Exercise For Days You Feel Lazy
Happy Tuesday!
I hope you are finding balance with your 4-Doctor living and enjoying some time for yourself along the way.
Today in my blog, I will share:
1. Catch up with Paul
2. My video blog today is titled: Exercise For Days You Feel Lazy
3. CHEK Institute Course Completions
4. Great Music For Parents And Children
5. A great news clip titled: Teaching Farming In The Bronx
Catch up – professionally and personally!
I’ve been flat out myself. I just finished four days of filming for my new and upcoming online CHEK Holistic Coach training program, which I’m very excited about.
I’ve poured a synthesis of my coaching wisdom into a new program that is designed to teach people (from any discipline where leading/coaching others is an integral component) how to coach holistically.
Though my initial impetus for creating this new program was to support CHEK Institute students with a well-rounded tool kit for coaching, I felt that holistic coaching principles are needed in all areas where coaching is relevant.
With that in mind, I designed this course to both meet the needs of my students, and offer a CHEK approach to holistic coaching to all professions.
It has taken me many years of study, and synthesis through implementation to bring many very useful, but often obscure concepts to the point I felt I could teach the essentials to anyone.
Some of the concepts I’m referring to here are mythology, archetypes, karma, anatomy of the psyche, guiding people through challenging life transitions, overcoming self-limiting habits, and mastering the essential components of making effective changes in our life.
I also share how to use my Dream-Line client management system, which has really enhanced my personal coaching practice.
We will now go into the editing phase, and I’ll finish constructing the course manual with Penny. I’m hoping to have this powerful new program available to our students early in the 2016 New Year.
I was having a chat with the cameraman Sean on one of our breaks and shared that this course was designed to help anyone in any profession where coaching takes place and he replied, “really, I think the material you are sharing here would be helpful to anyone!”
Considering he has no background in exercise, health care, or coaching, I was grateful to hear his opinion. He was even taking notes on his iPhone for his own use, which was cool to see.
If you would like to be notified of the release of my new CHEK Holistic Coach training program and are not yet on the CHEK Institute mailing list, feel free to register there and check out the cool starter pack we have waiting for you. Go to: www.chekinstitute.com
It has been great to have Angie and Penny home from their vacations. Angie has been growing by the day, but we are all really excited.
We went for her 21-week check-up and got a 3D sonogram of baby Mana. Well, we know for sure now we are having a “boy,” not a girl as we thought!
I think we wanted a girl so we kept “seeing what we wanted to see”… We were both really excited to see that our baby is healthy, symmetrical, has everything working beautifully, and is a handsome little devil too!
We could see him with tremendous clarity and color with the new technology now available. It was a truly amazing experience…Looks like I’ll have a new little “mini-me” soon, and that’s going to be great fun.
My son, Paul Jr. (now 36) is really excited to have a new brother coming. Paul loves children so I’m sure he and Mana will have lots of great times together.
Angie and her mother recently went shopping for more prego-clothes for Angie to wear for Angie’s birthday; Angie was in Italy on her birthday, so they just celebrated this weekend.
They were excited to spend the day together, and Angie’s mom and brother were quite surprised at how much she’s grown since they last saw her.
When Angie got pregnant, she weighed 124 pounds, and now she’s up to 150 pounds. Her waist has now expanded 14 inches, and needless to say, there’s going to be plenty of milk and storage space available for Mana when he arrives; if Mana’s directing the size of those boobs, he must be very hungry!
Angie’s feet get quite sore from carrying all the extra weight on her little frame, but I’ve been her pit crew, which means a good foot massage every night; between rubbing Angie’s and Penny’s feet, by the time Mana gets here I’ll have forearms bigger than Popeye The Sailor Man!
There’s nothing better for your grip than long deadlift sets and two women that want their feet rubbed on the same day!
Last week we got our Eleiko Sport Kettlebells in – Thanks to Eric and Rickard Blomberg!
We received 4 sets each of beautiful, easy to grip Competition Kettlebells. The crate was almost 1400 pounds and it took weeks of back and forth calls to get them delivered. They are awesome!
Eleiko makes the best exercise equipment in the world. Thank you!
Exercise For Days You Feel Lazy
There are days you feel lazy, but your instincts tell you that you need to exercise. Don’t worry – I have those days too.
Sometimes I’m sitting for hours coaching clients, or get busy with various projects and by the time I realize what time it is, I’ve lost my desire to go into the gym or out to my rock stack and push myself.
Today, I share how I approach those days and give you tips for turning “lazy into creative” and making exercise easy and fun.
I hope you enjoy my video blog today.
CHEK Institute Course Completions
Congratulations to all of you who recently attended our advanced training courses. It is always heart-warming for me to acknowledge your commitment to become the very best CHEK and HLC practitioners in the marketplace.
CHEK Practitioner Level 2 with Dan Hellman – Oceanside, CA
HLC1 with Jator Pierre – Florida
As you can see above, the students are vibrating with health and vitality.
Many of you have come from all over the world, and I’m grateful that you will be taking home to your communities skills that you can immediately use while applying those same principles to yourselves.
Thank you to Dan Hellman and Jator Pierre for guiding the students toward skills that not only help people become healthy and functionally fit, but for sharing your love through your presence.
As CHEK Trained professionals, we embody the principles we share, living our Love and empowering everyone we meet. Thank you for joining me on this quest to help the world become a healthier happier place.
Great Music For Parents And Children
Vidya recently came across this lovely video titled, “I’m Beautiful” who shared it with me.
It was created to support kids suffering from being bullied, but I feel it is a great song for everyone in the family.
Have a look and enjoy:
Teaching Farming in The Bronx
Penny forwarded me a link to this this great BBC News article about a teacher who become an urban farmer to improve the grades and health of his pupils in the Bronx.
It is an amazing story, showing tremendous creativity, and how the wisdom of nature is helping us learn to heal, care for ourselves, and come to appreciate the beauty that caring for plants and nature can bring us all.
I hope you enjoy this article as much as I did: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-34538641
I hope you all have a prosperous, productive week.
Love and chi,
Paul Chek