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August 22, 2012


Happy Wednesday to You!

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday.

My day was great! I got into work and wrote my blog early so I could get to a business meeting with a couple genius business minds. We had a fantastic brainstorming session together. In between our brainstorming, we took some time out to do some toning together and we played Native American drums together. It was great fun.

In the afternoon, Angie Lustrick came to share some time and birthday gifts with me because we won’t be able to visit on my birthday (51 already!). Vidya also came and joined the meeting and made us an amazing meal too.

I was hoping to get some rock work in with my guests, but we got too busy talking about business issues and the time slipped away. Instead, Angie and I did a nice tai-chi session in the coolness of the evening, which was lovely.

Today I got into the gym early to do a series of lunging and studying, and this afternoon I’ll be giving a lecture to our CHEK 3 Students: Why People Don’t Heal.


To continue on from our blog topic of microorganisms yesterday, I’d like to create awareness around some great books highlighting research into many aspects of how life is both conscious, and connected.

Many of you are aware of the very popular book titled, The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird.

The ground breaking research showing that plants are conscious, and very aware of the thoughts, emotions and people around them presented in this book was done by Cleve Backster.

Cleve Backster is an expert in polygraph testing and spent most of his career training police, military and other organizations how to effectively administer polygraph testing. I’ve met him personally on two occasions; he’s from San Diego.

Cleve Backster’s research efforts looked into the life of many forms of life, from cats, to eggs, to plants, bacteria and much more. He showed many amazing, even mind blowing results and connections with his research.

For example, he found that he could put his polygraph testing leads into a vial of yogurt, and then put some of the same yogurt into another dish and they were sensitive to each other. He would then have an assistant take one vial of the yogurt and drive many miles from the laboratory, where he would do something like take a lighter and heat the vial (its been years since I read the research so I’m paraphrasing).

As soon as the yogurt in the vial was insulted, the yogurt in the laboratory that was hooked to the polygraph would go wild! He showed that distance didn’t seem to be a factor and that through some as yet unidentified means, the two cultures (from the same batch) were in constant communication with each other.

Another example is that he found that if he had a polygraph attached to one or more of the eggs in the egg carton, as soon as he dropped one of the eggs in boiling water, the other egg(s) reacted as though they were feeling, or sympathetic to the pain of the egg in the boiling water.

Now, if you were to make such a proposal to someone like Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens (atheist left brain dominant individuals by my own assessment), they would be very likely to tell you this was fantasizing at best.

But what would they say when the results showed that there is indeed some form of web connecting the seemingly unconnected?

There are many amazing research summaries from Cleve Backster’s work available to you in his excellent book titled, Primary Perception – Biocomunication with Plants, Living Foods, and Human Cells.

Another great book highlighting his research is titled, The Secret Life Of Your Cells, by Robert B. Stone, Ph.D.


There is a lot, A LOT, we don’t yet understand about the nature of the universe. There is equally as much we don’t yet understand about consciousness.

I know that in my own life, as I’ve progressively healed myself of my own inner-emotional wounds and gotten my body progressively more healthy and balanced, I’ve had many amazing experiences of connection with all sorts of things, ranging from water, food, plants, trees, animals, humans, rocks, soil microorganisms, energy fields and more.

I feel that there are a few factors to be considered with regard to understanding how this is possible and I’ll briefly outline some of them here for the purpose of sharing my own perspective:

1. CONSCIOUSNESS: No one has proven what consciousness is with any objectivity to date. The person that does is likely to win the highest scientific awards available since this issue eludes even the most well equipped researchers.

My personal experience and explorations of consciousness have led me to a working theory or philosophy of consciousness that’s really quite simple.

The Universe is essentially (from what we currently understand from objective science) one all-inclusive process. Anything that “is” or can be known of as this or that is by definition a part of, or attribute of the universe itself. Anything that we do, or can do can rightly be said to be the doings of the universe itself.

Just as theorists still tout the Big Bang concept as the beginning of the universe based on measurements of background microwave radiation, that theory would also suggest that everything in the universe was “born into existence” from the seed matter that now embodies all tangible things in the universe.

The beginning of the universe would essentially be the beginning of all “vibration” in the universe. Many theoretical physicists such as Steven Hawkings and others have concluded through mathematical analysis that when you reconcile all things material or measurable (that means vibration) against all the emptiness in the universe, the answer is “ZERO”.

I feel that consciousness is the reconciliation of all vibrations. This reconciliation creates a backdrop against/within which all things (vibrations) can be expressed or carried. Einstein and many others have concluded that “emptiness is not empty!it is wildly and explosively FULL.

Plotinus, the great Greek Philosopher and Metaphysician told us long before modern science that “the vacuum is not a vacuum, it is a plenum, an inexhaustible, infinite (Eternal if you like) wellspring of potential.

This would essentially mean that any vibration (communication) what-so-ever would have to be expressed via the potential of the plenum, which is the source and return of all that is or can be experienced.

What I’m saying is that there is nothing in the universe that isn’t intimately part of every other thing in the universe. Our inability to see and understand that is largely due to the limitations of our sensory systems and our belief systems.

2. GENES/DNA: Human genes contains the genes of a myriad of other creatures in nature and is really much like a history book of all life experiences on this planet. Because we have the DNA in us that is essentially the same as many if not most other living creatures (particularly those that are less evolved in an evolutionary sense, it isn’t a big leap to be able to conceive that we may be able to communicate with sublte energies to any living thing and get information back. That information is likely to be translated by your own DNA; I feel that the so-called “Junk DNA” is really more likely to be our phone line to the rest of ourselves!

3. The universe is essentially “whole”: We have the ability to project thought and light or other vibrations into other mediums, such as stone, water, sky, etc. That would stimulate vibration as a response on some level and therefore, we may interpret that as feedback or some form of communication.

It could be that we are just unconscious of the fact that our bodies are just extensions of the larger body of the world or universe and that we are really talking to parts of ourselves that we are relatively unconscious of.

Those are just some of my thoughts on these issues and I hope you take the time to read one or two of the resources I’ve suggested.

I think you may find that some of your judgments are challenged, or in some instances, supported. Either way, you can have some objective science to guide your discussions on these issues and that may be a source of safety and security if you are like me.

Many think I’m nuts because I talk to plants, stones, and the likes!

Have a lovely day!

Love and chi,
Paul Chek