathing down your neck as you get your wallet out to pay, constantly projecting “Hurry up! Hurry up!” at you mentally. Even the clerk at the till was like a frog in a blender. My favorite part about my trips to NY, other than sharing much needed information with some very lovely people that attend my seminars and courses, is LEAVING!
My next stop was home for a little rest. Ah, rest! Love it! Here you can see where Penny and I live. This is our lovely Vista hideaway. The gardens are full of lovely flowers, orange and lemon trees. I feel deep peace and rest here!the absolute opposite of NY!
When I rest, I love to study art, poetry and write poetry and short books and I do meditative, shamanic investigations of life and the spiritual world. In this next picture, you can see me studying photographic art and writing poetry.
After sitting inside for a while studying, I get outside in my lovely yard with my friends the plants and trees and stretch. Stretching feels fantastic. It helps balance the energy systems of the body and improves all emotional, mental and spiritual clarity too.
One of the ways I fine-tune my energy systems is to use Native American Indian drums. I have drums tuned to each of the chakras.
My assistant, Nicole Kirian, is usually with me on my rest days making sure that I’m well fed and she practices her spiritual development with me.
Nicole and I both do a fair bit of mandala work and here, you can see one of the mandala’s Nicole made while we were doing shamanic explorations together.
My next stop on the lecture circuit was Can Fit Pro in Toronto, Canada. As you can see here, I get very large turnouts in Canada. Some of my lectures had well over 400 people in attendance. The Canadians are some of the most learned, willing and progressive people in the world and I really enjoy them. I feel a kinship with Canadians having spent half my childhood and teenage years growing up on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
While in Toronto, I had lunch with some of my friends and fellow CHEK Practitioners. Here, you can see (from the right to left) Orlando Bowen, myself, Rory Mullen, Yves Ethier and his business partner, then Donna and her husband Phil DeLaire. We are eating lunch at Wholefoods in Toronto.
Whenever I’m in Toronto, Matt Nichol, one of my best buddies and strength coach for the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Team, Rory Mullen, therapist for the Toronto Raptors and I get together as often as we can and explore new methods of exercising. Here, you see me showing them how I integrate sound healing with exercise to get a much more profound healing effect than exercise alone can deliver. Needless to say, we had what looked and felt like well over 100 people watching us in this little tiny park next to sky tower in down town Toronto.
After another short rest at home, I had some private time with my close friends Rory Mullen, Phil DeLaire and his wife Donna. We spent two days together doing deep inner spiritual exploration.
Through breathing, rhythm, learning to manipulate our Chi, dance and the use of sound, art and mandalas and mind maps, we were all able to have profound experiences both individually and together. My assistant, Nicole, was with us all the way too. Here you can see one of my best buddies in the world, Doug Hetrick, who has taught me a lot about shamanism and shared a number of excellent methods of inner exploration with Rory (on your left), Donna and Phil. Doug also did some work with some of my other friends and students that came for my first PPS Success Mastery Workshop.
We had a perfect class of 30 for our first live PPS workshop, which focused on Lesson 1: How To Find and Live Your Legacy. Here you can see Orlando (BO) Bowen sharing the truth and trauma of his life mandala, his unique journey to spiritual enlightenment. Orlando, previously a professional football player experienced a traumatic, life changing event that ended his football career, but, now he runs self-development workshops for children. What seemed like a devastating turn of events for Orlando and his family has turned out to be a blessing for humanity! We all appreciate and love you Orlando!
We begin each morning of the PPS Workshop with a unique Chi cultivation exercise. Here, you can see me leading my students through a sound healing exercise. This exercise combined the use of movement, Tibetan bowls and tuning forks and produced a melody that was deeply relaxing and resonated with the energetic signature of this unique, evolved and loving group of people. The people at this workshop were truly amazing!every one of them! So willing to learn and grow it makes me feel so much joy to be part of their lives!
Among the guests that spoke were Danny Way, world famous professional skate board star, my friend (and mentor in many ways) Doug Hetrick, who spoke about “Human Design,” which is an advanced form of astrology he practices that allows him to offers life path readings for people. In addition, Ryan Hughes (pictured below), one of the world’s top motocross racers, spoke about his life journey and the many painful but rewarding challenges he’s faced.
In the photo below you can see Ryan’s beautifully done Legacy mind map.
After class, I took the picture you see below of some of the students showing off their beautiful mind maps and mandalas. Everyone I spoke to in the class had some kind of major self-realization, a breakthrough in their personal development. I personally was very rewarded in this journey with my fellow travelers. My son, Paul Jr., and Phil DeLaire filmed it and the workshop will be available on DVD in the next three months. You are welcome to contact William Nicholas at [email protected] to be added to our notification list if you would like to be notified when it is available for purchase.
Well, that brings you up to date for now. We’ve had many requests for another PPS Lesson 1 workshop already so I’m looking at running another one in the next 4 months at my institute in Vista. You are welcome to ask William to put you on the list to be notified. You can also go to and subscribe to our free bulletin, which will put you on the mailing list to be notified of all upcoming product releases and events if you desire. I’m off to lecture and do workshops in Copenhagen, Halmstad, Sweden, and the UK for six weeks. In my next blog, I’ll share my experiences from that trip with you. Until then, I wish you a life of what you want, Love and Chi.
Paul Chek
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