Hanging Out with Matt Nichol Part 1 of 2
Hello from Toronto!
While visiting, I got a chance to spend time with my longtime buddy, Matt Nichol, who is undoubtedly one of the world’s greatest strength coaches, and currently trains more elite and professional athletes than anyone in Canada.
Matt’s athletic career includes being a professional football player and competitive power lifter. He has served as strength coach for NFL teams, and was strength coach for the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team for seven years before starting his own strength and conditioning business. Matt is also co-founder, nutritionist and formulator for BioSteel, providing healthy performance supplementation for athletes and the public.
Matt was one of my first Canadian students of the C.H.E.K Practitioner program, and began his training with me in 1998, but had been studying and applying my articles and videos to improve his own health and performance since 1996.
Today in Part 1, Matt and I show you how to do the Medicine Ball 4×4 exercise while working out in North York, Toronto, at the local GoodLife Gym. Then, we head back to my apartment to chat about the Swiss ball, and how Matt uses it to train elite and professional athletes.
Next week in Part 2, Matt and I continue our discussion and talk about his journey into nutrition, organic foods and the development of BioSteel.
I hope you enjoy hanging out with Matt and me and you pick up some great training tips!
I’ll share more about my Toronto trip with you later this week.
Love and chi,