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January 21, 2019

What is Love? – with Danny Way

This week’s blog is another powerful excerpt from one of the recent episodes of my podcast, Living 4D with Paul Chek. I am really enjoying creating this podcast, as it lets me really dive deep into some meaty topics with a whole bunch of interesting people.

This week I am talking with Danny Way, the legendary skateboarder, X Games Gold medalist and multiple world record breaker, who I have known for nearly 25 years. Danny is well known for his incredible stunts on a skateboard, including jumping over the Great Wall of China and launching himself out of a helicopter into a half-bowl. However in this segment I get Danny to share something much more personal and profound: What does love mean to him?

One of my favorite quotes on love is from OSHO, who says the beauty of love is that it never works. What he means by that, is as long as you expect someone else to make you feel loved, you’re always entangled in a codependent relationship and you’re never actually free.

Danny, who is also a father, has some beautiful things to share on the comment above, and on the topics of love, God, spirituality and some of the lessons that he’s learned through his life that have led him to being a better lover. And yes, we do talk about sex, for those of you who are wondering, but this is not an R-rated show!

Enjoy this segment from my 2-part podcast with Danny and listen to the full episodes on whichever podcasting platform you like. It’s available on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Podcasts and Spotify, so subscribe today!

Coming up next week will be something completely different, so long as I can find some time this week to film for you!

Love and chi,
