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July 13, 2010

How To Do “Nothing”


So nice to share with you today.

I have been busy creating new webinar presentations, slide shows for upcoming workshops, teaching, and seeing lots of clients. Between these events, I have enjoyed some quality time with the sun, which I’ve only been able to do in the evening for the last month due to June gloom; in San Diego, we typically have heavy overcast days during the month of June and it can make you feel as though you are experiencing a Swedish winter in summer. I have also been fortunate to have a little more time at home over the past few months than usual, which has been very healing for me. It takes a LOT out of the body to travel internationally eight months a year so being at home is like medicine for the soul!

I have been enjoying Vidya’s great food and spending a lot of time in my garden. I’ve been a little laid back with my zen rock garden since my friend Rickard Blomburg and I built a series of rock stacks together because they were all so lovely that I’ve not had the feeling I could make more beauty than we did together. Have you ever had the experience of being at peace with the way something you created is as it is? It is a real tendency of the mind to want to constantly change, change, change things. Have you ever wondered why it is that we have such a hard time letting things “be”?

The mind is movement. If there were no movement, how would you know you were thinking? If you witness for a moment, you will see that every thought is like a sentence!there is always a beginning -something in the middle-and an end. The trick to witnessing is to slow down. Let me explain why: According to Deepak Chopra, the average person things some 68,000 thoughts a day (of which about 90% are said to be of negative orientation). If we look at this mathematically, some very interesting observations emerge. There are 24 hours in an earth-day. If you divide that such that you determine the number of seconds in a day, it works out to be 8,640. Now, if you divide the 68,000 thoughts by the number of seconds, you get an interesting number – 7.87 thoughts per second. Why is that so interesting!?

Here’s why:

The Schumann resonance is the frequency of the earth. This frequency creates what is referred to as a standing wave function. Think of a standing wave function like a lattice that vine plants grow on; the lattice retains its shape and form consistently, which allows the plants to create a home, something to grow, live and experience on, like a living matrix. Wikipedia says of the Schumann resonance:

[In the normal mode descriptions of Schumann resonances, the fundamental mode is a standing wave in the Earth-ionosphere cavity with a wavelength equal to the circumference of the Earth.]

This means that the Schumann resonance essentially creates an electromagnetic resonance that acts like a lattice upon which our body-mind construct can grow, play and create. Wikipedia’s description of the Schumann resonance goes on to say:

[This lowest-frequency (and highest-intensity) mode of the Schumann resonance occurs at a frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz!]

The standing wave of the Schumann resonance (7.83 Hz) falls within the range of brainwave activity known as “Theta”. Theta activity reflects the dreamlike state between wakefulness and sleep. According to Michael Drake author of Binaural Beats for the Shamanic Journey (, binaural beats in the theta (4 to 8 Hz) range have been associated with meditation and shamanic states of consciousness; binaural beats are created in the brain when two beats of different frequencies are heard in each ear, and the brain creates a third binaural beat out of the differences between the frequencies heard. Additionally, studies of brain patterns by researcher Dr. Melinda Maxfield found that a steady 4.5 Hertz (or Hz or cycles per second) for at least 15 minutes can transport shamans into altered states of consciousness. This 4.5 cycles per second corresponds to a trance like state of theta brainwave activity.

What this means to “you” is that what you may well think of as “your thoughts” are actually EVERYONE’S THOUGHTS! As creatures of the earth, every part of us is in a harmonic relationship with the earth, with Her reality. We are all thinking each other. Many ancient healing systems, such as Hawaiian healers use encourage us to see the world and life as an expression of our self, of our mind. They suggest that we not try and fix or heal others, but that by healing ourselves, we are healing others! I’m in total agreement with this philosophy. To take the math a little further here, consider that thought is an electromagnetic waveform, which can be objectified with an electroencephalogram.  If one were to assign the speed of light as the speed of thought, which travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, and we divided that number by the circumference of the earth at the equator, which is 24,860.2 mi., something interesting again emerges. Each thought, if sent via the earth’s internet (Schumann resonance) would travel around the earth  7.4818 times/sec. Please take note that that number, 7.4818 also falls into the theta range of 4-8 Hz associated with meditation and shamanic states of consciousness!

If my calculations and predictions are correct here, we, the earth, and all living things on Her are in a perpetual meditation; the meditative state underling the higher states vibration we associate with conscious thought. If we learn to heal by witnessing our thoughts so we can gain clarity on what we do and don’t want to share without ourselves, or others, we can discharge our negative thought-tendencies. In so-doing, we are essentially removing junk mail from earth’s internet, making it much easier for each other to experience the love and beauty she offers us each day.

The image I share here is Wu-Wei Man, which I was inspired to draw because I had this vision while studying Alan Watt’s book, What Is Tao (see below). If we learn to use our minds like garden tools as I teach in my Tao-Te-zen program and simply use the mind to do the things we should do with a mind, our whole life would change because the number of thoughts would drop radically!

To prove this to yourself, spend a day monitoring how often the thoughts you think essentially equate to junk mail? How would your life be different if you had no junk mail in your mailbox, on your computer, phone, no junk ads on TV or the radio?? Imagine all the open invitations for peace, for “being”! When we realize the potential for our own thought-garbage to pollute the entire consciousness of the planet and all that live on it, we can go a long way to creating a healthy eco-system within by simply not engaging with the thoughts that we don’t want – that don’t serve our higher-good, nor anyone else’s for that matter. With just a little practice, you will all the sudden find yourself dreaming, enamored, entertained, enlivened and blessed to be witness to life, to live. You will be well on your way to restoring your true nature as a human “being”. I suspect that if we all share in this together, the bees may begin to rest and regenerate again. We may begin to heal and see a drop in addictive behaviors of drug, sugar, alcohol and tobacco use. We may find joy in our lives and soon, we will come to realize that happy people don’t start wars. We will allow space for children to play and nurture themselves in instead of bombarding them with electronic devices to serve as surrogate parents, and their inner-calm and authentic creativity will emerge.

This is the dream I wanted to share with you all today.

I’m sending my love to you at 7.83 Hz. If you can’t feel it, simply stop thinking and I will be right there in your heart!

Love and chi,

Paul Chek