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December 13, 2010

Who’s EATING Whom?

Hello and beautiful day!

Every living thing/being wants to live. To live is to breathe; to breathe is to consume.

All that lives and breathes must consume. All that is consumed becomes the substance of creation and creativity.

The little creatures, lacking ego, live in total authenticity; they don’t cheat on their diet, nor indulge in pathological diets in attempts to look better in the mirror! It is their living true-to-life that makes them both nutrition and nutritious. Imagine if all the beings from the soil up to man were managing themselves just as man does?! What would happen if the deranged ate the deranged?

The bug searches for the sustenance to create the fabric of life; they are the knitters and weavers of nature. The spider waits patiently for those little beings who’ve aged to the point that they can’t see her web; when they land in it, she consumes them; her venom gives a beautiful Jack Kevorkian death! She sits contented, waiting patiently as she dreams. Without realizing the magnitude of the world above her, asleep in her plumpness, she is spotted by a bird who also wants to feed herself and her young, for like the spider, they too eat the little ones that have become unaware. In a flash! The spider awakens from Her dream, in flight – the little bug and she have now grown wings to see the world. And so goes the Great chain of Being.

Who are we eaten by?

We are eaten by each other, and
Consumed by the stars.

We are eaten by our minds, and
Consumed by that light, or
that dark; whatever is real in your mind, determines
what you become, in-kind!

May we all become ripe and plump with foods, thoughts, and the love that feeds the world and the Universe so that regardless of what or where we awaken from our dream as, we know we’ve become a loving expression of a dream worth participating in; joy to the bugs and spiders that grow wings and sing!

There is an Angel in you, and She feeds on LOVE.

Love and Chi,
Paul Chek