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December 26, 2012

Enlightened Eating!

Happy Wednesday to You!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas day.

My day consisted of visiting with my buddy Rory before he flew off to his next destination, reading, drawing, creating in my rock garden, a long meditative hike, some great food, and seeing the new movie “Django Unchained”, (the ‘D’ is silent ☺) with Jamie Foxx. Very entertaining!


There are many things about food the average person isn’t likely to be aware of. Of course, the average person is aware of almost everything they’ve been programmed to believe by mainstream media, but that’s turned out to be disastrous for social health!

Photon Emission

What if the light emitted from your food was a measure of both food quality, and the potential benefits to your body-mind?

That is exactly what researchers have been finding since the late 70’s, though it is just now being discussed in mainstream science circles.

Scientist and physicist Fritz Albert Popp is most well known for his research into both photon, and biophoton emission, including biophoton emission from foods; you can learn about him on

For a more comprehensive investigation of the topic of biophoton emission and foods, see Recent Advances in Biophoton Research and Its Applications, by Fritz Albert Popp, Qiao Gu.

There is also a nice section describing the incredible implications of Popp’s research in David Wilcock’s book, The Source Field Investigations.

Research in the field of biophoton (bio = life) emission has shown that how foods are grown, and processed has a significant influence on photon emission.

The essence of the research is that the higher the quality of any foodstuff, the more light it holds within itself and the more coherent (orderly) the pattern of photon emission.

As foods are denatured, be it via the way they were raised, additives, or by methods of processing, the amount of photons (light) emitted increased, and the patterns of light became more entropic (chaotic); it is as though poor quality foods literally bleed light, which high quality foods hold the light within like a battery.

In the book, Recent Advances in Biophoton Research and Its Applications, by Fritz Albert Popp, Qiao Gu, (currently out of print, although there are used copies available) there are sections assessing photon emission from different grades of pasteurized milk, and eggs grown under different conditions.

This information has more relevance when looking at the vast array of research regarding how cells communicate via photon emission.


What this means at a practical level is:

1. Foods act as vessels of light storage; light carries vast amounts of information that can aid, or debilitate the body-mind, just as the information you read and apply from any source can aid or debilitate your body-mind.

2. Foods that are commercially grown, processed, or altered in their natural biochemistry by any means, provide less coherent light and potentially chaotic information.

3. Light may actually be a form of nutrition used by both the cells of our body, and our light-bodies (layers of our energy field).

A simple method I teach for realizing the effects of light in foods is to pay attention to the energy released and the feelings experienced when touching or consuming any foodstuff.

Because most foods are absorbed through the small intestine, and only select substances (such as alcohol) are absorbed through the stomach, I propose that what we experience with contact or in the first few minutes of eating a food comes by way of light transmission.

The fastest foods to leave the stomach in general are fruits. If you eat fruit on an empty stomach, the hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes can do their handiwork in as little as twenty minutes.

At the time of stomach emptying, the foodstuff is passed along to the small intestine, where the grand majority of actual absorption of nutrients takes place.

Flesh foods can take 3-5 hours to breakdown in the stomach before being passed onto the small intestine.

Therefore, there is no biochemical basis for experiencing such changes as reduced hunger, satiation, improved energy levels, calmness, etc., that often take place before a foodstuff has been eaten, or when initially eaten.

What To Feel For:

I teach my students to feel for the effects of food energy and information before eating or drinking it. Because all foodstuffs emit biophotons, which carry a vast amount of information, and potential energy, we can perceive their influences through our own light body, which is what creates our aura.

Though this may seem strange to some of you, the truth is, you already use this natural ability.

When you meet a friend or acquaintance by chance and ask them, “How are you today?”, they typically say something like, “Oh, I’m fine. How are you?”.

In general, most of the time, we already have a feeling as to how they are doing before they even start telling us; in fact, we often know they aren’t telling us the truth of how they feel but don’t want to become entangled so we just leave it at that.

When we walk into a room or office we’ve never been into before, we can generally get a good feeling for the “vibration” in the room. We can often make quite accurate value judgments as to things such as the level of joy present in the room, and the people that inhabit it.

We can also feel the degree of harmony or chaos in the room.

When we’ve been inside and crave sunlight, we can feel almost immediate changes in our body-mind state when exposed to the sunlight.

If instead, someone offered to shine a flashlight at you, you wouldn’t get the same experience because the photons from a flashlight are of a different nature than those from the sun; the energy and information they contain is different.

If you were offered an opportunity to stand in a room with only one color of light being emitted, but you had the option of choosing any color, you’d probably have an innate sense of what color would be most comforting to you before trying it.

If you weren’t sure, an exposure of light of different colors would provide a variety of different sources of energy and information, and you would feel which one was the most supportive of your immediate needs.

When you next have the opportunity to compare authentic organically grown foods with the same food grown commercially, simply relax your body-mind and empty yourself of all other influences.

Then hold the organic food in your left hand (placing it over your heart may increase the strength of perception) and feel what occurs in your body-mind. You may feel:

– More energy or less energy

– More calm or less calm

– More or less clear and alert

– More or less of a sense of inner-balance

– Vision may improve or worsen, as is the case with all your senses depending on your unique way of feeling and perceiving.

– Areas of pain in your body may ease, or become more excited.

After you’ve taken note of your experience while only touching the organic food, take a commercially farmed version of the same food and repeat the test.

Again, take special note of the experiences you are having. One of them will bring about changes that are more harmonious in you, and that is the one that is most likely to be supportive of your immediate nutritional needs.

If you are having a hard time feeling the energy emitted from foods (in their aura), try taking a carrot with the green top still attached out into the sun. Place yourself between the sun and the carrot. Place the green top toward the sun, and then point the tip of the root at some part of your body.

As the sunlight is absorbed through the leaves of the plant top, the energy is concentrated and projected from the root tip. You should notice changes occurring within as you point the carrot at different parts of your body, such as each of the chakra centers.

To enhance perception, try pointing the carrot away from your body, and then notice what occurs as you move the carrot tip back into alignment with some specific part of your body, such as the palm of your hand or third eye center.

I’ve used the healing energy from root vegetables to balance energy fields for people in much the same way an acupuncture needle is used.

Choosing Foods

When you understand the essential importance of individualizing your eating plan from a meal to meal basis, you can use this same feeling method to determine if any potential foodstuffs are right for you at that time.

If a food creates a sense of inner-balance, or greater harmony in your body-mind, it is probably a food that your body wants. Using the methods I share in my audio program: Eating The CHEK Way, you can fine tune your proportion sizes to optimize your food intake for your individual needs at that time.

By developing a relationship with our foods, we enhance our relationship with ourselves.

As we become brave enough to trust our instincts, we find that we’ve figured out many things that others are unaware of long before they are approved by mainstream science.

If we wait for our natural abilities to be “socially acceptable”, we may be so far gone with illness and disease that we lose our ability to access our perceptual faculties and then must rely on the advice of others.

I hope you enjoy experimenting with foods and your perception of light energy.

It excites me to know that trying these methods offers more ways to rekindle your instincts. When our instincts are functioning well, we are more likely to choose optimally in any relationship with other persons, places or things.

When we choose optimally, we are more likely to love and live optimally.

Love and chi,
Paul Chek