Are You a Trainer or Rent-A-Friend?
Happy Monday everyone. I hope you are as happy as I am, loving life and the work you do.
Talking about being busy, I’ve been absolutely SLAMMED! over the past week!
With teaching my CHEK Life Alchemy 4 Health and Performance workshop and delivering the keynote address on my 4 Doctors approach during 30th annual Pacific Symposium, working with clients and developing some new and exciting projects, I just haven’t had the extra time to prepare part 2 of my Seven A’s of Healing series the way I wanted to.
Rather than create something I wouldn’t be satisfied to share with you for this important series, I’m taking a break this week. Don’t worry… I’ve got A LOT MORE TO SHARE about Dr. Gabor Mate’s Seven A’s of Healing, so look for it next week.
In the meantime, I think you’ll enjoy listening to this extensive interview I did with the incredible Mike Bledsoe back in August for the Shrugged Collective podcast and his Strong Coach series, where we talk about some things that trainers and personal coaches never consider when working with clients.
Some of the topics we touch on over two hours:
- Physical fitness is no indicator of mental or spiritual fitness.
- Understanding that clients don’t respond to positive reinforcement nearly as well as negative self-talk, and moving them away from it by focusing on their true dream… what they really want.
- When you understand a client’s dream and what’s out of balance in their life, you can focus on which one of the 4 Doctors is key to helping them rebuild their health.
- Know your archetype.
- Clients who are unconscious hire people like Mike or me because we look like what they want to be or we remind them of their parents or an authority figure they admire.
- Too many trainers possessing a childish need to please their clients that’s greater than their own sense of autonomy and leadership abilities, so they become a rent-a-friend.
- The predictable stages of development that trainers go through to become CHEK Professionals.
You can listen to our podcast interview on your computer at the Shrugged Collective website or download it to listen on the run or at the gym via iTunes or Stitcher.
After listening to this podcast interview with Mike, I hope you’ll have a greater appreciation for what you want in life and what it means to be a CHEK Practitioner.
If you’re inspired by what you hear, I strongly encourage you to check out our CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coaching program as well as the extensive offerings of our brand new CHEK Academy.
I look forward to getting back to my Seven A’s of Healing next week, but I hope my conversation with Mike gives you a lot to think about until then…
Love and chi,