What Is Organics? Part 5: Finding Healthy Food (Final)
Happy Friday to You!
I’ve been busy as you might imagine and finished my 1.5 day workshop on Advanced Program Design to a great group of attentive students at CanFit Pro. Well done! I’ll be busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest delivering some essential lectures the rest of the weekend. If you happen to be at Canfit Pro this weekend I look forward to seeing you there!
Finding Healthy Food
I hope you have been enjoying my video series, What Is Organics?
Today, I share my final segment of the five part series and I give a variety of tips for finding organic foods.
I also share several resources that can make finding healthy food easier.
You can also download excellent shopping guides from the Environmental Working Group, which are loaded with practical resources to help you find healthy food and related health products and providers. Or you may contact your local Weston A Price chapter as an example.
There are some other websites I mentioned in my vlog you can visit online, such as the CSA Coalition and Local Harvest. These organizations work with local farmers to bring their produce to market, farmer’s markets and home delivery programs. There just is no excuse NOT to each health, whole, organically grown food.
In this segment, I also address the political issue of why there is so much bogus press suggesting that organic foods are no better than commercially grown foods.
I’ve included some of Phillip Howard’s excellent infographics so that you can see who owns what in the organic industry. He’s a professor at Michigan State University.
I think you’ll be pretty shocked to find out who owns many of the current organic food certifications today! Not a pretty sight. Enjoy the final segment of my mini-series on organic farming, the soil, and organic food.
In my What Is Organics series, I have shared the basic science of how the soil functions, and how that relates to the whole concept of “organics”. I shared my feelings in the series regarding the issue of politics, and that waiting for the government to correct the problems with our farming, soil, and pretty much any issue of health and sustainability is a waste of time. The only way to make real change is to be the change! What you purchase is your vote! If we don’t buy dangerous foods and products, manufactures simply can’t sell the stuff!
Living In Harmony With Nature and Each Other
A great example of how powerful a collective community consciousness can be was shared with me by my mother, Meera, who lives in Ashland, Oregon. Ashland had a Mac Donald’s, but…hardly anyone in Ashland would eat there. The result…Mac Donald’s had to close it down! Ah Ho Great Spirit! Power to the People!
I have a great love and respect for people that actually do more than just talking about the problems of the world and actually do something to make tangible changes.
These little tangible changes can be as simple as composting, recycling, being more efficient with cars and machines that out-gas damaging environmental pollutants. We can make informed choices to spend our money with companies that are Eco-friendly for our food, body care, and home care products.
Someone I’d like to highlight in celebration of the end of my little series is Jae Sabol, Founding member of One Community Global.org.
Jae Sabol is a CHEK Level 4 Practitioner, PPS Practitioner, and HLC Practitioner. Jay has studied with me, and been a great friend of mine for many years.
As he learned from me, and many other experts in a variety of related and relevant fields, he developed his own model for sustainable Eco-friendly living. Unlike many, he actually did something, and is doing something fantastic.
If you’ve ever wanted to see what is possible as a transition to a healthier world for all of us, including nature, or have considered living in a truly holistic, sustainable, Eco-friendly community, you really have to see this: https://www.onecommunityglobal.org/
Have a look around Jae’s sight and enjoy seeing what is both possible, and possible for you now! His blog has lots of cool information, with videos. There are lots of ways to connect with Jae if you’d like to contact him. He’s on Facebook and LinkedIn too.
Thanks for being the Real Deal Jae!
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
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