Posts from tag Breathing
Healing Breathing With Sarah Charmoli
Learn how breathing can be the gateway to healing in my conversation with Sarah Charmoli.
What is Holistic Health?
Good Monday morning to you all! This week’s blog/vlog is a very short one, but it offers a lot for you to consider. One of the most common questions I’m asked in my travels around the world — especially at […]
The Unstable Lunge
Happy Tuesday everyone! Have you suffered an injury to your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) or a torn meniscus? If you watch football or soccer, you see them ALL THE TIME! So, how do you avoid them, […]
Increasing Your Capacity for Feeling Using Stone Shapes
Happy Monday! I hope all is well in your world! In this week’s blog/vlog, I’d like to share a bit of the inner work I do in my stone circle as a way to show you how to develop your […]
The Washing Machine Exercise
Welcome to a new week everyone! This time, I want to share the washing machine, an exercise I’ve used for a very looooong time. (Honestly, it’s so long ago that I don’t know if I learned or developed it!) I […]
The Wisdom of Exercise Consistency
Should you push yourself to do your exercise program if you really don’t feel like it? How important is it to be consistent with your exercise? When do you “give yourself a day off” when it is supposed to be […]
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