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June 8, 2011



I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.

I was very busy yesterday building my new “How To Live Your Dream-Line” webinar, which was great fun.

I often feel sad that so many people have become conditioned to focus on what they don’t want in life that they first forget to dream, then many forget how to dream.

In my upcoming webinar, I will share a very simple, yet highly effective process for finding your legacy (overarching dream). I will also share tips for building your dream skills so that anyone can learn how to take advantage of the many gifts of the human mind and use them to create what they want in life.

This webinar is suitable in content and context for anyone, from any walk of life. Even children can gain a tremendous amount. If they are of the age to read story books or understand cartoons, they will get the message, which could open them to their creative faculties and empower their sense of possibility.

When we understand the nature of possibility, we also understand the inherent nature of probability.

Today I will be conducting my weekly coaching call for PPS Practitioners at 12:00 PM (PDT), so if any of you are PPS Practitioners that want to join, please do!

The calls are often very lively with a variety of interesting questions on every aspect of life you can imagine.

I will also be coaching Jade Johnson, 2012 Olympic Long Jump hopeful and her CHEK Practitioner Warren Williams to assist Jade in her return to the Olympics.

Jade is one of the top long jumpers in the world and has been British champion (she may still be!). She has had a series of painful back episodes that led her seek too many doctors and therapists, but as she says, “the best results came when I found Warren Williams!”

I am working with both Jade and Warren to get her fully rehabilitated and conditioned for her day atop the winner’s stand at the Olympics in London, her home town.

Just an FYI, I (we) will soon launch a web BLOG site where you can all track Jade’s progress as we prepare her for the Olympics. She’s doing a lot of inner-work to heal, which she’s willing to share so others can benefit from her process.

She and Warren will also share many of her workouts and training methods so people can take advantage of learning how an elite athlete trains and lives when guided by effective coaches.

I will also be doing some relationship coaching today, which is always interesting. I learn a lot about the many ways relationships become challenging when I work with couples, so I’m sure today will be exciting in that regard as well.


Before I begin addressing the issue of fear of death, I want to get some semantics cleared up.

You will see god written in different ways in my posts and writings at large. Those without metaphysical training are likely to think they all mean the same thing, but wonder why I write god in different syntax or different case structure from time to time.

Just so you are all clear what I mean in my writings, here are the meanings of the different forms of the word god:

GOD: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, ZERO, ABSOLUTE, OMNI (ALL), such as omnipotent, which means ALL-POWERFUL, or omniscient, which means ALL-KNOWING.

When you see “GOD”, I’m referring to what GOD really IS. This GOD cannot possibly be “known”, only experienced. To “know anything” requires that you know what it isn’t. You can’t know what a cow is unless you also know what a cow isn’t.

Because GOD is ABSOLUTE, GOD can’t possibly be “known as this or as that”. To suggest otherwise is simply an admission of one’s own misunderstanding or ignorance.

God: This is largely the God written about in Abrahamic and some other religions. This “God” is their chosen all-mighty. This God is sometimes referred to by scholars such as Joseph Campbell, and many others as a personal God.

It is, quite frankly, because of programmed beliefs in this God that people at large never come to know GOD. If they did come to know GOD, religions would loose any means of manipulation, control or leverage over people.

This is the “God” of the Bible that states, “I am a jealous God”. This is the God that states, “thou shalt worship none other the me”. This is the God that apparently wrote the Bible, according to Christians.

This, according to Islam, is the God that borrowed the hand of Mohammed to write the Koran. This is the Jewish God, who has his chosen people. Therefore, this God clearly has conditions, which places this God squarely in the realm of ego-mind.

This is the God behind the number one killer in history, which is religiously motivated warfare! Be very careful with this God! He’s powerful, has smart bombs, stealth bombers, and visits the White House and other such places where religion isn’t supposed to be making decisions for the people who are suppose to have freedom in and of religion. I have research, and in fact BOOKS in my library suggesting that God is the number one addiction in the world at large.

god: This god is even more circumscribed than God. This god emanates from tribal religion and/or paganism or idol worship. This god may be a man!maybe even a lamb! This god may be a place.

In Hinduism, there are some 240,000 such gods. Yet, Hinduism at large realizes what GOD IS.

When one, such as myself views GOD as ALL, then one is inclined to worship everything that exists, for it is all an expression of GOD because there can be no higher form of love than UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Often, people such as I are labeled as polytheists (many gods). This may be true for some, such as those that have a god structure in which there are lower gods and higher gods; a rock would be a lower god, a mountain a higher god, and all mountains an even higher expression of such gods.

Some sources suggest that the number one fear among humanity at large is public speaking, followed directly by fear of death.

Next, I want to state outright, my blog is merely my personal opinions based on my personal experiences. Having been a therapist professionally for almost 28 years now, I’ve seen first hand how dangerous God and gods can be.

Issues of God and god, in my opinion, are the number one cause of ego-encasement, illness, and disease. Because of my childhood upbringing, I was exposed to a wide variety of God ideas and experiences.

I had first hand experience of the damage God and god can do in one’s own mind, family, and society. I saw and experienced the changes in my mother when she went from being Christian to being a yogi. It was profound! It may have saved my life and hers!

With my childhood awareness, and having been trained by yogi monks, I was quick to observe how belief systems were the root of much of my athletes and patients ailments.

Early in my career, I began an intensive study of GOD, God, and god, and anything and everything to do with such issues.

I needed to know what a person’s belief system was so I could understand what motivated their behavior, their use of self. Needless to say, I hit pay-dirt.

I’ve now amassed an 1,800 sq. ft. library filled largely with university courses, books, DVD documentaries and every form of information on GOD, God, and god you can imagine.

I also studied and do study shamanism, which is the very basis of all religion.

I mention this in preface to my discussions to come on death because, if history has anything to say about it, there will be any number of people that simply choose not to hear me or have an interest in actually hearing what I’m saying in order to act our their programming.

I’ll now formally request that such people do not waste my time sending nasty comments on the blog. 99% of such comments are presented authoritatively by people (most of which have never studied any other religion or faith outside their own), which means they are largely ignorant to the human condition and reality at large.

I’m interested in sharing with open-minded people that genuinely want to learn, and who are brave enough to question their own thoughts. I tell my students regularly, “Any belief system worth living, is worth challenging!” Otherwise, you’ve got a mind-virus, not a living philosophy.

I find this quite funny really. People “speak publicly” any time they are in public and anyone else can hear them! If you have an opinion about something someone is passionate about, like whether or not Jesus actually lived or not and you share it with someone with opposing views, the same people that would rather die that engage in public speaking become so loud and boisterous that they can often be heard for miles!in fact, I think sometimes they wake the dead!

People’s fear of death, like most issues, comes largely from religious programming. Particularly the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism).

This is because Abrahamic religions are steeped with programming that informs the believers about sin and punishment; the punishments often include eternal damnation!burning in the fires of hell! Fear of death is not ubiquitous among religions or spiritual wisdom traditions at large though.

Buddhism, zen, Shinto and others which OSHO calls adult religions have left the “God” word and idea out because of the division, misunderstandings and pain caused. Wise!

When I was studying the history of zen Buddhism, there was a section where the author described how at one time in Japan, the Ninja were assassins that functioned like street gangs often do today; they used death threats to capitalize on people’s fear of death to coerce them into giving up their land and valuables. The zen monks had acquired a beautiful estate where they built their temple. The Ninja’s decided the wanted to take possession of the zen temple, belongings and land.

The author described how the monks were not only unafraid of them, they were waiting for them when they came. In the confrontation, the Ninja threatened to kill them all if they didn’t leave immediately.

The zen monks just laughed out loud. They thought that the Ninja death threats were funny! Why!because having achieved Union with NO-MIND, they knew there was no objective differentiation of life and death.

They knew there was nothing to fear with death. Death is merely a transitional state; a door to yet another expression of being. As monks, they had reached authentic detachment, and therefore, could not be manipulated by death threats.

Stunned, without the ability to control them, the Ninjas became their students!

In my studies of Christianity, I watched scores of documentaries on relevant issues. Several of them highlighted major Christian churches that now run children’s camps.

I recall a documentary by Richard Dawkins where he went to a MASSIVE Christian church in Colorado and visited one of these children’s camps. The kids had to sit in the dark while (church) actors played out hell and damnation scenarios to scare the hell out of them and instill the fear of god in them.

It highlighted the many common ways they sin and did a pretty good job of putting them into a very tight mind-box, in which self-guilt and shame was the primary form of leverage.

It is this kind of programming (and I could easily give many more examples from other religions) that makes people very afraid to live, and even more afraid to die!

Paradoxically, the Abrahamic religions all teach, in their own way, that God is Love? Why then, would anyone be afraid to die and meet LOVE?

When people’s minds are conditioned by paradoxes, their minds literally become paralyzed. This kind of paradoxical paralysis is fear based, which closes the creative, connective, holistic (right-brain) faculties to a significant degree, leaving people stuck in the most base levels of ego-mind.

Now, they can’t see things as they are. Their vision, their every sense is conditioned by fear, shame, and self-judgment.

A simple example of how deeply intertwined paradoxical thinking is among these religious factions is that they all claim to be monotheistic; mono = One, theistic = of God. Anyone claiming to be of a monotheistic religion is stating by definition that they believe there is, and can only be, ONE GOD. Seems simple enough.

The rational mind, with first grade math skills, when functioning, should immediately ask the question, “how do you get three religions that all claim monotheism with such different beliefs and practices; why is it that these monotheistic religions have been killing each other over issues of “your God vs. my God”?

The differences in their beliefs of GOD (Unconditional Love) not only lowers GOD to “God” – an individual belief that their God wants this or that – but actually lowers God (That which gives life to each and all to “god”.

The word “god” is by definition an individual’s unique “idea” of god as this or that. Any God that can be “circumscribed, defined as “_____”, is by definition idol worship. Paradoxically, idol worship is considered a sin in monotheistic religions, yet anyone at war over issues of what God wants, says, or does is practicing idol worship or paganism.

So, here we all are. Afraid to live because we can’t possibly adhere to the so-called commandments and therefore, perpetually sin, and afraid to die because GOD (Unconditional Love) is going to burn you in hell. Hmm. Very interesting indeed.

The result is tremendous jealousy toward others that are living and enjoying themselves because they don’t play such head-games with themselves, and being afraid to die for fear that they will come face to face with their task master!

When I was a child in Christian Science Sunday school, I distinctly remember being told all about how loving Jesus was. That Jesus was the son of God and that God is love.

Well, the next thing you know, we are all singing, “onward Christian soldiers, marching off to war, with the cross of JESUS going on before!” I was confused?

How could the man I’d just spent an hour learning was God’s son, the son of Love itself!be marching off to war and kill the rest of himself?

When I asked questions like that, you can rest assured, I didn’t get a warm welcome! It was around that time that I began worrying about adults; I couldn’t help but wonder why it was that such things were so obvious to me at the tender age of six or seven, yet the people that apparently ran the world seemed to overlook the obvious. How in the world can I be safe in the world if I’m already smarter than the people that run the world? This caused a lot of pain and fear in me. Thank God! my mother found the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda!

When I was a child in Sunday (age 12) school at the Self-Realization Fellowship temple, one of the monks told us of how once a man asked Paramahansa Yogananda to help him with his son.

Yogananda agreed to see the man and his son. When he asked the man what the problem was, he said his son had “sinned” and his father was afraid he would burn in hell and would never get to heaven.

Yogananda pondered for a moment and then apparently instructed some of the monks to build a huge bon-fire and bring him some rope. Naturally, the man and his son became very concerned and asked him what it was that he intended to do?

Yogananda (who obviously had a great sense of humor) said, well, since God is gong to burn your son in hell for his sins, I thought we could just do it now and get it over so he can go straight to heaven. After all, isn’t that what you wanted for him?

After letting them experience the shock of this whole issue, Yogananda began to laugh and said to the man and his son, “you, I, and all are God’s children.”

Why on earth would God burn his own flesh and blood in a fire for sinning? At that moment, the man and his son realized how silly the whole idea was and were able to move past living in fear and start living with assurance that indeed, GOD IS LOVE.


If you look at my diagram, you will see what my soul taught me about what Love is. Interestingly, what I’ll share here conforms very nicely with current advancements in quantum physics, which I quite love.

“L” in love stands for desire. It is labeled with a positive symbol, but one should not be confused by that because in the case of Unconditional Love or GOD, all polarities assigned are relative. You will notice that the list of correlating conditions above and below “L” include “yin”, which is the feminine principle in Taoism.

“O” has been converted into a neutral or “insulator” symbol in accordance with electronics. “O” is the equivalent to the numeral ZERO. There is a list of common attributes that can have a relationship with “O” depending on how one is conveying an concept of what the concept is.

“Ve” stands for “volt electron”, which is a standard scientific notation. It carries a negative polarity, just as an electron.

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE (UCL), like ZERO, can’t ever be this or that. To be this, or that, is by definition, a condition. UCL is equal to THE ABSOLUTE. An ABSOLUTE CAN’T POSSIBLY BE MEASURED OR KNOWN. Or, it simply isn’t an ABSOLUTE at all.

To close our first edition on the issues of death, I’d like you to meditate, ponder if you will, how we could “die” if the Prime Source of life itself, GOD can’t die?

To die is a condition that depends on life as a relative antagonist. Without death, life has no meaning. Without life, death has no meaning.

If GOD IS GOD, then GOD is PRIME SOURCE of any and ALL that IS. There can be no other source.

Therefore, one with a healthy sense of logic will usually come to the conclusion that, if “I am THAT”, I can’t die. I can only transform.

In the science of thermodynamics, there is a law that says, in paraphrase: Energy produced cannot be destroyed, only transformed.

Since all “things” are clearly made of energy, what we call “death” should (when viewed with the context of GOD as the basis for logic) be called a transition or transitional state.

In Part 2., I will move forward into an exploration of what MIND is and how that relates to mind or ego-mind. We will look at how that relates to death and life.

Thanks for letting me share today!

i hope you’ll make it a great one!

Love and chi,
Paul Chek