Movement As Medicine Pt. 2/7: Mobilization
Happy Tuesday!
Well, as I’m sure some of you suspected when my usual Monday blog didn’t show up, I’ve been very busy preparing to leave to Australia Thursday for a three-week teaching tour.
Aside from HLC 2, I’ll be teaching a series of four workshops, two of which are brand new.
I’m looking forward to seeing my students and meeting new faces.
You can learn more about my workshop offerings at:
Today in my blog:
1. I highlight what I share in my vblog on “Mobilization”.
2. I share the celebration of recently completed CHEK Advanced Training Programs with all of you.
3. I share some artistic self-expression from three of my most dedicated students.
That said, let’s get into it!
Movement As Medicine Pt. 2/7: Mobilization
In my video blog (vlog) today, I share an overview of the relevant concepts of mobilization of cells, connective tissues, muscles, fluids, and joints to improve the functional synergy and energy flow of your body-mind.
I explain what “transitional zones” are, and where they are in the spinal column to better help people understand what they are mobilizing, why, and how to identify the actual cause of instability.
I cover three commonly used types of mobilization, and offer ten essential tips to improve results with your mobilization efforts.
I hope you enjoy my vblog today!
How To Eat Move and Be Healthy – book
Golf Biomechanic’ s Manual – book
2. Celebrating C.H.E.K Advanced Training Program Completions!
It always gives me great joy to see the group photos of CHEK Institute classes running around the world.
I’m very proud of the CHEK Institute Faculty Instructors. They have all done a TREMENDOUS amount of study, hands on training, assisting, testing, mentoring, and personal development to become and maintain their status as instructors.
I have very little tolerance for “coffee shop experts” and all CHEK Instructors are held to a very high standard of personal care, practice, and authenticity or they risk loosing their ability to teach until they meet the standards I’ve set.
Very few people have the mental horsepower or discipline to become a C.H.E.K Institute instructor, so seeing photos of them teaching, and reading the comments of their students gives me great joy and makes me what to share them with you!
I am so very proud of you all for enlightening many! Thank you!
– Dan Hellman and Duncan Reeve Finished Exercise Coach for First Year Academy Students April 20 Lancashire UK
Congratulations to the Year 1 (part 1) CHEK Academy students on completion of Exercise Coach with Dan Hellman and Duncan Reeve.
From an attending student Michael Glover: Wow! What an incredible five days of learning from the incredibly inspiring Dan Hellman and Duncan Lloyd Reeve – I strive to be the type of practitioner you guys are. And also spent with a bunch of fantastic people! Feeling good as a new CHEK Exercise Coach.
– Leigh Brandon Finished Exercise Coach for First Year Academy Students April 24 London UK
Congratulations to the Year 1 (part 1) CHEK Academy students on completion of Exercise Coach with Leigh Brandon.
This is what Christopher Kerr had to say:
On my way back to Somerset after what can only be described as a mindblowing, game changing CHEK Exercise Coach course in London. A big thanks to Leigh Brandon for sharing his knowledge, experience and erm, jokes. I was lucky to spend an intensive 5 days with some of my favourite people on the planet and I cannot wait to see you, and the rest of the Academy in a fortnight (you guys complete me). Now I just need to work out how to remove the eyeliner on my hips and back after several unsuccessful showers…
– Dan Hellman and Duncan Reeve finished teaching Golf Performance Specialist April 25 Lancashire UK
– Matt Wallden finished teaching CHEK Practitioner Level 2 in NYC today, April 29
3. Celebrating the Art of Body-Mind Integration
This beautiful shot of my star athlete, Mike Salemi (Russian Kettlebell Competitor) was shot by Photographer: Alexandria Huff under the direction of Masseuse: Allison Reynolds (
Mike sent me a series of these beautiful photos of him doing kettlebell exercises. Mike is a living testament to:
1. Balanced 4 Doctor living and self-management.
2. Discipline
3. Courage
4. Commitment, and
5. Love.
I’m very proud of Mike’s progress in the last year. We successfully rehabilitated his compartment syndrome with the help of Jonny Suarez CP3, HLC 3.
We also balanced Mikes inner-unit – outer-unit muscle systems, got his digestion and elimination optimized, and remodeled his lifting technique to a safer, more balanced approach for long-term participation in kettlebell competitions and coaching.
If you want to get a glimpse of how strong this guy is, imagine trying to do well over 30 reps of clean-n-jerks with 32KG kettlebells in each hand! Many so-called “buff dudes” in the gym would be hard pressed to do even a handful!
Mike has now broken the number of total reps needed in 5:00 to get his Masters Certification two times in training, so we are just progressively building him up for fun, and for his development as a coach.
Great Job Mike!
You have probably seen Jason on my site several times over the past couple years if you follow my blogs. Jason is very dedicated to personal growth and development. He has a beautiful family and is a recognized person of influence in his field.
I have been telling Mike Salemi and Jason about each other for a while now because if there were ever two Spiritual Warriors on the path together, its these two!
Jason too, is a MASTER of 4 Doctor self-management. He has, and continues to study tai-chi and other martial arts forms, such as the sword you can see him practicing above.
Jason is what I call a “see it – hear it – DO it!” man. I never have to tell him anything twice.
Jason and Mike must both have past lives in the Asian culture because unlike most western students that spend more time arguing and trying to outsmart the teacher, they are both respectful, listen, practice, and get great results in their lives. And better yet, their results become the guiding light for many others.
Art therapy is a big part of my clinical practice and my own personal spiritual practice. Jason began his art practice as part of our coaching a little over two years ago, and it has been amazing to watch the artist in him emerge.
After I do healing work with my clients, I task them with drawing or painting their experiences as part of an integration process.
Jason sent me this beautiful painting titled “Rooted In Bliss”, which is his post therapy integration mandala.
I love the simplicity and depth of Jason’s art. I hope you too feel “rooted in bliss” as you look at it. I’m proud of Jason for maintaining contact with his inner-child after all he’s been through and healed from in his life, and his art beautifully shows the presence of his inner-child – the joyful spontaneity within.
Jared is Jason’s brother and he is also a very powerful, creative being! Jared is a man of many talents, from cooking, wine making, building, farming to painting and loving his beautiful wife, Velisa.
This is Jared’s first ever attempt at a self-portrait, and it is his first time to ever paint a face!
Jared shared with me that he was inspired by studying the life of Chief Joseph (see my mother’s book and web site for information on Chief Joseph at:
I think Jared did an amazing job of this painting. It really carries Jared’s heart-centered energy and presence in it.
Jared, like Jason, manages to express his creativity and live a balanced 4 Doctor lifestyle with his wife while building a very big project that I’ll share with you sometime in the near future.
I’m very proud to be able to share the body-mind art of three of my amazing clients and friends!
I hope you all enjoyed the blog today.
I will share Part 3: Stretching of our Movement As Medicine series with you soon!
Love and chi,
Paul Chek