November, 2023
Dying Differently With Salicrow and Angie Chek
Experience death and dying in a very different way in my latest blog/vlog with help from psychic medium Salicrow and my wife and Shaman Angie Chek.
Are You Spent?
Are you struggling to reach the holiday season? If you’re mentally, emotionally and physically spent, join me at the blackboard so I can show how to restore your mind, body and soul, the best gift you could ever give yourself on any holiday season!
The Soul as a Verb With Tim Corcoran
Can a soul actually be considered a verb, along with a noun? Discover why the verb way may be the best way in this week’s blog/vlog conversation with Tim Corcoran.
Water as Medicine With Isabel Friend
The chances that you’ve consumed a lot of highly traumatized water at some point in your life are about 99 percent, the theme of this blog/vlog conversation with Isabel Friend.
Handling The Future With Vanessa Lambert
How does this modern age of (mis)information affect the ways we perceive the past and future? Learn more from Vanessa Lambert about energy and the Akashic Records.
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