What Is Organic? Part 2: How The Soil Works
Happy Friday to You!
Technically, I’m supposed to be taking the day off today…. I thought I’d come to work and do some catch-up, and get the next part of my “Why Organic?” series up.
I’ll be flying to Toronto Monday to begin a week of workshops and lectures at Can Fit Pro, which is definitely my favorite health and fitness conference worldwide.
I will be offering a 1.5 day workshop on Advanced Program Design, as well as several other lectures and workshops. Hopefully, I’ll see some of you at my 1.5-day Advanced Program Design workshop, or one of my many other lectures next week at Can Fit Pro.
I’m even doing a joint workshop Sunday with the Beautiful Misty Tripoli – creator of the “GROOVE Method.” Not surprisingly, that one sold out right away!
If you would like to see what I’m teaching, or register, click this link for more info: https://www.chekinstitute.com/conf2013/canfitpro.php
I look forward to seeing friends and students as well as meeting new people while I’m there.
I had a very busy day blogging, writing programs, coaching clients, and doing paperwork yesterday.
Above, you can see me with my client Jason, and his father Igor. Jason is a retired professional motocross racer, who has now taken up competitive off road cycling. His father, Igor, used to travel all over the country racing with Jason, and they have a beautiful father-son relationship.
I feel very privileged to be able to share as much of my knowledge as I could with both of them, as we begin our journey into health and performance. Thanks for spending a great day with me Igor and Jason!
I managed to get into the gym for a circuit workout of deadlifts off the box, high-cable rowing, and reptilian crawling. After four circuits, I was happily cooked and ready to be focused on my work.
After work, Vidya came over and I did tai chi while she did stork walk.
Then we had a sauna in my Health Mate IR sauna, which we always love, and then dinner and some art. After that we enjoyed watching the Science HD channel, which featured how the Audi R8 is built; if it weren’t for my environmental ethics, I’d want one of those cars!!
My Audi A3 has been loads of fun, and not only is it faster than my 5.0 Ford Mustang was, it gets as good a gas mileage as my Harley Davidson did when I had it. I absolutely love my Audi. Best car I’ve ever owned, hands down. I bout it in 2007, and she’s still running like new.
What Is Organics? Part 2: How The Soil Works
In my video blog below, I cover the basic functions of organic soil and how essential organically farmed soils are to both the health of the planet, and our individual health. This is right from my HLC 2 course, so if you’ve ever wondered what kind of things I teach students in my Holistic Lifestyle Coaching course, this is a great sneak peak.
In this video clip, I review the mechanics of the soil, showing how the soil functions as a living electromagnetic energy source. I teach you why microorganisms, earth worms, and insects are so essential to our health, and the health of the planet.
I show as clearly as I possibly can, how dangerous it is to use chemical salt fertilizers such as NPK fertilizers “unconsciously”, not to mention the serious problems created by modern farming chemicals.
I hope you enjoy the lesson I share on organic farming today.
In Part 3 of my series, I will share information about what occurs in the rhizosphere (root space) of plants in organic soil. Hopefully, after better understanding the functions of organic farming, and how plant life actually works, you’ll be more cautious about using pills to compensate for poor farming and food choices.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and get rested for a productive week next week – at least that’s my goal.
I may not be as frequent with blogs while lecturing in Toronto simply due to time constraints, but I’ll do my best to share along the way, and I’ll share more insights from my “Why Organic?” series.
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
In Part 1 of my “What Is Organics?” series I recommended a few books that I referenced because I thought you might find their topics interesting when studying organics and soil:
If you would like to know more on these topics, please consider the following resources for your education:
1. Nutrition The Dirt Facts DVD
2. You Are What You Eat Audio/Workbook