UK Updates + Mind-Body Connection Pt. 6: What is spiritual evolution?
Happy Monday!
I hope you are all rested and ready for a new week of creative self-expression.
In my blog today, I’ll begin with an update of the recent events of my UK tour, share some art, and a great testimonial from one of CHEK Faculty Donal Carr’s athletes. Then we’ll get into Mind-Body Connection Pt. 6: What is spiritual evolution?
UK Tour Update and Highlights
Well, yesterday was my last day of teaching on my 2014 Canada and England summer tour.
I really enjoyed teaching HLC3 to lovely attentive students. Thank you for joining me to help others to master their health and wellness!
I finished with my two-day workshop titled “Healing Fungal and Parasite Infections – The Absolute Essentials”, which is based on my DVD series of the same title.
It is not unusual for me to get still and create a mandala before I teach a class as a means of picking up on the energy of the group and getting inner-guidance as to how to best support each group.
The night before we began the two-day “Healing Fungal and Parasites” workshop in Lancashire, England, at CHEK Europe, Angie and I tapped into the group and created this mandala.
It gave us a sense that there would be a lot of energy and willingness to learn and explore one’s self in the students. The mandala was correct. My students were fantastic. The UK students have been incredible and I’m grateful for all the love they shared with me along the way.
One of the very amazing and special people Gavin, Penny, Angie and I got to share time and space with along the way was Henry Maitland (go to:
Henry is a CP3, HLC3, Shaman who began his studies with me many years ago. As synchronicity would have it, Henry’s Core Evolution studio was about 200 years away from where we held HLC3 this year.
Henry was kind enough to offer us the keys to his studio so we could train in private each day. Henry’s studio was clean, has beautiful energy, and was well equipped for our exercise needs.
It was amazing to hear a review of Henry’s journey through the CHek Institute Advanced Training programs and how they changed his life and practice. It was fantastic to hear that he’s deep into shamanic studies with Alberto Vilolda, Ph.D. as well.
I felt a great sense of “legacy” as I enjoyed Henry’s presence, space, and story. I felt honored to be part of his life and to know he is in the UK to offer so much to the many that need his help.
As a thank you gift for Henry, I drew this piece of art for him. I love my Stork Walk tai-chi practice, and Henry’s space and personal presence reminds me of how I feel doing the Stork Walk.
I wanted to leave Henry a piece of me to remind him of how I feel inside in his loving presence. Thanks for being “The Perfect Henry Maitland” Henry!
Right next to our little home we are staying in are three donkeys. Two of them seem to be quite in love and Angie and I got such a giggle out of watching them interact with each other, we decided to draw something fun to express our experience of them.
Above, you can see what we created. We wanted it to be fun, not just a drawing to two donkeys…so we put a little of our “child-selves” into it. Thanks for sharing this fun experience with me Angie, and thank you to our new friends next door; who can be VERY loud now and than too.
Gavin and Gabbi Jennings (CHEK Europe) did an AMAZING job organizing and running our UK tour this year, as always :-).
I really enjoy Gavin’s company and loved each minute of our time together. It was lovely to see Gabbi and their new baby, Sabrina. She’s just started crawling and I got to see the first video of her demonstrating her amazing athletic ability. Very fun.
Lots of Love to you and Gabbi from Penny, Angie and I.
Donal Carr’s Great Success with An Aspiring Young Elite Skier Matilda Coates!
Donal Carr is our Chief Instructor in Australia and is one of the most talented therapists and coaches I’ve ever trained. While I was in Australia on my last trip, Donal shared the highlights of “Tillly’s” case and we chatted about it for a while.
As you can see here (Link to testimonial), Donal did a fantastic job rehabilitating and educating this amazing young lady. Without a doubt, he was the Angel she needed to become the athlete and human being she is meant to be.
Great job Donal! I always have great confidence in your abilities to lead others to wellness and optimal performance.
Mind-Body Connection Pt. 6: What is spiritual evolution?
We have come a long way in this series as I suspect most of you would agree, I have shared a synthesis of my knowledge of mind-body integration.
But as you can imagine, I’ve had to be very brief compared to the depth I typically go into in HLC2 and HLC3 trainings. I have done my best in the time I had to share, and with the knowledge that most people reading or watching my blogs will be relatively unfamiliar with the concepts I’ve shared.
It is my dream that my offering has in some way, helped you to better understand what “GOD and God” means, and how that knowledge can help anyone “upgrade their inner-software to be more compatible with what current science and ancient teachings suggest.”
The key point I’ve tried to make in this series is that regardless of whether you take the Atheist or current scientific investigations of people like Stephen Hawking, Lawrence M. Kraus and crew, or the more spiritual offerings of Deepak Chopra, Amit Goswami, Fred Allan Wolf and crew to be your “religion”, we are led to ZERO or PURE POTENTIAL as the source of existence, and therefore, “our existence”.
This essentially means that how you think and act determines what you extract from PURE POTENTIAL or UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Since the whole universe is a living example of “what’s possible”, as are the many amazing human beings that effectively utilize these principles (See my blog series titled “Miraculous Living” for more on what spiritual masters do to maximize the use of UCL/POTENTIAL as an example we can all follow).
Today, I share a vision my soul shared with me as to the actual meaning of the word “evolution” from a spiritual perspective (meaning the pursuit of both cause and meaning in life).
In my vlog today, I show you that the word evolution carries a message in it, but just as things appear reversed in a mirror, so things in the spiritual realm often appear as the inverse of things in the physical realm.
For example, Consciousness/soul uses mater as a means of expressing creative intelligence (top down influence) and matter embodies and offers both experience in life, and clues to what formative forces are imbued within mater.
For example, stars are made of mater, but if there were none of them in the sky, we wouldn’t be likely to ask, “what caused stars to form?” Or, “what could cause a “Big Bang” if you want to play in that sand box…
I continue by looking at Walter Russell’s “Love Principle” (go to to explore the works of Walter Russell and see his one-year home study course, which is excellent!).
There are also some great youtube clips on Walter Russell’s teachings you can enjoy. There is a beautiful little book about Walter Russell titled, “The Man Who Tapped The Secrets Of The Universe”, by Glen Clarke. I highly recommend it.
I finish today by applying the same reverse logic (so-to-speak) I used to explain spiritual evolution to the word “LIVE” and show what it actually means to “live backward”.
I hope you enjoy this final segment of my six-part series and I look forward to sharing more with you soon.
In closing, I invite all of you to consider entering my Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1 program. There you learn to master the methods offered in my book How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy! and much more.
My HLC courses offer a system of assessment and correction that is much more integrated and complete than one could ever get from studying my blogs and youtube videos.
You also get to learn from people that are tried and tested experts at holistic living, and there’s nothing better than a mentor when embarking down the road of change.
Thank you all for you interest in my life’s work and teachings. It gives me great joy to be able to share what is real for me with all of you in hopes that in some special way, you means of seeing the world more holistically emerges, and that you have a new found sense of mind-body freedom.
I’ll be on my way home to take a couple weeks off now, so may take a short break from blogs, but we’ll see how much creative spirit rises out of me and wants to share with everyone.
Love and chi,
Paul Chek