Surrounding the Dragon of Back Pain!
Hello and Happy Monday to you All!
I hope you had a good time over the weekend and that you created some time for resting and creativity so Monday didn’t come unwelcomed!
I know very well how easy it is to get caught up in our story about how important work is and how easy it is to externalize ourselves.
We often forget that we are human “beings”, and fall into the trap of valuing ourselves by how many people we are helping, how much money we are making, or what we are apparently “achieving”.
Everyone has the opportunity, in time, to come to realize that when they put value on things and activities that require an outward expression of our life-force over and above the activities that offer an in-flow of life-force, that fun diminishes and labor begins!
My friend Sean Greeley, founder of NPE (Net Profit Explosion) came to visit us Thursday through Sunday to help us with some business restructuring.
We’ve been working with Sean for a few months now and I feel so blessed to have such a business maverick who actually understands me, my message, the institute and business to guide us too the next level of our offering to the world.
The best way I can describe Sean is to say that he’s a Business Samurai!
He works with businesses much the way I work with clients to help them solve their health and vitality problems.
It’s so exciting to have a business coach that Penny and Vidya enjoy, understand, and can get along with too.
Friday, Penny, Sean and Vidya continued our business work from Thursday while I took care of a little writing project I’ve got going.
Saturday, Sean and I went to Encinitas for a massage and a steam and then we came home to relax and continue our discussions.
Sunday, Sean was ready for some exercise in the rock garden, so off we went.
Here you can see Sean putting the finishing touches on his rock stack.
It was quite fun because as Sean and I were working on creating our rock stacks, we were discussing the many parallels between building a rock formation and building a business successfully.
And there are many!
Here you can see Sean and I celebrating the completion of his cool rock formation.
Here you can see me reaching as high as I can to put the last little rock on the top to crown my stack.
I must have tried to get that little gem on the top 10 times but it was so round that the wind just blew it right off again.
What a great chance to have a sense of humor about it.
Here you can see Penny and Sean next to my stack once I finally found a capstone that would stay up.
It was so great to see Penny out in the garden. Sean’s coaching directive for Penny Sunday was to “stay home and relax in the garden!”
I loved that call!
I’m so proud of Penny because even with all the business stress she manages, she’s been doing a great job of getting in the gym, eating well, and getting some rest in.
Her beautiful body is toning up and her cloths are getting loose on her, which she’s excited about.
Penny and Vidya are both very strong in the gym and it’s fun to share life with others that are health conscious.
All-in-all, we had a great, productive visit with Sean.
We all got to enjoy doing some of the things we love to do while also being productive with our business ventures, which makes for a great weekend and a lovely working relationship.
Thanks Sean! Thanks Penny and Vidya for all your love, support, food, and hard work too!
Surrounding the Dragon of Back Pain
Our next webinar through the C.H.E.K Institute in the series for the year (Yes! I’ll be giving it) is coming right up! Surrounding the Dragon of Back Pain! Thursday February 23rd, 2012, 12pm-1:30pm PST.
These informative webinars are very cost effective if you can’t get away to take a seminar or CHEK Institute Course.
You can do the monthly trainings individually for only $24.95 per webinar, or get a discounted price for signing up for the whole series.
The information for my next webinar presentation is below and is appropriate for anyone in the health or exercise professions.
I think you’ll find my approach practical and informative!
Here’s the summary on the topic of Back Pain:
Back pain is an ailment that affects many people, yet its etiology and progression can be multi-dimensional.
This webinar illustrates how to approach back pain from a holistic perspective, using the hierarchy of control centers in the body to determine exercise priorities.
You will understand how key stabilizers of the spine and core are linked to the function of the respiratory system and how feed-forward and feedback loops within these areas contribute to back pain.
I’ll show how back pain is often an expression some other imbalance in the body, rather than purely musculo-skeletal in origin and I’ll leave you with practical approaches to prioritizing your efforts when working with people who suffer from chronic back pain.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand what a control center is.
2. Understand how a control center approach is used to determine possible root causes of back pain.
3. Learn how to prioritize solutions for relieving back pain using a control center approach.
4. Become aware of the holistic nature of causes of back pain.
You can register now at: https://www.chekinstitute.com/webinar/
Paul Goes To Toronto!
I will be giving a one-day training with two lectures for Can Fit Pro in Toronto March 3, 2012.
The two lectures I’ll be offering are:
1. Scientific Shoulder Training
2. Surrounding The Dragon Of Low Back Pain
If you’d like to register to attend my presentations in Toronto, feel free to click the link above.
These lectures are very reasonably priced and I’ll share as much information as I can to help everyone there enjoy training while preventing and rehabilitating shoulder and back injuries effectively.
I am looking forward to connecting with you there!
Directly after Can Fit Pro I’ll be heading to NYC for ECA New York where I’ll be doing a foundational pre-conference day on the CHEK Approach to Functional Core Conditioning.
I hope to see many friends old and new through the weekend as I present various other lectures. You can learn more about those through ECA Website.
Well, that brings you up to date with the activities in my life.
I hope I get to share with you on a webinar, or at one of my upcoming live presentations.
Seize The Day!
Love and chi,
Paul Chek