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July 29, 2014

The Mind-Body Connection Pt. 1: Love as Potential

Happy Tuesday to You!

I hope your week is off to a fantastic start .

My usual Monday blog is here today. Vidya just returned home from vacation, so we had a lot of catching up to do so I decided it would be best to share this blog and vlog with you today.

In this blog, I will share:

1. The Mind-Body Connection Pt. 1: Love as Potential outline and vblog.

2. Celebrating new CHEK student course completions.

3. An update on Sunil, Angie Lustrick’s baby humming bird; Sunil gets her first bath!

4. Upcoming CanFit Pro Conference in Toronto and CHEK Europe INSPIRE Conference – UK

1. The Mind-Body Connection Pt. 1: Love as Potential

Body-mind connection is the theme for the month at the CHEK Institute BLOG (, where you can also find a variety of excellent blog posts by our CHEK Instructors, Vidya and other highly skilled contributors, should you want some quick practical life tips.

Mind-body Connection Diagram only Pt.1 Blk Bd

The issue of mind-body connection is really quite a deep one. Surely, one could simply say that “your mind is in your body and directs your body”, and leave it at that. Most people wouldn’t argue too much with this explanation alone, but such an explanation lacks any depth.

In essence, my whole life has been a study of the mind-body connection. In my vlog today, I give a little of my history, and how it is that I’ve come to have the opinions on the mind-body connection that I share today.

Mind-body Connection Pt.1 Blk Bd

I begin the series (of an as yet unknown number of parts ) with an explanation of what Love is based on my own investigations.

I share a mix of current scientific opinion, metaphysics, and my experiences with tai-chi, Qi-gong, meditation, and my experiences in shamanism as a means of explaining what I personally feel UNCONDITIONAL LOVE (UCL) is, and how that relates to consciousness.

In my vlog, I also share some interesting definitions or mind as “a field” from Buddhist writings, and I share the Christian definition as listed in the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary by Charles Filllmore.

Though the religions are very different, the descriptions I share in relationship to mind are quite compatible.

My vlog today is quite long (40 min) compared to my usual 12-20:00 videos, but hopefully, you will find the extra time I spent on the topic useful.

As I go through the series, I will expand on each of the symbols in my diagram with the intention to create a clear expression of my knowledge and beliefs as to the mind-body connection.

I hope you enjoy my information regarding Love as Potential through the mind-body connection.

2. Celebrating New CHEK Student Course Completions

CHEK HLC1 Graduates, UK

HLC1 Jennie Duncan
First of all, congratulations to 27 new CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coaches in the UK and and other countries in the EU! Congratulations to Jennie Delbridge (and her partner Duncan Reeve who assisted her as admin) for teaching her first HLC 1 in London as a fully qualified CHEK Institute Instructor! Great Work Jennie!

I’m always excited to have new members sharing their knowledge and inspiration learned through the CHEK Institute. Each new student of the CHEK Institute means that there is another individual in the world that is willing to become a living example that all others can follow.

CHEK Practitioners and CHEK HLC Practitioners are always encouraged to “be the change”. Each time one of our students graduates from a level of their training, I have the joy of knowing that they have been taught by true Masters of living well, and that includes “loving well”.

Jennie’s message to Vidya and I after teaching her first HLC 1 Advanced Training Program was: “A truly international, intelligent, dedicated and open minded group! I LOVED teaching this INCREDIBLE group of individuals.”

I’m sure they loved having Jennie as their instructor, and Duncan (CP3, HLC3) as her helper. Duncan is also a very skilled CHEK Instructor and soon will be teaching Exercise Coach and Golf Whole In One. Together, they make an excellent team.

C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 2, UK

CP2 UK Hellman 7-14

Dan Hellman, P.T., CHEK Faculty Instructor just taught 14 wonderful students how to be effective CHEK Practitioner Level 2s. This course has a fair bit of orthopedic assessment in it, and requires a very skilled instructor, and Dan Hellman is that for sure!

Thank you to all the students for continuing with the C.H.E.K education, and thank you to Dan Hellman for maintaining his ongoing level of excellence as an instructor.

Dan’s becoming quite famous as an excellent instructor among CHEK Practitioners, and the many delegates agree at conferences Dan lectures at worldwide.

It’s lovely for me to see my instructors grow into a style all their own and share their unique clinical experiences with our students. Thanks for all your love and hard work Dan!

CHEK Exercise Coach NYC

Ex CoachTomi Toles NYC 7-14
Congratulations to our new CHEK Exercise Coach students who attended our New York class this month with Tomi Toles.

I put a tremendous amount of thought into the development of CHEK Exercise Coach and I love knowing that we are getting such a great response from trainers, coaches, therapists, nurses, doctors and people from many other walks of life who have taken the course.

Tomi Toles is a well-educated, very experienced Master of the CHEK Practitioner and HLC systems.

Tomi has a beautiful, strong son who’s a competitive wrestler, so he gets to watch his own teachings “kick but on the wrestling mat” regularly.

Thanks for doing a great job of living and teaching the C.H.E.K principles and lifestyle Tomi!

3. An update on Sunil, Angie Lustrick’s baby humming bird; Sunil gets her first bath!

CHEK HLC 1 and 2 Instructor Angie Lustrick has been mothering a baby humming bird that fell out of the tree in her front yard a couple weeks ago; I’ve shared a couple blogs about this so far, so maybe you are current so far.

Angie was with me this weekend doing some training for upcoming presentations at the IDEA conference (Don’t forget to take advantage of Angie’s exclusive presenter discount! Get $30 OFF your full or 1-day registration by using coupon code PIPCA14+LUSTRICK).

We spent a fair bit of our off time enjoying Sunil, which means “The Sun”. She’s ready to take a shot at being free in the wild now, and we just introduced Sunil to water and “bird bathing”.

I hope you enjoy our little video clip of Sunil. She’s just about one month old now, and she’s come a long way from when Angie found her unconscious, bleeding and nearly dead at the foot of a big tree in her yard.

Sunil has been an amazing gift in our lives and all whom she touches. She’s the most amazing little being, and so full of the love of nature.

Humming Bird Spirit Angie Lustrick

Inspired by Sunil’s amazing love and presence, Angie painted this picture she called “The Humming Bird Spirit”, which captures baby Sunil learning to fly next to her temporary home (cage). I really love it and hope you do too.

Thank you Angie for loving Mother Nature so beautifully. Your love and sacrifices do not go unnoticed.

4. Upcoming CanFit Pro Conference in Toronto and CHEK Europe INSPIRE Conference – UK

Well I’m about to hit the road on Sunday again for Toronto CanFit Pro Conference and then to UK for a month of teaching.

I’m looking forward to seeing many of my students in Toronto. If you would like to attend my 1 day intensives or any of my lectures please register here:

Then I’m off to the UK where I’ll be inspiring students at our CHEK Europe Inspire Conference. Come and join myself and a host of top class C.H.E.K Practitioner presenters for this NOT to be missed weekend August 16-17. 

AND a rare chance to join me for a Tai Chi in the garden session!!!

To learn more, click here:

I’ll then be teaching for six day, CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach 3 and giving a 2 day, exclusive workshop based upon my DVDs Healing Fungal and Parasite Infections August 30-31.

I am truly excited to meet my students and share my wisdom with you!

I hope you’ve all enjoyed my blog today.

I look forward to sharing more with you soon.

Love and chi,
Paul Chek