Happy Monday to You!
I’m probably on the plane right now headed home after a fantastic trip to Toronto.
I’ve had a great time catching up with some of my friends here, lifting weights, eating good local food, and sharing my knowledge of life and the body-mind.
Rory and his parents have been incredible hosts, as always. It was lovely to have a week here with Vidya and then to have Penny come too.
We all love Toronto’s amazing energy and the open-mindedness of the people we meet here.
While here, I got to visit Matt Nichol and spend some time with his assistants and several of his athletes. We also shared some time away from work, which is always good. I’ve also really enjoyed spending time with a few of the hockey pros here, as I’ve shared in my previous blogs.
Sunday after I finished teaching my workshop on gate analysis, I met with Daniel Carcillo and his buddy Rich Clune. Rich is also a professional hockey player.
Rory, Rich, Daniel and I enjoyed a great tai-chi session in the park along the lake here. After that, we headed into the steam room for a good Native American Sweat Lodge type of experience. Rory got the room very hot and we all chanted and did some toning.
It was great to share this with these guys because they were totally present and it was easy for us to harmonize together. We had many moments of deep stillness and inner-peace.
After we were done, I shared methods for speeding healing time and improving inner-harmony with the use of cold water. The guys were healthy and aware enough to really feel the energetic shifts in their bodies.
Can Fit Highlights
Here you can see the amazing turnout for my Flatten Your Abs Forever! lecture. Once the room was full, the room monitors approached me to inform me that there were still 250 people in a stand-by line trying to get in.
They asked me if I minded if the stood in the back or occupied the hallway. I told them to pack as many people in the place as possible.
We probably exceeded the fire regulations for the number of people per square feet of room allowable, but it was great fun. People seemed to genuinely enjoy the lecture.
It’s a bit funny really, because this year, due to “controversial nature” of my lecturing style and message, Can Fit Pro published a warning with each of my sessions letting people know they are coming at their own risk, so-to-speak.
I had several people tell me that had never seen me lecture that as soon as they saw that label, they had to go check me out. I really thought it was great that it had such a positive effect on so many people.
One woman came to me after one of my presentations and told me that this was her first time to hear me lecture. She said she’d heard so much negative stuff from people about me that she had to come see for herself.
She said she was very grateful for my teachings, my honesty, and that she’s amazed about the opinions others had shared after having experienced me live.
I told her that I was use to that sort of thing but assured her that there is a benefit to having that kind of effect on people as a teacher.
When someone likes my message, they usually test it and share it with others. When someone is upset at me because they don’t agree with me or like what I said, they too share what I said with others.
Eventually, they are likely to share what I said with someone more educated or open minded and find that they don’t find consensus with their friends. Their friends often give them a chance to be more present with what I said.
For example, say you are a trainer that loves the Ab Roller and uses it. When you here me say the Ab Roller is a piece of garbage and should have never been allowed into a gym staffed by anyone that even vaguely understands the biomechanics of the body, you may allow your emotions and opinion stop you from hearing my rationale for why.
So, you go out-gas about this asshole Paul Chek guy to some of your other trainer or therapist friends about what I said. In a day, a month, or a year, someone is likely to enlighten you about the truth of the Ab Roller.
I know that some seeds take time to grown and that people make strong opinions without realizing where their opinion lacks knowledge as a working foundation.
In my “Nutrition – The Chek Approach” lecture, I shared the pioneering research of Weston A. Price (see: and, Sir Robert McCarrison, Francis Marion Pottenger and other great pioneers.
I shared sound logic for the fact that nutrition begins in the soil. I showed my students why it is that we must all act quickly to support organic farmers and our soils if we ever want a chance to be healthy people or have a healthy planet. People seemed very inspired by the message.
Here you can see me interacting with my audience. I’ve given most of these lectures over and over and over again all over the world. I don’t have to think about what’s on the slides at all, as it is my very nature;
I’m only sharing the ways I live and the reasons why. Therefore, it is easy for me to interact with the audience and keep them on their seats; they never know when I may ask them a question or to come up front to be a demonstrator.
I also make sure that I break patterns commonly employed by lecturers that have not gained the credibility or self-confidence to express their authentic personality.
I include the real issues of life in the process so health and exercise professionals can learn to see the invisible strings that follow their clients and patients into sessions with them; these are often strings of co-dependence and stress from relationships that are triggering behavioral responses coaches and therapists don’t understand.
After one of my lectures, this lovely woman (Surria Fadel) came up to me and asked if I knew of a doctor named “Cass Ingram”? I said, “well of course I do. He’s a great friend to me and I love his products (American Wild Foods). She said, “Well, I’m Cass’s sister!” So, what a surprise, I got to meet the sister of one of the coolest, smartest, most loving men I know.
It was great to meet you Surria!
So there you have it.
I’ll be home this evening to watch the sun go down if Spirit agrees with my plan. I’ll be having some meetings in the next couple days, but will do my best to have some beautiful peace points along the way too.
My dream is to get into work Tuesday morning and write a blog to share with you, but if I need the rest, I’ll share another Tao-Te-zen sutra with you.
Love and chi,
Paul Chek
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