September 30, 2013

The I, WE, ALL of Relationships, Pt 2: The Love, Lock and Key of “WE”

Happy Monday to You!

In my blog today, I cover:

1. A little review of what I’ve been up to lately.

2. The I-WE-ALL Of Relationships, PT. 2: The Love, Lock, and Key Of “WE”

1. Day of REST!

Thursday, I took a much-needed day off at home. I enjoyed not having a schedule and took my time. I started my day with a nice meditation in my HealthMate IR sauna.

You can read about the many benefits of the HeathMate IR saunas (click link) and get a 30% discount AND free delivery anywhere in the US just by mentioning that I referred you. Pretty cool ah!

I did some tai-chi and spent the majority of my day doing a new piece of art that I will give my sister (Barbara) for her upcoming birthday. It was a lot of fun to sit in the sun and be with my beautiful garden and all the nature spirits as I relaxed and painted away.

I watched a movie and ate some of my amazing homemade popcorn in the evening after having my second meditation in my sauna. Great stuff!

Friday I did a filmed Skype interview with Eric Hulse that focused on the issues of fungal and parasite infection.

Eric and want to share some of the essential details of my program with their followers and I was glad to support them with more information.

If you’d like to learn more about my new DVD program, “Healing Fungal and Parasite Infections – The Absolute Essentials”, feel free to click the link

Healing F and P Infections cover
Saturday, Mike Salemi came down for his monthly program update as he journeys toward his next kettlebell competition.

Mike Salemi Clean 32 Kg Kettlebells

Mike’s an amazing student of my teachings and lives the CHEK holistic lifestyle and principles fully. I’m always amazed at how much growth he generates from month to month.

We are both excited that we are getting closer and closer to him achieving his Masters certification in Russian Kettlebell lifting.

Saturday afternoon, after coaching Mike, I visited a buddy of mine, and in usual CHEK fashion, we did some art together. First, we drew the outer circle of the mandala, and then we rattled, chanted, danced and sang until we felt we were in total harmony together.

Then, we just let it flow naturally. In about 2 hours, we created this mandala together.

Love Oroborous

It was tremendous fun. We celebrated the completion of our mandala with a nice meal and watched a movie to end our day. We hope you enjoy the love we infused into our mandala.

2. The I-WE-ALL Of Relationships, PT. 2: The Love, Lock, and Key Of “WE”

Pt 2 Lock and key
In my vlog today, I explain the importance of managing ourselves effectively as an essential component of any “WE” relationship; “WE” meaning you and any other. I shared my definition for love as:

Love: “The flow of energy and information through connection.”

I share a concept I call the “mirror”, “crystal ball”, and “Angels” of relationship building, and explain how these concepts can be used first and foremost with ourselves, and then others.

The mirror represents looking honestly in the mirror at ourselves and asking “Is it true?”. When we are honest with ourselves, it is easier to accept constructive criticism, and easier to have empathy for those who are inauthentic in their criticism of us.

The crystal ball represents the future. Looking into the crystal ball, we ask ourselves, if I continue in this relationship like this for another week, month, year, or three years, what will my life be like?

The Angels are the people that are always there to help us. Angels should always be respected because true Angels are typically not there to help you as a means of improving their own position, or to make money off of you.Angels are people that genuinely enjoy helping those that are willing to learn and grow.

That said, Angels typically have a high level of self-integrity and won’t allow themselves to be abused by inauthentic requests for help. If they reach their arm to help and you manipulate them, or don’t comply with stated agreements, they are likely to leave you to play more games with yourself and others.

I also explained the PPS Success Mastery concept of “the lock and key fit” of relationships. I show how each of us has unique qualities and we come into relationship with others who also have unique qualities. When we understand the lock and key fit of relationships, we are typically more aware of the benefits of working through resistance together so everyone can grow and more fully experience their dreams.

For those of you wanting to go deeper into the concepts of this series and many other related topics, please visit to learn more.

Once you become a member, you will have access to several years of my recorded weekly coaching calls. You can enjoy hearing how I help people through almost every life challenge you can imagine, from issues of money, to sex, to religion and God…etc…

I hope you enjoy the vlog today and I’ll look forward to sharing more with you all soon.

Love and chi,
Paul Chek