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May 24, 2012

Start A Savings Account

Have you seen the chipmunks saving nuts?
Winter saves the rain.

Have you put a door on
Your Divine savings account?

The Sun can’t save the rain.
Is your pot saving flames?

TAO-TE-zen practice is as a cactus
Roots and flowers catch and hold.

TAO-TE-zen practice is as the Sun
Making fresh from something old.

TAO-TE-zen practice makes no dam
In honor of the river clam.

In zen, nothing is all you save
Your becoming is as space,
That fills the cave.

Zen is as seed, sprouts and shoots
zen is the gardener that needs no boots.

Zen saves love to give it away
As starlight fills the night
And day.

Remove illusions and All is there!

Open your vault and give it all away!

That is zen.


“Start a savings account” is a simple, yet deep sutra. The message here is multifactorial.

Though many would do well, feel safer, if they started and maintained a savings account at a bank, the zen bank account resides in your heart.

When we leave the earth plane, all we can take with us is what we’ve become.

No money, not cars, no rank or status can make the journey from the physical plane to the astral, just as your body can’t follow you into the world of your dreams because it is too dense to make that journey.

This sutra, viewed through the eyes of zen, suggests that you focus on only retaining that which is useful for cultivating inner peace and healthy creativity.

As we create inner peace for ourselves, we naturally let go of unnecessary stressors, including dis-empowering views or beliefs of the world. Progressively, our bodies respond with a calmer, clearer mental state and our intuition begins to flower, opening the floodgates of creativity.

When we learn to manage our ego-mind so that it works for us, we find a level of freedom and enjoyment that a caveman would have experienced with learning to create and use fire!

Start a savings account and fill it with love and appreciation for life and soon, you will come to know the truth of The Garden of Eden.

Then, you will laugh and laugh at the concept of the garden being a place you have to die to get to and you will certainly embrace any opportunity to make beauty in the only Garden of Eden you know for sure
to be real.

May your weekend be filled with “heart!”

Love and chi,

Paul Chek