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January 8, 2015

Tragedy Strikes A CHEK Tribe Member And Family – PLEASE HELP

Dear Friends, Students, clients and readers of my Blog,

One of my dear friends, Rhonda Fuller and her family recently experienced a major tragedy in their lives. Some of you may recognize Rhonda as the tall, beautiful, muscular, long-haired strawberry-blond in my early Swiss ball and medicine ball videos.


A little over a week ago a very violent crime was committed against Rhonda, her sister Lynn, and her daughter who live with her; their home was burned down in an arson attack!


They all made it out safely except Rhonda’s sister Lynn, who was badly burned over her whole body. Fortunately, and due to the valiant efforts of many heroes that early morning..Lynn is alive.

However she is in a drug-induced coma indefinitely, with 3rd degree burns over 75% of her body. She is receiving the best of care here in San Diego at one of the best burn centers in the country. They expect her recovery with skin grafts etc to be a minimum of 6-12 months.

Lynn had no health insurance and lost most of her belongings too. Lynn’s battle is day by day. Rhonda is handling Lynn’s affairs..along with her own and her daughter’s needs.

They all lost everything due to the fire; clothing, furnishings etc. Since she had to relocate quickly, she must drive Olivia her daughter 60 miles to school one way each day.

Needless to say, I’m asking any of you with empathy, compassion, and the willingness to donate to the fund that’s been set up to help Lynn.

Naturally, we are all making donations, and any help you can share would be gesture of Love and kindness for which they, and I, would be very grateful.

I think most of you know I’m not one to ask for help very often, but in this case my heart is reaching out to yours for any help you can share.

As you can imagine, the costs of such a tragedy for someone without medical insurance will be astronomical, not to mention that they will have to replace everything they lost, which was “everything” from the ground up.

From my Heart, I thank you in advance for any support you can share. You can click here to donate

Much Love and chi,

Paul Chek