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September 8, 2009

PPS Day 3 Healing in the Park

Sunday morning my students and I went to the beautiful park at the end of Wellington St. for a little morning sun and some energization exercises. We circled up and did quite a bit of toning and then I invited anyone who need healing to enter the inner circle. One of my motives for teaching this way is to create an environment where each individual first comes to feel “themselves” through their voice, their own inner-vibration. Then, as each individual’s rhythms become progressively more harmonic, they naturally begin to feel others in the group. If the toning practice is carried on long enough by people willing to let go of their monkey-mind, they gain the beautiful experience of “knowing”; they come to know where each person is in the circle is; they come to know who is and isn’t toning; they come to feel who is drinking their energy and the energy of the group. This gives each person a chance to feel what true healing really is; it is a harmonizing of self as an essential gift to other!

It is very important to me that my students do not see helping others as an outward projection, something that they do to people. That is not healing, it is a form of manipulation based solely on one’s own ideas of what healing is, and/or what the other needs. But can that be authentic healing when in fact, we can only see, feel or know others through our own conscious, and shadow-ideas of self? Can you really be present with another when your ideas of them are passing through, being filtered by your ideas of yourself?

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My approach to healing is to heal myself adequately that I can put my ego-self to sleep while I work with the other. This is called emptying the bone in Native American healing practice. When I’ve emptied my bone, I’m as a drum skin, sensitive to any vibration that touches my being, yet, like the drum, I do not play myself. Healing is merely a process of receive and respond; when you walk with your lover, who’s a foot taller than you, to stay in relationship, you may have to speed up a little, they may have to slow down a little in order to “co-create” harmony. That is healing!

Here you can see me working with sound to liberate blocks and re-balance and harmonize physical-emotional-spiritual rhythms to integrate wholeness for my students.

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Because I have a deep and intimate knowledge of myself, because I know my river, it is both easy and comfortable for me to be in your river in service to you. When I’m there with my waters stilled, I can feel your ebs and flows – your mental-emotional tides. Because my mind is empty of my own thoughts, your thoughts appear in me, yet, because I am not thinking such thoughts, I know that they are yours; the thoughts express the rhythms, flows, constructive and destructive interference patterns that are all elements of your perceived reality.I do NOT try and fix your reality. I simply use my “Self” and a benchmark for stillness and seek to add or withdraw energy such that the subject’s flow becomes balanced, harmonized. From that point, the individual can typically feel a variety of changes within themselves. It is often very easy for them to feel such changes, for they emerge as tears of awareness, shaking body parts responding to the innate wisdom of the chi that seeks to heal all its investments, for chi only has itself to invest in! Some experience great mental clarity. Others, emotional stability.

I regularly perform spot-healing in my workshops for those that are receptive so that they can, from harmony, become open to the opportunities before them. For the first time, many find themselves feeling color, shape, form and their own thoughts. In this state, I can teach a student to adjust their own energy field, their own reality such that they use the tools available to them to maintain an energy state of receptiveness toward what they truly want in life; in this state, they may be better able to find what they truly want in life. Most people don’t know, making life like an endless shopping trip through the strip malls of human ideas. I make this point to my students in this regard…until you can see and know an author to the degree that you can discern their writings as parrot-like transcriptions come through a clogged filter, or identify an authenticity that is naturally attractive to you, all you can do is put more intellectual data into your body~mind. Without knowing weather such information has pragmatic import, one increases (greatly!) the chances of internal in-coherence due to the fact that all information is essentially energy, first and foremost. Just as too much energy will over-bake a cake, or ruin a good weld, too much information entering the intellectual mind clogs flow through the practical intellect. When this occurs and I assess your field, it often feels as though a person’s head and neck area are literally pregnant, pulling the head down and forward as though you were a dog with a turkey tied around your neck; you can smell it, feel it, yet, you are ever so frustrated as you hear yourself spewing all these “great ideas” (from inside self and coffee shop) and do nothing to make them real in the world.

The other students participated by toning with me – you can really see their healing intention! Group work is a very good opportunity for a variety or reasons.

1. If you are afraid to be alone with a healer or wild-man such as I, you can gain safety and security in a group.

2. If you are weak or in need, there will inevitably be many there more coherent than you; they then become stewards, vessels for their healing.

3. If a person is afraid of their own self-judgment, or that of others, being in a group allows them to fade in; many begin without participating, then they minimally participate, then, often without realizing it…they are gone! Meditation has snuck in the back door, bringing a moment of bliss, or reflection. Even a single second in this state can deliver more real, practical information and experience than a hundred years reading books filled with the stuff of others… Don’t believe me…TRY IT.

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I’ve always very much enjoyed lecturing in Toronto, and Canada at large because the people there (I was raised on Vancouver Island, British Columbia from 12-21 by the way) are more receptive to learning.