The Flavors of Coupling with Christopher Ryan
Happy Thursday!
As you know, I have two amazing wives who do their best to keep me in line.
After the end of my first marriage a long time ago, I made a conscious decision that I wasn’t cut out for monogamy. In good conscience, I couldn’t enter a monogamous relationship when, on the inside, I was hungry for new women and new experiences, that is, until I met Penny.
When we met a quarter-century ago, both of us knew we would be together and married. Before we went any further, however, I had to be honest and tell Penny that as much as I loved her, having sex with someone else didn’t mean that I loved them or I wanted to leave her.
Some of you know where the story goes from here…
Penny said that I could have seven wives if I wanted so long as, “they contribute to the bottom line and they can’t talk too much because I don’t enjoy women that just talk their heads off!”
Ultimately, I found one more amazing person in Angie to share my life with, but before then it took a number of years for me to work through the deep challenges and learn how to manage myself in a multi-partner relationship.
I realize talking about this so openly on my blog may be triggering some deep emotional judgements within you, which is why I want to share this very powerful and potent vlog excerpt from my recent Living 4D conversation with Christopher Ryan.
Chris has written one of the definitive books about relationships, Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray and What It Means For Modern Relationships, that challenges what most have assumed to be rock-solid norms about sex, family and marriage.
In this blog/vlog, Chris discusses the differences between emotional and sexual monogamy and polygamy while stressing honesty and authenticity and what that means for you!
If you enjoy this short excerpt from my Living 4D podcast with Chris Ryan, I hope you’ll check out our entire conversation.
Love and chi,