Filming And Fun In The zen Garden!
Happy Monday To You!
I hope you had a fantastic weekend – I did!
Friday, a film crew came to my home to ask my opinions regarding how people can prevent and cure disease through natural means. The documentary is called “THE CURE IS . . .” to inspire others toward the power to transform health challenges through the power within.
You can see me standing here with David Scharps, who is the creator and producer of the film. David spent a life in the trading business and has decided to give back by improving awareness of how we can all use natural treatment approaches that not only work much better than medical approaches at large, but support the planet and all life.
As you can imagine, I was glad to contribute to the cause. I will be sure to give you all more information as to where to find more information on “THE CURE Is” as soon as it is available. David is interviewing a lot of very informative people with important messages worth hearing and sharing!
Here you can see me working with “The Cure Is ” film crew; there are two others in the background you can’t see.
These guys were doing the real-deal with Hollywood production quality so the film should look beautiful. The film crew was interested in how and why I use my infinity pattern generator to charge my water with life~force energy.
Here you can see me explaining the process to them. I gave them a bottle of the water since they were tired from late nights and an intense filming schedule.
While we were filming, the crew was amazed at how much bird and animal life there is in my yard. There were times when there were a five or more gofers and some squirrels participating from the sidelines. In this photo, you can see one of the gofers making an appearance just below Vidya’s foot.
Sunday, Vidya’s long time friend Sage and her husband Gary came to visit us. Gary and Sage are both highly skilled shaman-process oriented psychologists who are part of Arny Mindell’s process work community in Portland and Eugene, Oregon. They are in private practice and also work in the field of conflict resolution. They have done a lot of work in the Middle East to help ease tensions there. We had a lovely time sharing with them. It’s really fun for Vidya and I to share our art with people who have a deep knowledge of metaphysics and symbolism because they are able to see and experience the deeper meanings conveyed in our art. Thanks for sharing your time and love Gary and Sage!
While Gary and Sage were visiting, I showed Gary how my infinity pattern generator works for aiding meditation and how it harmonizes biorhythms. He really enjoyed the experience and was really surprised at how powerful the generator is. Here you can see a picture Vidya took of me meditating in the generator.
I’m wearing the brand new sweater my mother recently knitted for me. It’s lovely! Thanks Mom!
The remainder of the photos are shots that I personally enjoy and wanted to share with you. I hope you enjoy them too. My garden is the place where my soul finds the most joy and where I can best relax my mind and regenerate myself so I can most authentically help people.
Well, my lovely rest at home comes to an end tomorrow. I’ll be off to lecture at the East Coast Alliance (ECA) conference in New York early in the morning Tuesday and will be gone for a week. I’m excited to share my one-day preconference workshop titled,The Science Of Breathing And Movement as well as several other lectures including A Holistic Approach to Knee Pain and How to Work with Medical Professionals – 2 new presentations I just put together in the past few weeks.
In my lecture on how to work with Medical Professionals, I share my experience of how personal trainers can best cultivate an effective working relationship with medical professionals. I hope I get to see some of you there!
I may not be able to put up blogs as regularly as I’ve been for a while now due to the intensity of my schedule but I’ll do my best to share some thoughts and update you as I go.
In the mean time, enjoy living and loving to your fullest!
Love and chi,
Paul Chek