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August 27, 2021

What Inspires You with Robbie Maddison

What Inspires You with Robbie MaddisonHappy Thursday everyone! I just turned 60 three days ago and I’m feeling GREAT!

By now, a lot of you have started listening to this week’s Living 4D episode where I talk about the people who have inspired me to be the best I can be, including my two wives, three kids and a grizzly bear!

Knowing I was going to devote an entire podcast to the many people who have inspired me — those living with us in spirit and in the physical world — I want to share this excerpt from my previous Living 4D conversation with the amazing Robbie Maddison.

First, we talk about the people who have inspired Robbie, including his very own grizzly bear (a father who was harsh but wise), the legendary Evel Knievel and his fellow biker athletes and the late Chris Ackerman.

A freestyle jumper, Chris lived about 18 years after being paralyzed in a crash in a sand canyon, yet was able to stay upbeat and funny despite being a quadriplegic. The guts Chris displayed in living that hard life for so long made an deep impression on Robbie.

What Inspires You with Robbie Maddison

For every special person like Chris, there are tons of people who live life as if they were in a perpetual state of boredom, because they’ve never had to deal with legitimate, real hardship.

When I need to remind myself how lucky all of us are to be together in this world right now, I remember that every single thing we do is made possible by someone else living their dreams too.

Robbie and I talk about other things and people who motivate us, but all of that forward momentum to achieve your dreams starts with a simple question and the answer is almost always YES!


After watching this brief blog/vlog with Robbie Maddison, I hope you’ll be inspired to listen to or watch our full conversation too!

Love and chi,
